use strict;
use PDL::Core ':Internal'; # For howbig()
require File::Spec;
require File::Temp;
my $fs = 'File::Spec';
sub cfile { return $fs->catfile(@_)}
my %tmp_opts = (TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => 1);
my (undef, $file) = File::Temp::tempfile(%tmp_opts);
################ Test rfits/wfits ########################
my $t = long xvals(zeroes(11,20))-5;
wfits($t, $file); # without a header
my $t2 = rfits $file;
unlike $t2->hdr->{COMMENT}, qr/HASH/, 'no "HASH" garbage in written header';
# note: keywords are converted to uppercase
my %hdr = ('Foo'=>'foo', 'Bar'=>42, 'NUM'=>'0123',NUMSTR=>['0123']);
wfits($t, $file);
$t2 = rfits $file;
is_pdl $t2, $t, 'w/rfits round-trip';
my $h = $t2->gethdr;
ok( $$h{FOO} eq "foo" && $$h{BAR} == 42,
"header check on FOO/BAR" );
ok( $$h{'NUM'}+1 == 124 && $$h{'NUMSTR'} eq '0123',
"header check on NUM/NUMSTR" );
unlink $file;
eval { require Astro::FITS::Header };
skip "Astro::FITS::Header not installed", 79 if $@;
########### Rudimentary table tests ################
# note:
# the tests do not directly test the output file,
# instead they write out a file, read it back in, and
# compare to the data used to create the file.
# So it is more of a "self consistent" test.
unless($PDL::Astro_FITS_Header) {
# Astro::FITS::Header is not present, ignore table tests
for(1..59){ok(1,"Test skipped (no binary table support without Astro::FITS::Header)");}
} else { # Astro::FITS::Header exists
my $x = long( 1, 4, 9, 32 );
my $y = double( 2.3, 4.3, -999.0, 42 );
my $table = { COLA => $x, COLB => $y };
wfits $table, $file;
my $table2 = rfits $file;
unlink $file;
ok( defined $table2, "Read of table returned something" ); #5
is( ref($table2), "HASH", "which is a hash reference" ); #6
is( $$table2{tbl}, "binary", "and appears to be a binary TABLE" );#7
ok( exists $$table2{COLA} && exists $$table2{COLB}, "columns COLA and COLB exist" ); #8
is( $$table2{hdr}{TTYPE1}, "COLA", "column #1 is COLA" ); #9
is( $$table2{hdr}{TFORM1}, "1J", " stored as 1J" ); #10
is( $$table2{hdr}{TTYPE2}, "COLB", "column #2 is COLB" ); #11
is( $$table2{hdr}{TFORM2}, "1D", " stored as 1D" ); #12
is_pdl $x, $$table2{COLA}, "COLA"; #13-16
is_pdl $y, $$table2{COLB}, "COLB"; #17-20
$table = { BAR => $x, FOO => $y,
hdr => { TTYPE1 => 'FOO', TTYPE2 => 'BAR' } };
$table2 = {};
wfits $table, $file;
$table2 = rfits $file;
ok( defined $table2 && ref($table2) eq "HASH" && $$table2{tbl} eq "binary",
"Read in the second binary table" ); #21
is( $$table2{hdr}{TTYPE1}, "FOO", "column #1 is FOO" ); #22
is( $$table2{hdr}{TFORM1}, "1D", " stored as 1D" ); #23
is( $$table2{hdr}{TTYPE2}, "BAR", "column #2 is BAR" ); #24
is( $$table2{hdr}{TFORM2}, "1J", " stored as 1J" ); #25
is_pdl $x, $$table2{BAR}, "BAR"; #26-29
is_pdl $y, $$table2{FOO}, "FOO"; #30-33
# try out more "exotic" data types
$x = byte(12,45,23,0);
$y = short(-99,100,0,32767);
my $c = ushort(99,32768,65535,0);
my $d = [ "A string", "b", "", "The last string" ];
