use strict;
use Config;
if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
if (defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Devel::Cover no like ithreads\n");
# Tests if the threads can create data and share amongst themselves
use PDL::Parallel::threads qw(retrieve_pdls);
use PDL::Parallel::threads::SIMD qw(parallelize parallel_id parallel_sync);
# Run the parallel block in which the threads create and share each other's
# data
my $N_threads = 5;
my @data_is_correct : shared;
my @could_get_data : shared;
my @bad_is_correct : shared;
parallelize {
my $pid = parallel_id;
# Create data that is unique to this thread
my $pdl = ones(10) * $pid;
my $bad = ones(cfloat, 5);
# We will get the data from the *previous* thread (modulo the number of
# threads, of course: circular boundary conditions)
my $thread_to_grab = $pid - 1;
$thread_to_grab = $N_threads - 1 if $pid == 0;
# Synchronize; make sure all the threads have had a chance to create
# their data
# This should be in an eval block in case the data pull fails
eval {
# Pull in the data:
my $to_test = retrieve_pdls("data$thread_to_grab");
$could_get_data[$pid] = 1;
# Make sure it's what we expected
$data_is_correct[$pid] = all($to_test == $thread_to_grab)->sclr
or diag("For thread $pid, expected ${thread_to_grab}s but got $to_test");
$to_test = retrieve_pdls("bad$thread_to_grab");
my $isbad = $to_test->isbad;
$bad_is_correct[$pid] = all($isbad == pdl(0,0,1,0,0))->sclr || diag "got=$isbad\nto_test=$to_test";
} or do {
diag("data pull for pid $pid failed: $@");
$could_get_data[$pid] = 0;
$data_is_correct[$pid] = 0;
$bad_is_correct[$pid] = 0;
} $N_threads;
my @expected = (1) x $N_threads;
is_deeply(\@could_get_data, \@expected,
'Threads could access data created by sibling threads')
or diag("expected all 1s, actually got @could_get_data");
is_deeply(\@data_is_correct, \@expected,
'Data created by sibling threads worked correctly')
or diag("expected all 1s, actually got @data_is_correct");
is_deeply(\@bad_is_correct, \@expected,
'Data created by sibling threads badflags survived correctly')
or diag("expected all 1s, actually got @data_is_correct");
# Make sure the retrieval causes a croak
for (1..$N_threads-1) {
throws_ok {
} qr/was created in a thread that has ended or is detached/
, "Retrieving shared data created by already-terminated thread $_ croaks";