use Test2::Util::Ref qw/rtype render_ref/;
imported_ok qw{ render_ref rtype };
package Test::A;
package Test::B;
use overload '""' => sub { 'A Bee!' };
my $ref = {a => 1};
is(render_ref($ref), "$ref", "Matches normal stringification (not blessed)");
like(render_ref($ref), qr/HASH\(0x[0-9A-F]+\)/i, "got address");
bless($ref, 'Test::A');
is(render_ref($ref), "$ref", "Matches normal stringification (blessed)");
like(render_ref($ref), qr/Test::A=HASH\(0x[0-9A-F]+\)/i, "got address and package (no overload)");
bless($ref, 'Test::B');
like(render_ref($ref), qr/Test::B=HASH\(0x[0-9A-F]+\)/i, "got address and package (with overload)");
my $x = '';
$ref = \$x;
is(rtype(undef), '', "not a ref");
is(rtype(''), '', "not a ref");
is(rtype({}), 'HASH', "HASH");
is(rtype([]), 'ARRAY', "ARRAY");
is(rtype($ref), 'SCALAR', "SCALAR");
is(rtype(\$ref), 'REF', "REF");
is(rtype(sub { 1 }), 'CODE', "CODE");
is(rtype(qr/xxx/), 'REGEXP', "REGEXP");