use strict;
my $m = mpdl([[1,2,1],[2,0,3],[1,1,1]]); # matrix with determinant 1
my $tol = 1e-6;
note "determinant: ",$m->det;
ok approx($m->det, 1, $tol), "det" or diag 'got: ', $m->det;
ok approx($m->determinant, 1, $tol), "determinant";
is ref(identity($m)), 'PDL::Matrix', 'identity of mpdl right class';
is ref(my $from_scalar = identity(vpdl 3)), 'PDL::Matrix', 'identity of mpdl right class';
is $from_scalar.'', <<EOF, 'from scalar';
[1 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]
my $v = vpdl [1..3];
my $gotfunc = inv($m);
my $gotfuncmul = $gotfunc x $v;
my $expected = vpdl('[13 -2 -8]');
isa_ok $gotfunc, 'PDL::Matrix', 'inv($mpdl) right class';
ok all(approx $gotfuncmul, $expected, $tol), 'inv($mpdl) mult correct'
or diag "gotfuncmul=",ref($gotfuncmul),":", $gotfuncmul,
"expected=",ref($gotfuncmul),":", $expected;
my $gotmeth = $m->inv;
my $gotmethmul = $gotmeth x $v;
isa_ok $gotmeth, 'PDL::Matrix', '$mpdl->inv right class';
ok all(approx $gotmethmul, $expected, $tol), '$mpdl->inv mult correct';