use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Compare::Delta';
can_ok($CLASS, qw/check/);
"chk is aliased to check"
my $one = $CLASS->new();
isa_ok($one, $CLASS);
my $check1 = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'x');
my $check2 = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'y');
$one = $CLASS->new(check => $check1);
ref_is($one->chk, $check1, "Got our check");
ref_is($one->check, $check1, "Got our check aliased");
$one = $CLASS->new(chk => $check2);
ref_is($one->chk, $check2, "Got our check");
ref_is($one->check, $check2, "Got our check aliased");
dies { $CLASS->new(check => $check1, chk => $check2) },
qr/Cannot specify both 'check' and 'chk' as arguments/,
"Cannot specify both chk and check"
subtest render_got => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
is($one->render_got, '<UNDEF>', "'got' is undef");
is($one->render_got, '<EXCEPTION: foo>', "Exception always wins");
is($one->render_got, '<DOES NOT EXIST>', "'got' does not exist");
is($one->render_got, '<UNDEF>', "'got' does not exist");
is($one->render_got, 'a', "'got' value");
like($one->render_got, qr/HASH\(.*\)/, "'got' ref value");
subtest render_check => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
my $check = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'xyz');
is($one->render_check, '<UNDEF>', "check is undef");
is($one->render_check, '<UNDEF>', "check is undef and dne is 'got'");
is($one->render_check, '<DOES NOT EXIST>', "check does not exit");
is($one->render_check, $check->render, "valid check is rendered");
subtest _full_id => sub {
my $fid = $CLASS->can('_full_id');
is($fid->(undef, 'xxx'), '<xxx>', "no type means <ID>");
is($fid->('META', 'xxx'), '<xxx>', "META type means <ID>");
is($fid->('SCALAR', '$*'), '$*', "SCALAR type means ID is unchanged");
is($fid->('HASH', 'xxx'), '{xxx}', "HASH type means ID is wrapped in {}");
is($fid->('ARRAY', '12'), '[12]', "ARRAY type means ID is wrapped in []");
is($fid->('METHOD', 'foo'), 'foo()', "METHOD type gets () postfix");
subtest _arrow_id => sub {
my $aid = $CLASS->can('_arrow_id');
is($aid->('xxx', undef), ' ', "undef gets a space, not an arrow");
is($aid->('xxx', 'META'), ' ', "Meta gets a space, not an arrow");
is($aid->('xxx', 'METHOD'), '->', "Method always needs an arrow");
is($aid->('xxx', 'SCALAR'), '->', "Scalar always needs an arrow");
is($aid->('xxx', 'HASH'), '->', "Hash usually needs an arrow");
is($aid->('xxx', 'ARRAY'), '->', "Array usually needs an arrow");
is($aid->('{xxx}', 'HASH'), '', "Hash needs no arrow after hash");
is($aid->('{xxx}', 'ARRAY'), '', "Array needs no arrow after hash");
is($aid->('[xxx]', 'HASH'), '', "Hash needs no arrow after array");
is($aid->('[xxx]', 'ARRAY'), '', "Array needs no arrow after array");
is($aid->('<xxx>', 'xxx'), '->', "Need an arrow after meta, or after a method");
is($aid->('xxx()', 'xxx'), '->', "Need an arrow after meta, or after a method");
is($aid->('$VAR', 'xxx'), '->', "Need an arrow after the initial ref");
is($aid->('xxx', ''), ' ', "space");
is($aid->('', ''), '', "No arrow needed");
subtest _join_id => sub {
my $jid = $CLASS->can('_join_id');
is($jid->('{path}', [undef, 'id']), "{path} <id>", "Hash + undef");
is($jid->('[path]', [undef, 'id']), "[path] <id>", "Array + undef");
is($jid->('path', [undef, 'id']), "path <id>", "path + undef");
is($jid->('<path>', [undef, 'id']), "<path> <id>", "meta + undef");
is($jid->('path()', [undef, 'id']), "path() <id>", "meth + undef");
is($jid->('$VAR', [undef, 'id']), '$VAR <id>', '$VAR + undef');
is($jid->('', [undef, 'id']), "<id>", "empty + undef");
