use strict;
use Test2::API qw/test2_ipc/;
ok(my $stack = Test2::API::Stack->new, "Create a stack");
ok(!@$stack, "Empty stack");
ok(!$stack->peek, "Nothing to peek at");
ok(!exception { $stack->cull }, "cull lives when stack is empty");
ok(!exception { $stack->all }, "all lives when stack is empty");
ok(!exception { $stack->clear }, "clear lives when stack is empty");
exception { $stack->pop(Test2::Hub->new) },
qr/No hubs on the stack/,
"No hub to pop"
my $hub = Test2::Hub->new;
ok($stack->push($hub), "pushed a hub");
exception { $stack->pop($hub) },
qr/You cannot pop the root hub/,
"Root hub cannot be popped"
exception { $stack->pop(Test2::Hub->new) },
qr/Hub stack mismatch, attempted to pop incorrect hub/,
"Must specify correct hub to pop"
[ $stack->all ],
[ $hub, $hub ],
"Got all hubs"
ok(!exception { $stack->pop($hub) }, "Popped the correct hub");
[ $stack->all ],
[ $hub ],
"Got all hubs"
is($stack->peek, $hub, "got the hub");
is($stack->top, $hub, "got the hub");
[ $stack->all ],
[ ],
"no hubs"
ok(my $top = $stack->top, "Generated a top hub");
is($top->ipc, test2_ipc, "Used sync's ipc");
ok($top->format, 'Got formatter');
is($stack->top, $stack->top, "do not generate a new top if there is already a top");
ok(my $new = $stack->new_hub(), "Add a new hub");
is($stack->top, $new, "new one is on top");
is($new->ipc, $top->ipc, "inherited ipc");
is($new->format, $top->format, "inherited formatter");
my $new2 = $stack->new_hub(formatter => undef, ipc => undef);
ok(!$new2->ipc, "built with no ipc");
ok(!$new2->format, "built with no formatter");