use strict;
use Config;
if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
if (defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Devel::Cover no like ithreads\n");
use threads;
use PDL::Parallel::threads qw(retrieve_pdls);
# This is a somewhat complicated test script. The goals are to test the
# following:
# 1) Can we share data for any data type?
# 2) Does each thread think it succeeded at setting the data?
# 3) Does the end result confirm that each thread changed the data?
# 4) Are we prevented from sharing slices?
# Here we allocate shared work space for each PDL data type. We then create
# a collection of threads and have each thread modify the contents of one
# part of the shared memory.
# While there, each thread does a number of things. It sets a value in the
# shared memory, it confirms that the now-set value is correct, and it
# builds the hash of expected values from such checks. That last part need
# not be done in the threads explicitly, but it makes it easier to write. :-)
# After all the threads return, we check that all the values agree with what
# we expect, which is fairly easy (though not entirely trivial) to construct
# by hand. I encorporate square-roots into the calculations to ensure good
# bit coverage of the tests, at least for the floating point numbers.
# The last step simply confirms that sharing slices croaks, a pretty easy
# pair of tests.
# Allocate workspace with one extra slot (to verify zeroeth element troubles)
my $N_threads = 20;
my %workspaces = (
c => sequence(byte, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_c'),
s => sequence(short, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_s'),
n => sequence(ushort, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_n'),
l => sequence(long, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_l'),
q => sequence(longlong, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_q'),
f => sequence(float, $N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_f'),
d => sequence($N_threads, 2)->share_as('workspace_d'),
# Remove longlong if Perl doesn't like longlong types
eval {
pack('q*', 10);
} or do {
delete $workspaces{q};
# Spawn a bunch of threads that work together #
my @success : shared;
my @expected : shared;
threads->create(sub {
my $tid = shift;
my (%expected_hash, %success_hash, %bits_hash);
for my $type_letter (keys %workspaces) {
my $workspace = retrieve_pdls("workspace_$type_letter");
# Build this up one thread at a time
$expected_hash{$type_letter} = 1;
# Have this thread touch one of the values, and have it double-check
# that the value is correctly set
my $val = pdl($tid+1)->sqrt + pdl(5)->sqrt;
$val = $val->convert($workspace->type->enum);
$workspace($tid) .= $val;
my $to_test = zeros($workspace->type, 1);
$to_test(0) .= $val;
= ($workspace->at($tid,0) == $to_test->at(0));
# Make sure the results for each type have a space in shared memory
$expected[$tid] = shared_clone(\%expected_hash);
$success[$tid] = shared_clone(\%success_hash);
}, $_) for 0..$N_threads-1;
# Reap the threads
for my $thr (threads->list) {
# Now test the results #
# Do all the threads think that they were successful at setting their value?
is_deeply(\@success, \@expected, 'All threads changed their local values');
# Do the results of all but the zeroeth element agree with what we expect?
for my $type_letter (keys %workspaces) {
my $workspace = $workspaces{$type_letter};
my $type = $workspace->type;
# Allocate the expected results with the proper type
my $expected = zeroes($type, $N_threads, 2);
# Perform the arithmetic using double precision (on the right side of
# this asignment) before down-casting to the workspace's type
$expected .= (zeroes($N_threads, 2)->xvals + 1)->sqrt + pdl(5)->sqrt;
# Perform an exact comparison. The operations may have high bit coverage,
# but they should also be free from bit noise, I hope.
is_pdl $workspace, $expected, "Sharing $type ndarrays works";
# Test croaking behavior for slices of various kinds #
# Test what happens when we try to share a slice
my $slice = $workspaces{d}->(2:-3);
throws_ok {
} qr/share_pdls: Could not share an ndarray under.*because the ndarray does not have any allocated memory/
, 'Sharing a slice croaks';
my $rotation = $workspaces{d}->rotate(5);
throws_ok {
} qr/share_pdls: Could not share an ndarray under.*because the ndarray does not have any allocated memory/
, 'Sharing a rotation (slice) croaks';