is($jid->('{path}', ['META', 'id']), "{path} <id>", "hash + meta");
is($jid->('[path]', ['META', 'id']), "[path] <id>", "array + meta");
is($jid->('path', ['META', 'id']), "path <id>", "path + meta");
is($jid->('<path>', ['META', 'id']), "<path> <id>", "meta + meta");
is($jid->('path()', ['META', 'id']), "path() <id>", "meth + meta");
is($jid->('$VAR', ['META', 'id']), '$VAR <id>', '$VAR + meta');
is($jid->('', ['META', 'id']), "<id>", "empty + meta");
is($jid->('{path}', ['SCALAR', '$*']), '{path}->$*', "Hash + scalar");
is($jid->('[path]', ['SCALAR', '$*']), '[path]->$*', "Array + scalar");
is($jid->('path', ['SCALAR', '$*']), 'path->$*', "Path + scalar");
is($jid->('<path>', ['SCALAR', '$*']), '<path>->$*', "Meta + scalar");
is($jid->('path()', ['SCALAR', '$*']), 'path()->$*', "Meth + scalar");
is($jid->('$VAR', ['SCALAR', '$*']), '$VAR->$*', '$VAR + scalar');
is($jid->('', ['SCALAR', '$*']), '$*', "Empty + scalar");
is($jid->('{path}', ['HASH', 'id']), "{path}{id}", "Hash + hash");
is($jid->('[path]', ['HASH', 'id']), "[path]{id}", "Array + hash");
is($jid->('path', ['HASH', 'id']), "path->{id}", "Path + hash");
is($jid->('<path>', ['HASH', 'id']), "<path>->{id}", "Meta + hash");
is($jid->('path()', ['HASH', 'id']), "path()->{id}", "Meth + hash");
is($jid->('$VAR', ['HASH', 'id']), '$VAR->{id}', '$VAR + hash');
is($jid->('', ['HASH', 'id']), "{id}", "Empty + hash");
is($jid->('{path}', ['ARRAY', '12']), "{path}[12]", "Hash + array");
is($jid->('[path]', ['ARRAY', '12']), "[path][12]", "Array + array");
is($jid->('path', ['ARRAY', '12']), "path->[12]", "Path + array");
is($jid->('<path>', ['ARRAY', '12']), "<path>->[12]", "Meta + array");
is($jid->('path()', ['ARRAY', '12']), "path()->[12]", "Meth + array");
is($jid->('$VAR', ['ARRAY', '12']), '$VAR->[12]', '$VAR + array');
is($jid->('', ['ARRAY', '12']), "[12]", "Empty + array");
is($jid->('{path}', ['METHOD', 'id']), "{path}->id()", "Hash + method");
is($jid->('[path]', ['METHOD', 'id']), "[path]->id()", "Array + method");
is($jid->('path', ['METHOD', 'id']), "path->id()", "Path + method");
is($jid->('<path>', ['METHOD', 'id']), "<path>->id()", "Meta + method");
is($jid->('path()', ['METHOD', 'id']), "path()->id()", "Meth + method");
is($jid->('$VAR', ['METHOD', 'id']), '$VAR->id()', '$VAR + method');
is($jid->('', ['METHOD', 'id']), "id()", "Empty + method");
subtest should_show => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new(verified => 0);
ok($one->should_show, "not verified, always show");
ok(!$one->should_show, "verified, do not show");
my $check = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'xyz');
ok(!$one->should_show, "verified, check is uninteresting");
ok(!$one->should_show, "verified, check has lines but no file");
ok(!$one->should_show, "verified, check has lines different file");
ok($one->should_show, "Have lines and same file, should show for debug purposes");
subtest filter_visible => sub {
my $root = $CLASS->new(verified => 1);
my $child1 = $CLASS->new(verified => 0, id => [HASH => 'a']);
my $child2 = $CLASS->new(verified => 1, id => [HASH => 'b']);
my $grand1 = $CLASS->new(verified => 0, id => [ARRAY => 0], children => []);
my $grand2 = $CLASS->new(verified => 0, id => [ARRAY => 1], children => []);
$root->set_children([$child1, $child2]);
$child2->set_children([$grand1, $grand2]);
['{a}', $child1],
['{b}[0]', $grand1],
['{b}[1]', $grand2],
"Got visible ones"
subtest table_header => sub {
is($CLASS->table_header, [qw/PATH LNs GOT OP CHECK LNs/], "got header");
subtest table_op => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new(verified => 0);
