use strict;
use Config;
if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
if (defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION) {
print("1..0 # Skip: Devel::Cover no like ithreads\n");
#use PDL;
use PDL::Parallel::threads::SIMD qw(parallelize parallel_sync parallel_id);
my $N_threads = 20;
use threads;
# Test basic croaking behavior for function calls that should not work
warning_is {
my $pid = parallel_id;
} 'Cannot get parallel_id outside of a parallelized block'
, 'parallel_id not allowed outside of parallelize block';
warning_is {
} 'Cannot call parallel_sync outside of a parallelized block'
, 'parallel_sync not allowed outside of parallelize block';
# Create five threads that each spawn five threads
my @after_first_block : shared;
my @after_second_block : shared;
my @pids : shared;
my @recursive_simd_allowed : shared;
my @workspace : shared;
parallelize {
# Get the pid and log the presence
my $pid = parallel_id;
$pids[$pid] = 1;
$workspace[$pid] = $pid + 1;
# First barrier sync: make sure everybody has updated workspace
# Make sure that the previosu pid set the correct value before we reached
# this point.
my $pid_to_check = $pid - 1;
$pid_to_check = $N_threads - 1 if $pid_to_check < 0;
$after_first_block[$pid] = 1;
$after_first_block[$pid] = 0
if $workspace[$pid_to_check] != $pid_to_check + 1;
# Update the workspace value
$workspace[$pid_to_check] = -$pid;
# Second barrier sync: make sure we could perform the first check and
# the assignment
# Make sure that the newly changed value, from the other thread, is
# correct here.
$pid_to_check = $pid + 1;
$pid_to_check = 0 if $pid_to_check == $N_threads;
$after_second_block[$pid] = 1;
$after_second_block[$pid] = 0 if $workspace[$pid] != -$pid_to_check;
# Check recursive parallelized block
eval {
parallelize {
my $a = 1;
} 5;
$recursive_simd_allowed[$pid] = 1;
} or do {
$recursive_simd_allowed[$pid] = 0;
} $N_threads;
my @expected = (1) x $N_threads;
is_deeply(\@after_first_block, \@expected, 'First barrier synchronization works');
is_deeply(\@after_second_block, \@expected, 'Second barrier synchronization works');
@expected = (0) x $N_threads;
is_deeply(\@recursive_simd_allowed, \@expected, 'Recursive paralleliztion not (yet) allowed');