=== Notice to users of PDL::IO::Touchstone ===
All tradmarks, product names, logos, and brands are property of their
respective owners and no grant or license is provided thereof.
The files in t/test-data/muRata/ ("DATA") were downloaded from the muRata
website and are included as part of this Perl module for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY.
They are included only to use as part of testing this module for correctness
with `make test`.
These DATA files files are not distributed for use by end-users; as noted in
LICENSE.muRata, "The DATA is subject to change from time to time or products
may be discontinued without notice. Please check the latest version." See
LICENSE.muRata for "Restrictions on the use of the DATA".
=== Notice to muRata ===
We have permission to distribute a few .s2p sample files for testing as
follows; the email below was spliced as shown in [brackets] for clarity and
brevity since there were a few back-and-forth messages with Cindy Washer:
On 10/04/2022 14:42 (America/Los_Angeles) - Cindy Wascher wrote:
Hi Eric,
I checked with the Murata product engineers, and they said it is ok to use the
files from [Murata’s website. We, Westmark, are their local representatives.]
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Cindy Wascher
Inside Sales
Westmark Electronics Inc.
1750 - 112th Ave NE Suite C225
Bellevue, WA 98004
On 2022-09-30 02:37:49 (GMT) - Eric Wheeler wrote:
> I would like to include a few sample .s2p files in the Perl module distribution
> to verify its correct operation on various platforms. Your s-parameter data
> site says "You shall not redistribute or reproduce the DATA without prior
> consent of Murata"; thus I am seeking permission to include a few .s2p sample
> data files from the GRM, BLM, NFZ, and LQW product lines to validate proper
> operation at build time.