is($one->table_op, '!exists', "no op if there is no check");
my $check = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'xyz');
is($one->table_op, 'eq', "got op");
is($one->table_op, 'eq', "got op when dne is set to something other than 'got'");
is($one->table_op, '', "Called check->operator without args since dne is 'got'");
subtest table_check_lines => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new(verified => 0);
is($one->table_check_lines, '', 'no lines without a check');
my $check = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'xyz');
is($one->table_check_lines, '', 'check has no lines');
is($one->table_check_lines, '', 'check has lines, but it is empty');
$check->set_lines([2, 4, 6]);
is($one->table_check_lines, '2, 4, 6', 'got lines');
subtest table_got_lines => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new(verified => 0);
is($one->table_got_lines, '', "no lines without a check");
my $check = Test2::Compare::String->new(input => 'xyz');
is($one->table_got_lines, '', "no lines when 'got' is dne");
is($one->table_got_lines, '', "no lines found with other dne");
is($one->table_got_lines, '', "no lines found by check");
my $c = mock 'Test2::Compare::Base' => (
override => [
got_lines => sub {(2, 4, 6)},
is($one->table_got_lines, '2, 4, 6', "got lines");
subtest table_rows => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new(verified => 0);
# These are tested above, mocking here for simplicity
my $mock = mock $CLASS => (
override => [
filter_visible => sub { [['{foo}', $one], ['{bar}', $one]] },
render_check => sub { 'CHECK!' },
render_got => sub { 'GOT!' },
table_op => sub { 'OP!' },
table_check_lines => sub { 'CHECK LINES!' },
table_got_lines => sub { 'GOT LINES!' },
my $rows = $one->table_rows;
$mock = undef;
['{foo}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{bar}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
"got rows"
subtest table => sub {
local $ENV{TS_MAX_DELTA} = 10;
my $rows;
my $mock = mock $CLASS => (override => [table_rows => sub { return $rows }]);
my $one = $CLASS->new();
$rows = [
['{foo}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{bar}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{baz}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{bat}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
def is => (
[split /\n/, $one->table->as_string],
'| PATH | LNs | GOT | OP | CHECK | LNs |',
'| {foo} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
'| {bar} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
'| {baz} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
'| {bat} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
"Got expected table"
$rows = [
['{foo}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{bar}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{baz}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
['{bat}', 'GOT LINES!', 'GOT!', 'OP!', 'CHECK!', 'CHECK LINES!'],
def is => (
[split /\n/, $one->table->as_string],
'| PATH | LNs | GOT | OP | CHECK | LNs |',
'| {foo} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
'| {bar} | GOT LINES! | GOT! | OP! | CHECK! | CHECK LINES! |',
'* Stopped after 2 differences. *',
'* Set the TS_MAX_DELTA environment var to raise the limit. *',
'* Set it to 0 for no limit. *',
"Got expected table and warning"
$rows = [
['{foo}', '', '', '', '', ''],
['{bar}', '', '', '', '', ''],
['{baz}', '', '', '', '', ''],
['{bat}', '', '', '', '', ''],
def is => (
[split /\n/, $one->table->as_string],
'| PATH | GOT | CHECK |',
'| {foo} | | |',
'| {bar} | | |',
'| {baz} | | |',
'| {bat} | | |',
