package # hide from PAUSE/MetaCPAN
PDL::PP::PdlDimsObj; # Hold more dims
use strict;
use Carp;
sub new {
my($type) = @_;
bless {},$type;
sub get_indobj_make {
my ($this,$expr,$calc) = @_;
my ($name, $val) = $expr =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:=([0-9]+))?$/ or confess "Invalid index expr '$expr'\n";
confess "Error: both simple value '$val' and CALC '$calc'"
if $calc && defined $val;
$val //= $calc;
my $indobj = $this->{$name} //= PDL::PP::Ind->new($name);
$indobj->add_value($val) if defined $val;
return $indobj;
sub ind_obj {$_[0]{$_[1]}}
sub ind_names {keys %{$_[0]}}
sub ind_fromcomp {grep defined $_->{From}, values %{$_[0]}}
sub ind_notfromcomp {grep !defined $_->{From}, values %{$_[0]}}
# Encapsulate one index.
package # hide from PAUSE/MetaCPAN
use Carp;
sub new {
my($type,$name) = @_;
bless {Name => $name},$type;
# set the value of an index, also used by perl level broadcasting
sub add_value {
my($this,$val) = @_;
croak("index values for $this->{Name} must be positive")
if $val =~ /^\d+$/ and $val <= 0;
return $this->{Value} = $val if
!defined $this->{Value} or
$this->{Value} == -1 or
$this->{Value} == 1;
croak "For index $this->{Name} conflicting values $this->{Value} and $val given\n" if $val != 1 && $val != $this->{Value};
# This index will take its size value from outside parameter ...
sub set_from { my($this,$otherpar) = @_;
$this->{From} = $otherpar;
sub name {$_[0]{Name}}
# where it occurs in the C arrays that track it (at least name and size)
sub set_index {
my ($this, $i) = @_;
$this->{Index} = $i;
sub get_index {$_[0]{Index} // confess "unknown index for $_[0]{Name}"}
sub get_initdim { my($this) = @_;
my $init = $this->{Value} //
($this->{From} ? "\$COMP(".$this->{From}{ProtoName}.")" : undef);
return if !defined $init;
$this->get_size." = $init;"
sub get_size { my($this) = @_;