use strict;
use Test::More 0.88;
use Test::Deep qw( cmp_deeply code );
use Test::PDL qw( :deep eq_pdl );
use PDL;
my @types = PDL::Types::types;
isa_ok test_pdl( 1,2,3 ), 'Test::Deep::PDL';
for my $type ( @types ) {
no strict 'refs';
my $sub = "test_$type";
isa_ok $sub->( 1,2,3 ), 'Test::Deep::PDL';
my $pdl1 = pdl( 1,2,3.13 );
my $got = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl1 };
my $pdl2 = pdl( 1,2,3.13 );
my $expected = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl2 };
throws_ok { ok $pdl1 == $pdl2 } qr/multielement ndarray in conditional expression /, '== dies with an error message';
throws_ok { is $pdl1, $pdl2 } qr/multielement ndarray in conditional expression /, 'is() dies with an error message';
my $pdl = pdl( 1,2,3.13 );
my $got = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl };
my $expected = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl };
throws_ok { ok $pdl == $pdl } qr/^multielement ndarray in conditional expression /, 'even shallow reference comparisons do not work with ==';
my $pdl = pdl( 1,2,3.13 );
my $got = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl };
my $expected = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl };
test_out 'ok 1';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
test_test 'cmp_deeply() without test_pdl() performs only shallow reference comparison';
my $pdl = pdl( 1,2,3.13 );
my $got = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl };
my $expected = { name => 'Histogram', data => $pdl->copy };
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +4;
test_diag 'Compared ${$data->{"data"}}';
test_err "/# got : '-?\\d+'/",
"/# expect : '-?\\d+'/";
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
test_test 'but shallow reference comparison is not powerful enough';
The following test code may be a bit hard to follow. We're basically trying to
ensure that
my @vals = ( ... );
my $got = { data => long( @vals ) };
my $expected = { data => test_long( @vals ) };
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
passes for every conceivable type of ndarray (not only I<long>), and for
different sets of values @vals, some of which may contain bad values. We also
test that
{ data => test_long( @vals ) }
{ data => test_pdl( long(@vals) ) }
{ data => code( sub { eq_pdl shift, long(@vals) } ) }
yield the same results.
for my $vals ( [ 0 ], [ 2,3,0,1,99 ], [ 99,99,99 ] ) {
for my $type ( @types ) {
my @vals = @$vals;
my $ctor = do { local *slot = $PDL::{ $type }; *slot{CODE} };
my $tester = do { local *slot = $Test::PDL::{ 'test_' . $type }; *slot{CODE} };
my $pdl = $ctor->( @vals )->inplace->setvaltobad( 99 );
note 'test with pdl = ', $pdl->info('%-8T'), ' ', $pdl;
my $got = { data => $pdl };
my $expected1 = { data => $tester->( @vals ) };
$expected1->{data}->{expected}->inplace->setvaltobad( 99 );
test_out 'ok 1';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected1;
test_test "$type succeeds when it should succeed, with ndarray supplied as values (@vals)";
my $expected2 = { data => test_pdl( $pdl ) };
test_out 'ok 1';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected2;
test_test "... ($type) also when ndarray is supplied directly (@vals)";
my $expected3 = { data => code( sub { eq_pdl shift, $pdl } ) };
test_out 'ok 1';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected3;
test_test "... ($type) and it's the same thing as using code() (@vals)";
my $pdl1 = 2;
my $pdl2 = pdl( 3,4,9.999 );
ok !eq_pdl( $pdl1, $pdl2 ), 'ndarrays are unequal to begin with';
my $got = { data => $pdl1 };
my $expected = { data => test_pdl( $pdl2 ) };
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +5;
test_diag 'Comparing $data->{"data"} as an ndarray:',
'received value is not an ndarray';
test_err "/# got : \\('2'\\)/",
'/# expect : Double\s+D\s+\[3\].*/';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
test_test 'fails with correct message and diagnostics when received value is not an ndarray';
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +6;
test_diag 'Ran coderef at $data->{"data"} on';
test_err '/#?\s*/';
test_diag "'2'",
'and it said',
'received value is not an ndarray';
cmp_deeply $got, { data => code( sub { eq_pdl shift, $pdl2 } ) };
test_test '... but the diagnostics are better than with code()';
my $pdl1 = pdl( 3,4,9.999 );
my $pdl2 = pdl( 3,4,10 );
ok !eq_pdl( $pdl1, $pdl2 ), 'ndarrays are unequal to begin with';
my $got = { data => $pdl1 };
my $expected = { data => test_pdl( $pdl2 ) };
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +5;
test_diag 'Comparing $data->{"data"} as an ndarray:',
'1/3 values do not match';
test_err '/# got : Double\s+D\s+\[3\].*/',
'/# expect : Double\s+D\s+\[3\].*/';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
test_test 'fails with correct message and diagnostics on value mismatch';
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +6;
test_diag 'Ran coderef at $data->{"data"} on';
test_err '/#?\s*/',
'/# PDL=SCALAR\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\)/';
test_diag 'and it said',
'1/3 values do not match';
cmp_deeply $got, { data => code( sub { eq_pdl shift, $pdl2 } ) };
test_test '... but the diagnostics are better than with code()';
my $pdl1 = short( 3,4,-6 );
my $pdl2 = long( 3,4,10 );
ok !eq_pdl( $pdl1, $pdl2 ), 'ndarrays are unequal to begin with';
my $got = { data => $pdl1 };
my $expected = { data => test_pdl( $pdl2 ) };
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +5;
test_diag 'Comparing $data->{"data"} as an ndarray:',
'types do not match (\'require_equal_types\' is true)';
test_err '/# got : Short\s+D\s+\[3\].*/',
'/# expect : Long\s+D\s+\[3\].*/';
cmp_deeply $got, $expected;
test_test 'fails with correct message and diagnostics on type mismatch';
test_out 'not ok 1';
test_fail +6;
test_diag 'Ran coderef at $data->{"data"} on';
test_err '/#?\s*/',
'/# PDL=SCALAR\(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\)/';
test_diag 'and it said',
'types do not match (\'require_equal_types\' is true)';
cmp_deeply $got, { data => code( sub { eq_pdl shift, $pdl2 } ) };
test_test '... but the diagnostics are better than with code()';