# Copyright (C) 2006 Eric L. Wilhelm
use strict;
=head1 NAME
day - print a formatted date
=head1 Synopsis
Some of these may work.
day today
day tomorrow
day yesterday
day next th
day next thursday
day last wednesday
day last week
day this week
day last month
day last mo-fr
day next first tu
day next last th
day 2 weeks away
day 2 weeks from tomorrow
package bin::day;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Date::Piece qw(today date days weeks months);
use constant {I => __PACKAGE__};
my $now;
my %links = (
map({$_ => $_} qw(today yesterday tomorrow)),
sub main {
my (@args) = @_;
# XXX do some option parsing for format and stuff
my $name = File::Basename::basename($0);
if(my $link = $links{$name}) {
unshift(@args, $link);
=head2 print_date
sub print_date {
print join("\n", string_dates(@_)), "\n";
} # end subroutine print_date definition
=head2 string_dates
sub string_dates {
my (@args) = @_;
my $spec;
if($args[0] eq '-s') {
$spec = shift(@args);
$now = today;
my @dates = make_date($now, @args);
if($spec and $#dates) {
@dates = ($dates[0], 'thru', $dates[-1]);
} # end subroutine string_dates definition
=head2 make_date
$date = make_date(@stuff);
sub make_date {
my ($date, @args) = @_;
@args or return($date); # today or we're done
my %dispatch = (
'today' => sub {$date},
'tomorrow' => sub {$date + 1*days},
'yesterday' => sub {$date - 1*days},
'last' => sub {next_last('last', @_)},
'this' => sub {next_last('this', @_)},
'next' => sub {next_last('next', @_)},
'from' => sub {shift(@_); from($date, @_)},
my $cmd = shift(@args);
if($cmd =~ m/^\d+$/) {
my $lookup = join("_", @args);
if(my $sub = I->can($lookup)) {
else {
die "don't know what to do with '$cmd @args'";
if($dispatch{$cmd}) {
return($dispatch{$cmd}->($date, @args));
die "the rest is unfinished"
} # end subroutine make_date definition
=head2 days_ago
my $date = days_ago($number);
sub days_ago {
my ($number) = @_;
return($now - $number*days);
} # end subroutine days_ago definition
=head2 next_last
Will eventually do more.
my @list = next_last('next|last', $date_obj, 'week');
sub next_last {
my ($dir, $date, @args) = @_;
my $cmd = shift(@args);
my %dirmap = ('this' => 0, 'next' => 1, 'last' => -1);
my %dispatch = (
iso_week => sub {
my ($date, $count) = @_;
$count ||= 1;
$date += $dirmap{$dir}*$count*weeks;
my $diff = 1 - $date->iso_dow;
$date += $diff*days;
my @days = map({$date+$_*days} 0..6);
@days = grep({$_ <= $now} @days) if ($dir eq 'this');
'week' => sub {
my ($date, $count) = @_;
$count ||= 1;
$date += $dirmap{$dir}*$count*weeks;
# XXX hack: rewind to monday
my $diff = 1 - $date->day_of_week;
$date += $diff*days;
my @days = map({$date+$_*days} 0..6);
@days = grep({$_ <= $now} @days) if ($dir eq 'this');
'work' => sub {
my ($date, $count) = @_;
$count ||= 1;
$date += $dirmap{$dir}*$count*weeks;
# rewind to base
my $base = -2;
my $dow = $date->day_of_week;
my $diff = 1 + $base - $dow;
#warn "diff: $diff";
$diff += 7 unless($diff > -7);
$date+= $diff*days;
my @days = map({$date+$_*days} 0..6);
@days = grep({$_ <= $now} @days) if ($dir eq 'this');
month => sub {
my ($date, $count) = @_;
$count ||= 1;
my $start = $date + $dirmap{$dir}*$count*months;
$start = $start->start_of_month;
my $end = $start->end_of_month;
my @dow = qw(mo tu we th fr sa su);
if($dispatch{$cmd}) {
return($dispatch{$cmd}->($date, @args));
elsif(my ($dow) = grep({$cmd =~ m/^$dow[$_-1]/i} 1..@dow)) {
# last tuesday
my $ndow = $now->day_of_week;
# NOTE next is broken and count doesn't work here
if($dir eq 'this') {
# XXX how do we define 'this monday'? It depends on the boundary.
# ISO or not?
else {
#$date += 1*weeks if($dir eq 'next');
$dow += 7 * $dirmap{$dir} if($ndow <= $dow);
return($date - ($ndow - $dow)*days);
die "the rest is unfinished"
} # end subroutine next_last definition
=head2 from
Returns all of the days (inclusive) between $day1 and $day2 (or $now) if
$day2 is omitted.
from($now, $day1, to => $day2);
sub from {
my ($now, $from, @opt) = @_;
my %args;
if(@opt) {
unless(@opt % 2) {
%args = @opt;
else {
(@opt == 1) or croak("odd number of arguments");
$args{to} = shift(@opt);
else {
$args{to} = $now;
return sort(date($from)->thru($args{to}));
} # end subroutine from definition
package main;
if($0 eq __FILE__) {
# vi:ts=2:sw=2:et:sta
my $package = 'bin::day';