my $e = float(-999.0,0,0,12.3);
##my $f = float(1,0,-1,2) + i * float( 0,1,2,-1 );
$table = {
ACOL => $x, BCOL => $y, CCOL => $c, DCOL => $d, ECOL => $e,
## FCOL => $f,
$table2 = {};
wfits $table, $file;
$table2 = rfits $file;
ok( defined $table2 && ref($table2) eq "HASH" && $$table2{tbl} eq "binary",
"Read in the third binary table" ); #34
my @elem = sort keys %$table2;
my @expected = sort( qw( ACOL BCOL CCOL DCOL ECOL hdr tbl ) );
is_deeply \@elem, \@expected, "hash contains expected keys";
# convert the string array so that each element has the same length
# (and calculate the maximum length to use in the check below)
my $dlen = 0;
foreach my $str ( @$d ) {
my $len = length($str);
$dlen = $len > $dlen ? $len : $dlen;
foreach my $str ( @$d ) {
$str .= ' ' x ($dlen-length($str));
# note that, for now, ushort data is written out as a long (Int4)
# instead of being written out as an Int2 using TSCALE/TZERO
my $i = 1;
foreach my $colinfo ( ( ["ACOL","1B",$x],
## ["FCOL","1M",$f]
) ) {
is( $$table2{hdr}{"TTYPE$i"}, $$colinfo[0], "column $i is $$colinfo[0]" ); #37,43,49,55,58
is( $$table2{hdr}{"TFORM$i"}, $$colinfo[1], " and is stored as $$colinfo[1]" ); #38,44,50,56,59
my $col = $$table2{$$colinfo[0]};
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($col,"PDL") ) {
is_pdl $col, $$colinfo[2], $$colinfo[0]; #39-42,45-48,51-54,60-63
} else {
# Need to somehow handle the arrays since the data read in from the
# file all have 15-character length strings (or whatever the length is)
is_deeply $col, $$colinfo[2], "$$colinfo[0] values agree (as an array reference)";
########### Check if r/wfits bugs are fixed ################
local $| = 1;
my $a1 = [1,2];
my $a2 = [[1,2],[1,2]];
my $p;
my $q;
my @target_bitpix = (8,16,32,-32,-64);
my $bp_i = 0;
for my $cref ( \(&byte, &short, &long, &float, &double) ) {
for my $x ($a1,$a2) {
$p = &$cref($x);
unlink $file;
$q = PDL->rfits($file);
my $flag = 1;
if ( ${$p->get_dataref} ne ${$q->get_dataref} ) {
$flag = 0;
diag "\tnelem=",$p->nelem,"datatype=",$p->get_datatype;
diag "\tp:", unpack("c" x ($p->nelem*howbig($p->get_datatype)), ${$p->get_dataref});
diag "\tq:", unpack("c" x ($q->nelem*howbig($q->get_datatype)), ${$q->get_dataref});
is($q->hdr->{BITPIX},$target_bitpix[$bp_i],"BITPIX implicitly set to " . $target_bitpix[$bp_i]);
ok($flag,"hash reference - type check: " . &$cref ); #64-73
local $| = 1;
my $p1= pdl [1,2];
my $p2= pdl [[1,2],[1,2]];
my $q;
my @s;
for my $i (8,16,32,-32,-64) {
for my $p ($p2, $p1) {
unlink $file;
$q = PDL->rfits($file);
@s = $q->stats;
my $flag;
if ($s[0] == 1.5 and $s[1] < 0.7072 and $s[1]>0.577) {
$flag = 1;
} else {
$flag = 0;
diag "s=@s\n";
diag "\tBITPIX=$i, nelem=", $p->nelem;
diag "\tbug: $s[0] == 1.5 and $s[1] == 0.5";
diag "\tp:", unpack("c8" x $p->nelem, ${$p->get_dataref});
diag "\tq:", unpack("c" x abs($i/8*$q->nelem), ${$q->get_dataref});
is($q->hdr->{BITPIX},$i,"BITPIX explicitly set to $i works");
