use strict;
use Test2::API qw/context/;
use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
tests old_api => sub {
package My::MockEvent;
use Test2::Util::HashBase qw/foo bar baz/;
ok(My::MockEvent->can($_), "Added $_ accessor") for qw/foo bar baz/;
my $one = My::MockEvent->new(trace => 'fake');
ok(!$one->causes_fail, "Events do not cause failures by default");
ok(!$one->$_, "$_ is false by default") for qw/increments_count terminate global/;
ok(!$one->get_meta('xxx'), "no meta-data associated for key 'xxx'");
$one->set_meta('xxx', '123');
is($one->meta('xxx'), '123', "got meta-data");
is($one->meta('xxx', '321'), '123', "did not use default");
is($one->meta('yyy', '1221'), '1221', "got the default");
is($one->meta('yyy'), '1221', "last call set the value to the default for future use");
is($one->summary, 'My::MockEvent', "Default summary is event package");
is($one->diagnostics, 0, "Not diagnostics by default");
tests deprecated => sub {
my $e = Test2::Event->new(trace => Test2::EventFacet::Trace->new(frame => ['foo', '', 42], nested => 2, hid => 'maybe'));
my $warnings = warnings {
is($e->nested, 2, "Got nested from the trace");
is($e->in_subtest, 'maybe', "got hid from trace");
$e->trace->{nested} = 0;
is($e->nested, 0, "Not nested");
is($e->in_subtest, undef, "Did not get hid");
is(@$warnings, 2, "got warnings once each");
like($warnings->[0], qr/Use of Test2::Event->nested\(\) is deprecated/, "Warned about deprecation");
like($warnings->[1], qr/Use of Test2::Event->in_subtest\(\) is deprecated/, "Warned about deprecation");
tests facet_data => sub {
my $e = Test2::Event::Generic->new(
causes_fail => 0,
increments_count => 0,
diagnostics => 0,
no_display => 0,
callback => undef,
terminate => undef,
global => undef,
sets_plan => undef,
summary => undef,
facet_data => undef,
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef,
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0
"Facet data has control with only false values, and an about"
$e->set_trace(Test2::EventFacet::Trace->new(frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42]));
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef,
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
"Got a trace now"
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
errors => [
tag => 'FAIL',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
fail => 1,
"Got an error"
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 0,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
"Got an assert now"
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
"Got a passing assert now"
$e->set_callback(sub {1});
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => 255,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
"control fields were altered"
my $data;
no warnings 'once';
local *Test2::Event::Generic::subtest_id = sub { 123 };
$data = $e->facet_data;
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => 255,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
parent => {hid => 123},
"Added parent"
$e->set_meta('foo', {a => 1});
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => 255,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
"Grabbed meta"
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => 255,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
plan => { count => 5 },
"Plan facet added"
$e->set_sets_plan([0, SKIP => 'because']);
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => 0,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
plan => { count => 0, skip => 1, details => 'because' },
"Plan set terminate, skip, and details"
$e->set_sets_plan([0, 'NO PLAN' => 'because']);
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => undef,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
plan => { count => 0, none => 1, details => 'because' },
"Plan does not set terminate, but sets 'none' and 'details'"
$e->add_amnesty({tag => 'foo', details => 'bar'});
$e->add_amnesty({tag => 'baz', details => 'bat'});
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => undef,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
plan => { count => 0, none => 1, details => 'because' },
amnesty => [
{ tag => 'foo', details => 'bar' },
{ tag => 'baz', details => 'bat' },
"Amnesty added"
$e = Test2::Event::Generic->new();
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => 1,
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0,
"No Info"
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef,
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0,
info => [{
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
tag => 'DIAG',
debug => 1,
"Got debug Info"
$e->set_summary("foo bar baz");
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'foo bar baz',
eid => $e->eid,
no_display => undef,
control => {
has_callback => 0,
terminate => undef,
global => 0,
info => [{
