use strict;
if ("$]" < 5.008) {
print "1..0 # SKIP Test cannot run on perls below 5.8.0 because local doesn't work on hash keys.\n";
exit 0;
my $CLASS = 'Test2::API::Breakage';
for my $meth (qw/upgrade_suggested upgrade_required known_broken/) {
my @list = $CLASS->$meth;
ok(!(@list % 2), "Got even list ($meth)");
ok(!(grep {!defined($_)} @list), "No undefined items ($meth)");
no warnings 'redefine';
local *Test2::API::Breakage::upgrade_suggested = sub {
return ('T2Test::UG1' => '1.0', 'T2Test::UG2' => '0.5');
local *Test2::API::Breakage::upgrade_required = sub {
return ('T2Test::UR1' => '1.0', 'T2Test::UR2' => '0.5');
local *Test2::API::Breakage::known_broken = sub {
return ('T2Test::KB1' => '1.0', 'T2Test::KB2' => '0.5');
use warnings 'redefine';
ok(!$CLASS->report, "Nothing to report");
ok(!$CLASS->report(1), "Still nothing to report");
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $INC{"T2Test/"} = "T2Test/";
local $T2Test::UG1::VERSION = '0.9';
local $T2Test::UG2::VERSION = '0.9';
local $T2Test::UR1::VERSION = '0.9';
local $T2Test::UR2::VERSION = '0.9';
local $T2Test::KB1::VERSION = '0.9';
local $T2Test::KB2::VERSION = '0.9';
my @report = $CLASS->report;
$_ =~ s{\S+/Breakage\.pm}{}g for @report;
[sort @report],
" * Module 'T2Test::UR1' is outdated and known to be broken, please update to 1.0 or higher.",
" * Module 'T2Test::KB1' is known to be broken in version 1.0 and below, newer versions have not been tested. You have: 0.9",
" * Module 'T2Test::KB2' is known to be broken in version 0.5 and below, newer versions have not been tested. You have: 0.9",
" * Module 'T2Test::UG1' is outdated, we recommend updating above 1.0. error was: 'T2Test::UG1 version 1.0 required--this is only version 0.9 at line 75.'; INC is T2Test/",
"Got expected report items"
my %look;
unshift @INC => sub {
my ($this, $file) = @_;
$look{$file}++ if $file =~ m{T2Test};
ok(!$CLASS->report, "Nothing to report");
is_deeply(\%look, {}, "Did not try to load anything");
ok(!$CLASS->report(1), "Nothing to report");
'T2Test/' => 1,
'T2Test/' => 1,
'T2Test/' => 1,
'T2Test/' => 1,
'T2Test/' => 1,
'T2Test/' => 1,
"Tried to load modules"