#!perl -w
use Test2::Util qw/CAN_THREAD/;
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
chdir 't';
@INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
else {
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
chdir 't';
# There was a bug with overloaded objects and threads.
# See rt.cpan.org 4218
eval { require threads; 'threads'->import; 1; } if CAN_THREAD;
plan skip_all => "known to crash on $]" if "$]" <= 5.006002;
plan tests => 5;
package Overloaded;
q{""} => sub { $_[0]->{string} };
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless { string => shift }, $class;
package main;
my $warnings = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings = join '', @_ };
# overloaded object as name
my $obj = Overloaded->new('foo');
ok( 1, $obj );
# overloaded object which returns undef as name
my $undef = Overloaded->new(undef);
pass( $undef );
is( $warnings, '' );
my $obj = Overloaded->new('not really todo, testing overloaded reason');
local $TODO = $obj;
fail("Just checking todo as an overloaded value");
my $obj = Overloaded->new('not really skipped, testing overloaded reason');
skip $obj, 1;