use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.302209';
use Test2::Util qw/pkg_to_file/;
our @EXPORT = qw/gen_event/;
use base 'Exporter';
sub gen_event {
my ($type, %fields) = @_;
$type = "Test2::Event::$type" unless $type =~ s/^\+//;
$fields{trace} ||= Test2::Util::Trace->new(frame => [caller(0)]);
return $type->new(%fields);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Tools::Event - Tools for generating test events.
This module provides tools for generating events quickly by bypassing the
context/hub. This is particularly useful when testing other L<Test2> packages.
=head1 EXPORTS
=over 4
=item $e = gen_event($TYPE)
=item $e = gen_event($TYPE, %FIELDS)
=item $e = gen_event 'Ok';
=item $e = gen_event Ok => ( ... )
=item $e = gen_event '+Test2::Event::Ok' => ( ... )
This will produce an event of the specified type. C<$TYPE> is assumed to be
shorthand for C<Test2::Event::$TYPE>, you can prefix C<$TYPE> with a '+' to
drop the assumption.
An L<Test2::Util::Trace> will be generated using C<caller(0)> and will be put in
the 'trace' field of your new event, unless you specified your own 'trace'
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for Test2-Suite can be found at
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.