details => 'foo bar baz',
tag => 'DIAG',
debug => 1,
"Got debug Info with summary change"
tests facets => sub {
my $data = {
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
no_display => undef
control => {
has_callback => 1,
terminate => undef,
global => 1,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
assert => {
no_debug => 1,
pass => 1,
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
plan => {count => 0, none => 1, details => 'because'},
parent => {hid => 123, children => []},
amnesty => [
{tag => 'foo', details => 'bar'},
{tag => 'baz', details => 'bat'},
info => [
details => 'foo bar baz',
tag => 'DIAG',
debug => 1,
errors => [{
tag => 'FAIL',
details => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
fail => 1,
my $e = Test2::Event::Generic->new(facet_data => $data);
"Facets and facet_data have the same structure"
my $facets = $e->facets;
for my $key (sort keys %$facets) {
my $type = "Test2::EventFacet::" . ucfirst($key);
$type =~ s/s$//;
my $val = $facets->{$key};
if ($type->is_list) {
for my $f (@$val) {
ok($f->isa('Test2::EventFacet'), "'$key' has a blessed facet");
ok($f->isa("$type"), "'$key' is a '$type'") or diag("$f");
else {
ok($val->isa('Test2::EventFacet'), "'$key' has a blessed facet");
ok($val->isa($type), "'$key' is a '$type'");
tests common_facet_data => sub {
my $e = Test2::Event::Generic->new(
causes_fail => 0,
increments_count => 0,
diagnostics => 0,
no_display => 0,
callback => undef,
terminate => undef,
global => undef,
sets_plan => undef,
summary => undef,
facet_data => undef,
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
"Facet data has an about"
$e->set_trace(Test2::EventFacet::Trace->new(frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42]));
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
"Got a trace now"
$e->set_meta('foo', {a => 1});
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
"Grabbed meta"
$e->add_amnesty({tag => 'foo', details => 'bar'});
$e->add_amnesty({tag => 'baz', details => 'bat'});
about => {
package => 'Test2::Event::Generic',
eid => $e->eid,
trace => {
frame => ['foo', 'foo.t', 42],
pid => $$,
tid => 0,
meta => {foo => {a => 1}},
amnesty => [
{tag => 'foo', details => 'bar'},
{tag => 'baz', details => 'bat'},
"Amnesty added"
tests related => sub {
my $ctx = context();
my $ev_a = $ctx->build_ev2(about => {});
my $ev_b = $ctx->build_ev2(about => {});
$ctx = context();
my $ev_c = $ctx->build_ev2(about => {});
delete $ev_a->{trace}->{uuid};
delete $ev_b->{trace}->{uuid};
delete $ev_c->{trace}->{uuid};
ok($ev_a->related($ev_b), "Related as they were created with the same context (no uuid)");
ok(!$ev_a->related($ev_c), "Not related as they were created with a different context (no uuid)");
$ev_a->{trace}->{uuid} = 'xxx'; # Yes I know it is not valid.
$ev_b->{trace}->{uuid} = 'yyy'; # Yes I know it is not valid.
$ev_c->{trace}->{uuid} = 'xxx'; # Yes I know it is not valid.
ok(!$ev_a->related($ev_b), "Not related, traces have different UUID's");
ok($ev_a->related($ev_c), "Related, traces have the same UUID's");
tests verify_facet_data => sub {
my $ev1 = Test2::Event::V2->new(
assert => { pass => 1 },
info => [{tag => 'NOTE', details => 'oops' }],
'a custom one' => {},
"No errors"
my $ev2 = Test2::Event::V2->new(
assert => [{ pass => 1 }],
info => {tag => 'NOTE', details => 'oops' },
'a custom one' => {},
my @errors = $ev2->validate_facet_data;
is(@errors, 2, "Got 2 errors");
like($errors[0], qr/^Facet 'assert' should not be a list, but got a a list/, "Got a list for a non-list type");
like($errors[1], qr/^Facet 'info' should be a list, but got a single item/, "Got a single item when a list is needed");
@errors = $ev2->validate_facet_data(require_facet_class => 1);
is(@errors, 3, "Got 3 errors");
is($errors[0], "Could not find a facet class for facet 'a custom one'", "Classes required");
like($errors[1], qr/^Facet 'assert' should not be a list, but got a a list/, "Got a list for a non-list type");
like($errors[2], qr/^Facet 'info' should be a list, but got a single item/, "Got a single item when a list is needed");
"No errors"
@errors = Test2::Event->validate_facet_data($ev2->facet_data);
is(@errors, 2, "Got 2 errors");
like($errors[0], qr/^Facet 'assert' should not be a list, but got a a list/, "Got a list for a non-list type");
like($errors[1], qr/^Facet 'info' should be a list, but got a single item/, "Got a single item when a list is needed");
@errors = Test2::Event->validate_facet_data($ev2->facet_data, require_facet_class => 1);
is(@errors, 3, "Got 3 errors");
is($errors[0], "Could not find a facet class for facet 'a custom one'", "Classes required");
like($errors[1], qr/^Facet 'assert' should not be a list, but got a a list/, "Got a list for a non-list type");
like($errors[2], qr/^Facet 'info' should be a list, but got a single item/, "Got a single item when a list is needed");