RF::Component - Compose RF component circuits and calculate values from objects (L, C, ESR, etc).


This module builds on PDL::IO::Touchstone by encapsulating data returned by its methods into an object for easy use:

    my $cap = RF::Component->load('/path/to/capacitor.s2p', $options);
    my $wilky = RF::Component->load('/path/to/wilkinson.s3p', $options);

    # port 1 input impedances
    my $z_in = $cap->port_z(1);

    # Capacitance in pF:
    my $pF = $cap->capacitance() * 1e12

    my $S11 = $cap->S(1,1);
    my $Y21 = $cap->Y(2,1);
    my $Z33 = $wilky->Z(3,3);

    # Write a Y-parameter .s2p in mag/angle format::
    $cap->save("cap-y.s2p", param_type => 'Y', output_fmt => 'MA');

In most cases, the return value from the RF::Component methods are PDL vectors, typically one value per frequency. For example, $pF as shown above will be a N-vector of values in picofarads, with one pF value for each frequency.


The RF::Component->load function (below) is typically used to load RF data, but you may pass it directly to the constructor as follows. Most of these options are valid for RF::Component->load as well:

    my $c = RF::Component->new(%opts);



You may also pass the above new options to the load call:

    my $cap = RF::Component->load('/path/to/capacitor.s2p', %options);

IO Functions

RF::Component->load - Load an RF data file as a component

$cap = RF::Component->load($filename, %new_options);


This function loads the data based on the file extension, however, only .sNp touchstone files are supported at this time. See the rsnp() documentation in PDL::IO::Touchstone for specific details about $options.

RF::Component->load_snp - Load a Touchstone data file as a component

This is the lower-level function called by RF::Component->load. This function is functionally equivalent but does not evaluate the file extension being passed before calling PDL::IO::Touchstone::rsnp():

$cap = RF::Component->load_snp($filename, %new_options);

RF::Component->save - Write the component to a data file

$cap->save('cap.s2p', %options);

This function will match based on the output file extension and call the appropriate save_* function below. The %options hash will depend on the desired file output type.

RF::Component->save_snp - Write the component to a Touchstone data file

$cap->save_snp('cap.s2p', %options);

Calculation Functions

Unless otherwise indicated, the return value from these methods are PDL vectors, typically one value per frequency. For example, $pF as shown above will be a N-vector of values in picofarads, with one pF value for each frequency.

$z0n = $self->port_z($n) - Return the complex port impedance vector for each frequency

$n is the port number at which to evaluate the input impedance:

In a 2-port, this will provide the input or output impedance as follows:

$z_in  = $self->port_z(1);
$z_out = $self->port_z(2);

Note that the port number starts at 1, not zero. Thus a value of $n=1 will evaluate port impedance at S11.

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone s_port_z function.

$C = $self->capacitance - Return a vector of capacitance for each frequency in Farads (F)

Note that all inductive values are zeroed.

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_capacitance function.

$C = $self->cap_pF - Return a vector of capacitance it each frequency in picofarads (pF)

Note that all capacitive values are zeroed.

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_cap_pF function.

$L = $self->inductance - Return a vector of inductance for each frequency in Henrys (H)

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_inductance function.

$L = $self->ind_nH - Return a vector of inductance for each frequency in nanohenrys (nH)

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_ind_nH function.

$Qc = $self->qfactor_c - Return the capacitive Q-factor vector for each frequency

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_qfactor_c function.

$Ql = $self->qfactor_l - Return the inductive Q-factor vector for each frequency

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_qfactor_l function.

$X = $self->reactance - Return a vector of total reactance for each frequency

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_reactance function.

$Xc = $self->reactance_c - Return a vector of capacitive reactance for each frequency

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_reactance_c function.

$Xl = $self->reactance_l - Return a vector of inductive reactance for each frequency

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_reactance_l function.

$R = $self->esr - An alias for y_resistance.

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_esr function.

@srf_list_hz = $self->srf - Return the component's self-resonant frequencies (SRF)

To calculate SRF, reactance is evaluated at each frequency. If the next frequency being evaulated has an opposite sign (ie, going from capacitive to inductive reactance) then that previous frequency is selected as an SRF.

Return value:

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_srf function.

$f_hz = $self->srf_ideal - Return the component's first self-resonant frequency

Notice: In almost all cases you will want $self->srf instead of $self->srf_ideal.

This is included for ideal Y-matrices only and may not be accurate. While the equation is a classic SRF calculation (1/(2*pi*sqrt(LC)), SRF should scan the frequency lines as follows: "The SRF is determined to be the frequency at which the insertion (S21) phase changes from negative through zero to positive." [ ]

Internally this function uses the IO::PDL::Touchstone y_srf_ideal function.

Parameter Matrix and Vector Functions

$n = $self->freqs - return a PDL vector of each frequency.

$self->S($i, $j) - Access the S-parameter matrix or index slices.

If $i and $j are specified, then return a PDL vector S_i,j index slice at each frequency. The vector will contain one value for each frequency. For example:

    my $S11 = $self->S(1,1);

If you omit $i and $j then this returns a (N,N,M) piddle where N is the number of ports and M is the number of frequencies.

$self->Y($i, $j) - Access the Y-parameter matrix or index slices.

Same as $self->S($i, $j), but for a Y-paramater matrix, see above. Even if a Y-parameter data file was not loaded, Y-parameters will be calculated for you.

$self->Z($i, $j) - Access the Z-parameter matrix or index slices.

Same as $self->S($i, $j), but for a Z-paramater matrix, see above. Even if a Z-parameter data file was not loaded, Z-parameters will be calculated for you.

$self->ABCD($i, $j) - Access the ABCD-parameter matrix or index slices.

Same as $self->S($i, $j), but for a ABCD-paramater matrix, see above. Even if a ABCD-parameter data file was not loaded, ABCD-parameters will be calculated for you.

$self->A() - Return the A vector from the ABCD matrix.

Same as $self->ABCD(1,1), returns a vector for A values at each frequency.

$self->B() - Return the B vector from the ABCD matrix.

Same as $self->ABCD(1,2), returns a vector for B values at each frequency.

$self->C() - Return the C vector from the ABCD matrix.

Same as $self->ABCD(2,1), returns a vector for C values at each frequency.

$self->D() - Return the D vector from the ABCD matrix.

Same as $self->ABCD(2,2), returns a vector for D values at each frequency.

Helper Functions

$n = $self->num_ports - return the number of ports in this component.

$n = $self->num_freqs - return the number of frequencies in this component.

@wsnp_list = $self->get_wsnp_list(%opts) - return a list for passing to wsnp()


The get_wsnp_list method returns a list compatible with PDL::IO::Touchstone's wsnp($filename, @wsnp_list) function, which writes a .sNp file. It is also the list format used internally for MDIFs in RF::Component::Multi.



Originally written at eWheeler, Inc. dba Linux Global Eric Wheeler to transform .s2p files and build MDF files to optimize with Microwave Office for amplifer impedance matches.


Copyright (C) 2022 eWheeler, Inc.

This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this module. If not, see <>.