use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
use Test2::API qw/intercept context/;
my $CLASS = 'Test2::API::InterceptResult';
tests construction => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new('a');
ok($one->isa($CLASS), "Got an instance");
is(reftype($one), 'ARRAY', "Blessed arrayref");
is_deeply($one, ['a'], "Ref looks good.");
my $two = $CLASS->new_from_ref(['a']);
ok($two->isa($CLASS), "Got an instance");
is(reftype($two), 'ARRAY', "Blessed arrayref");
is_deeply($two, ['a'], "Ref looks good.");
my $three = $two->clone;
ok($three->isa($CLASS), "Got an instance");
is(reftype($three), 'ARRAY', "Blessed arrayref");
is_deeply($three, ['a'], "Ref looks good.");
push @$two => 'b';
is_deeply($two, ['a', 'b'], "Modified two");
is_deeply($three, ['a'], "three was not changed");
my $four = intercept {
ok(1, "Pass");
ok($four->isa($CLASS), "Intercept returns an instance");
tests event_list => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new('a', 'b');
is_deeply([$one->event_list], ['a', 'b'], "event_list is essentially \@{\$self}");
tests _upgrade => sub {
my $event = Test2::Event::Pass->new(name => 'soup for you', trace => {frame => ['foo', '', 42]});
ok($event->isa('Test2::Event'), "Start with an event");
my $one = $CLASS->new;
my $up = $one->_upgrade($event);
ok($up->isa('Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event'), "Upgraded the event");
is($up->result_class, $CLASS, "set the result class");
is_deeply($event->facet_data, $up->facet_data, "Facet data is identical");
$up->facet_data->{trace}->{frame}->[2] = 43;
is($up->trace_line, 43, "Modified the facet data in the upgraded clone");
is($event->facet_data->{trace}->{frame}->[2], 42, "Did not modify the original");
my $up2 = $one->_upgrade($up);
is("$up2", "$up", "Returned the ref unmodified because it is already an upgraded item");
my $subtest = 'Test2::Event::V2'->new(
trace => {frame => ['foo', '', 42]},
assert => {pass => 1, details => 'pass'},
parent => {
hid => 1,
children => [ $event ],
my $subup = $one->_upgrade($subtest);
ok($subup->the_subtest->{children}->isa($CLASS), "Blessed subtest subevents");
"Upgraded the children"
tests hub => sub {
my $one = intercept {
ok(1, "pass");
ok(0, "fail");
plan 2;
my $hub = $one->hub;
ok($hub->isa('Test2::Hub'), "Hub is a proper instance");
ok($hub->check_plan, "Had a plan and followed it");
is($hub->count, 2, "saw both events");
is($hub->failed, 1, "saw a failure");
ok($hub->ended, "Hub ended");
count => 2,
failed => 1,
is_passing => 0,
plan => 2,
bailed_out => undef,
skip_reason => undef,
follows_plan => 1,
"Got the hub state"
tests upgrade => sub {
my $one = intercept {
require Test::More;
Test::More::ok(1, "pass");
Test::More::ok(1, "pass");
ok($one->[0]->isa('Test2::Event::Ok'), "Original event is not upgraded 0");
ok($one->[1]->isa('Test2::Event::Ok'), "Original event is not upgraded 1");
my $two = $one->upgrade;
ok($one->[0]->isa('Test2::Event::Ok'), "Did not modify original 0");
ok($one->[0]->isa('Test2::Event::Ok'), "Did not modify original 1");
ok($two->[0]->isa('Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event'), "Upgraded copy 0");
ok($two->[1]->isa('Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event'), "Upgraded copy 1");
my $three = $two->upgrade;
ok("$two->[0]" ne "$three->[0]", "Upgrade on an already upgraded instance returns copies of the events, not originals");
exception { $one->upgrade() },
qr/Called a method that creates a new instance in void context/,
"Calling upgrade() without keeping the result is a bug"
$one->upgrade(in_place => 1);
ok($one->[0]->isa('Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event'), "Upgraded in place 0");
ok($one->[1]->isa('Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event'), "Upgraded in place 1");
tests squash_info => sub {
my $one = intercept {
diag "isolated 1";
note "isolated 2";
sub {
my $ctx = context();
diag "inline 1";
note "inline 2";
diag "inline 3";
note "inline 4";
diag "isolated 3";
note "isolated 4";
my $new = $one->squash_info;
$one->squash_info(in_place => 1);
"Squash and squash in place produce the same result"
is(@$one, 5, "5 events after squash");
is_deeply([$one->[0]->info_messages], ['isolated 1'], "First event not modified");
is_deeply([$one->[1]->info_messages], ['isolated 2'], "Second event not modified");
is_deeply([$one->[3]->info_messages], ['isolated 3'], "second to last event not modified");
is_deeply([$one->[4]->info_messages], ['isolated 4'], "last event not modified");
'inline 1',
'inline 2',
'inline 3',
'inline 4',
"Assertion collected info generated in the same context"
ok($one->[2]->has_assert, "Assertion is still an assertion");
my $two = intercept {
tests messages => sub {
my $one = intercept {
note "foo";
diag "bar";
sub {
my $ctx = context();
errors => [
{tag => 'error', details => "Error 1" },
{tag => 'error', details => "Error 2" },
info => [
{tag => 'DIAG', details => 'Diag 1'},
{tag => 'DIAG', details => 'Diag 2'},
{tag => 'NOTE', details => 'Note 1'},
{tag => 'NOTE', details => 'Note 2'},
note "baz";
diag "bat";
['bar', 'Diag 1', 'Diag 2', 'bat'],
"Got diags"
['foo', 'Note 1', 'Note 2', 'baz'],
"Got Notes"
['Error 1', 'Error 2'],
"Got errors"
tests grep => sub {
my $one = intercept {
ok(1), # 0
note "A Note"; # 1
diag "A Diag"; # 2
tests foo => sub { ok(1) }; # 3
sub { # 4
my $ctx = context();
$ctx->send_ev2(errors => [{tag => 'error', details => "Error 1"}]);
}->(); # 4
plan 2; # 5
$one->upgrade(in_place => 1);
is_deeply($one->asserts, [$one->[0], $one->[3]], "Got the asserts");
is_deeply($one->subtests, [$one->[3]], "Got the subtests");
is_deeply($one->diags, [$one->[2]], "Got the diags");
is_deeply($one->notes, [$one->[1]], "Got the notes");
is_deeply($one->errors, [$one->[4]], "Got the errors");
is_deeply($one->plans, [$one->[5]], "Got the plans");
$one->asserts(in_place => 1);
is(@$one, 2, "2 events");
ok($_->has_assert, "Is an assert") for @$one;
tests map => sub {
my $one = intercept { ok(1); ok(2) };
$one->upgrade(in_place => 1);
[ $one->[0]->flatten, $one->[1]->flatten ],
"Flattened both events"
[ $one->[0]->brief, $one->[1]->brief ],
"Brief of both events"
[ $one->[0]->summary, $one->[1]->summary ],
"Summaries of both events"
my $two = intercept {
tests foo => sub { ok(1) };
tests bar => sub { ok(1) };
[ $two->[0]->subtest_result, $two->[2]->subtest_result ],
"Got subtest results"