"'GOT' and 'CHECK' never collapse"
$mock = undef;
delete $ENV{TS_MAX_DELTA};
subtest custom_columns => sub {
my $conv = Test2::Compare->can('strict_convert');
my $comp = Test2::Compare->can('compare');
my $cmp = sub {
my $ctx = context();
my $delta = $comp->(@_, $conv);
my $table = $delta->table;
return [split /\n/, $table->as_string];
$CLASS->add_column('V' => sub {
my ($d) = @_;
return $d->verified ? '*' : '';
my $table = $cmp->(
{ foo => ['x', 'y'] },
hash {
field foo => array {
item 'a';
item 'b';
qr/\Q| V |\E$/,
qr/\Q| * |\E$/,
qr/\Q| * |\E$/,
qr/\Q| |\E$/,
qr/\Q| |\E$/,
"Got new column, it is last"
$table = $cmp->(
['x', 'y'],
['a', 'b'],
is($table->[1], mismatch qr/\Q| V |\E/, "Column not shown, it is empty");
is($CLASS->remove_column('V'), 1, "Removed the column");
is($CLASS->remove_column('V'), 0, "No column to remove");
value => sub {
my ($d) = @_;
return $d->verified ? '*' : '';
alias => '?',
no_collapse => 1,
prefix => 1,
$table = $cmp->(
{ foo => ['x', 'y'] },
hash {
field foo => array {
item 'a';
item 'b';
qr/^\Q| ? |\E/,
qr/^\Q| * |\E/,
qr/^\Q| * |\E/,
qr/^\Q| |\E/,
qr/^\Q| |\E/,
"Got new column, it is first"
$table = $cmp->(
['x', 'y'],
['a', 'b'],
qr/^\Q| ? |\E/,
qr/^\Q| |\E/,
qr/^\Q| |\E/,
"Did not collapse"
is($CLASS->remove_column('V'), 1, "Removed the column");
is($CLASS->remove_column('V'), 0, "No column to remove");
dies { $CLASS->add_column },
qr/Column name is required/,
"Column name is required"
dies { $CLASS->add_column('FOO') },
qr/You must specify a 'value' callback/,
"Need value callback"
dies { $CLASS->add_column('FOO', 'foo') },
qr/'value' callback must be a CODE reference/,
"Need value callback"
$CLASS->add_column('FOO' => sub { '' });
dies { $CLASS->add_column('FOO' => sub { '' }) },
qr/Column 'FOO' is already defined/,
"No duplicates"
is($CLASS->remove_column('FOO'), 1, "Removed the column");
subtest set_column_alias => sub {
$CLASS->set_column_alias(PATH => ' ');
[' ', qw/LNs GOT OP CHECK LNs/],
"hide column name"
$CLASS->set_column_alias(GLNs => 'Now This');
[' ', 'Now This', qw/GOT OP CHECK LNs/],
"column name with spaces"
$CLASS->add_column('NEW' => sub { '' });
$CLASS->set_column_alias(NEW => 'OLD');
[' ', 'Now This', qw/GOT OP CHECK LNs OLD/],
"change added column name"
dies { $CLASS->set_column_alias('OP') },
qr/Missing alias/,
'Missing alias'
dies { $CLASS->set_column_alias(DNE => 'NOPE') },
qr/Tried to alias a non-existent column/,
'Needs existing column name'
subtest overload => sub {
no warnings 'once';
package Overload::Foo;
'""' => sub { 'FOO' },
'0+' => sub { 42 };
package Overload::Bar;
'""' => sub { 'BAR' },
'0+' => sub { 99 };
my $foo = bless \*FOO, 'Overload::Foo';
my $bar = bless \*BAR, 'Overload::Bar';
is("$foo", "FOO", "overloaded string form FOO");
is("$bar", "BAR", "overloaded string form BAR");
is(int($foo), 42, "overloaded number form FOO");
is(int($bar), 99, "overloaded number form BAR");
my $conv = Test2::Compare->can('strict_convert');
my $comp = Test2::Compare->can('compare');
my $cmp = sub {
my $ctx = context();
my $delta = $comp->(@_, $conv);
my $table = $delta->table;
return [split /\n/, $table->as_string];
my $table = $cmp->($foo, $bar);
# On some systems the memory address is long enough to cause this to wrap.
my @checks;
if (@$table == 5) {
@checks = (
qr/^\| Overload::Foo=GLOB\(.+\)\s+\| ==\s+\| Overload::Bar=GLOB\(.+\)\s+\|$/,
else {
@checks = (
qr/^\| Overload::Foo=GLOB\(.+\s+\| ==\s+\| Overload::Bar=GLOB\(.+\s+\|$/,
qr/^\| .*\)\s+\| \s+\| .*\)\s+\|$/,
T(), # Border
T(), # Header
T(), # Border
T(), # Border
DNE(), # END
"Showed type+mem address, despire overloading"