ok($flag,"ndarray - bitpix=$i" ); #74-83
}; # end of SKIP block
#### Check that discontinuous data (e.g. from fftnd) get written correctly.
#### (Sourceforge bug 3299611) it is possible to store data in a PDL non-contiguously
#### through the C API, by manipulating dimincs; fft uses this technique, which
#### used to hose up fits output.
eval "use PDL::FFT";
skip "PDL::FFT not installed", 79 if $@;
my $ar = sequence(10,10,10);
my $ai = zeroes($ar);
unlink $file;
my $y = rfits($file);
ok(all($ar==$y),"fftnd output (non-contiguous in memory) is written correctly");
unlink $file;
# Check multi-HDU read/write
my $x = sequence(5,5);
my $y = rvals(5,5);
our @aa;
lives_ok { wfits([$x,$y],$file) } "wfits with multiple HDUs didn't fail";
lives_ok { @aa = rfits($file) } "rfits in list context didn't fail";
ok( $aa[0]->ndims == $x->ndims && all($aa[0]->shape == $x->shape), "first element has right shape");
ok( all($aa[0] == $x), "first element reproduces written one");
ok( $aa[1]->ndims == $y->ndims && all($aa[1]->shape == $y->shape), "second element has right shape");
ok( all($aa[1] == $y), "Second element reproduces written one");
unlink $file;
# Rudimentary check for longlong support
eval "use PDL::Types";
our $PDL_LL;
skip "Longlong not supported",5 unless ($PDL_LL//0);
$x = rvals(longlong,7,7);
eval { wfits($x, $file); };
is $@, '', "writing a longlong image succeeded";
eval { $y = rfits($file); };
is $@, '', "Reading the longlong image succeeded";
ok(ref($y->hdr) eq "HASH", "Reading the longlong image produced a PDL with a hash header");
ok($y->hdr->{BITPIX} == 64, "BITPIX value was correct");
ok(all($y==$x),"The new image matches the old one (longlong)");
unlink $file;
# Check that tilde expansion works
my $tildefile = cfile('~',"PDL-IO-FITS-test_$$.fits");
# Only read/write the tildefile if the directory is writable.
# Some build environments, like the Debian pbuilder chroots, use a non-existent $HOME.
if(-w dirname($tildefile)) {
lives_ok { sequence(3,5,2)->wfits($tildefile) } "wfits tilde expansion didn't fail";
lives_ok { rfits($tildefile) } "rfits tilde expansion didn't fail";
$tildefile =~ s/^(~)/glob($1)/e; #use the same trick as in to resolve this filename.
unlink($tildefile) or warn "Could not delete $tildefile: $!\n"; #clean up.
# test bad with r/wfits
(undef, my $fname) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'delmeXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.fits', %tmp_opts );
my $x = sequence(10)->setbadat(0);
my $y = rfits($fname);
is_pdl $y, $x, "wfits/rfits propagated bad flag and values";
# now force to integer
$y = rfits($fname);
is_pdl $y, $x->short, "integer wfits/rfits propagated bad flag and values";
my $m51 = rfits('t/m51.fits.fz');
is_pdl $m51->shape, indx([384,384]), 'right dims from compressed FITS file';
(undef, my $fname) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'delmeXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.fits', %tmp_opts );
if ($PDL::Astro_FITS_Header) {
my $m51_tbl = rfits('t/m51.fits.fz',{expand=>0});
wfits($m51_tbl, $fname);
my $m51_2 = rfits($fname);
is_pdl $m51_2, $m51, 'read back written-out bintable FITS file';
$m51->wfits($fname, {compress=>1});
$m51_2 = rfits($fname);
is_pdl $m51_2, $m51, 'read back written-out compressed FITS file';
$m51_2 = $m51_2->dummy(2,3)->sever;
$m51_2->hdr->{NAXIS} = 3;
$m51_2->hdr->{NAXIS3} = 3;
$m51_2->wfits($fname, {compress=>1});
my $m51_3 = rfits($fname);
is_pdl $m51_3, $m51_2, 'read back written-out compressed RGB FITS file';
my $hstr = join("\n",'A'..'G',''); # must end in newline
(undef, my $f_out) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'delmeXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.fits', %tmp_opts );
my $x = xvals(10);
$x->hdr->{'HISTORY'} = $hstr;
my $xr = rfits($f_out);
my $hist = $xr->hdr->{'HISTORY'};
$hist = join '', map "$_\n", @$hist if ref $hist eq 'ARRAY';
$hist =~ s/ +$//gm;
is($hist, $hstr, 'multi-line HISTORY correct with fresh header');
(undef, $f_out) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'delmeXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.fits', %tmp_opts ); # new one as Windows unable to remove
my $m51 = rfits('t/m51.fits.fz');
$m51->hdr->{HISTORY} = $hstr;
my $m51r = rfits($f_out);
$hist = $m51r->hdr->{'HISTORY'};
$hist = join '', map "$_\n", @$hist if ref $hist eq 'ARRAY';
$hist =~ s/ +$//gm;
is($hist, $hstr, 'multi-line HISTORY correct with pre-existing header');