use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Compare::Object';
subtest simple => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
isa_ok($one, $CLASS, 'Test2::Compare::Base');
is($one->calls, [], "got calls arrayref for free");
is($one->name, '<OBJECT>', "Got name");
is($one->meta_class, 'Test2::Compare::Meta', "Correct metaclass");
is($one->object_base, 'UNIVERSAL', "Correct object base");
ok(defined $CLASS->new(calls => []), "Can specify a calls array")
subtest verify => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
ok(!$one->verify(exists => 0), "nothing to verify");
ok(!$one->verify(exists => 1, got => 1), "not a ref");
ok(!$one->verify(exists => 1, got => {}), "not blessed");
ok($one->verify(exists => 1, got => bless({}, 'Foo')), "Blessed");
no warnings 'once';
local *Foo::isa = sub { 0 };
ok(!$one->verify(exists => 1, got => bless({}, 'Foo')), "not a 'UNIVERSAL' (pretend)");
subtest add_prop => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new();
ok(!$one->meta, "no meta yet");
$one->add_prop('blessed' => 'Foo');
isa_ok($one->meta, 'Test2::Compare::Meta');
is(@{$one->meta->items}, 1, "1 item");
$one->add_prop('reftype' => 'HASH');
is(@{$one->meta->items}, 2, "2 items");
subtest add_field => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new();
ok(!$one->refcheck, "no refcheck yet");
$one->add_field(foo => 1);
isa_ok($one->refcheck, 'Test2::Compare::Hash');
is(@{$one->refcheck->order}, 1, "1 item");
$one->add_field(bar => 1);
is(@{$one->refcheck->order}, 2, "2 items");
$one = $CLASS->new();
$one->add_item(0 => 'foo');
dies { $one->add_field(foo => 1) },
qr/Underlying reference does not have fields/,
"Cannot add fields to a non-hash refcheck"
subtest add_item => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new();
ok(!$one->refcheck, "no refcheck yet");
$one->add_item(0 => 'foo');
isa_ok($one->refcheck, 'Test2::Compare::Array');
is(@{$one->refcheck->order}, 1, "1 item");
$one->add_item(1 => 'bar');
is(@{$one->refcheck->order}, 2, "2 items");
$one = $CLASS->new();
$one->add_field('foo' => 1);
dies { $one->add_item(0 => 'foo') },
qr/Underlying reference does not have items/,
"Cannot add items to a non-array refcheck"
subtest add_call => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
my $code = sub { 1 };
$one->add_call(foo => 'FOO');
$one->add_call($code, 1);
$one->add_call($code, 1, 'custom');
$one->add_call($code, 1, 'custom', 'list');
['foo', 'FOO', 'foo', 'scalar'],
[$code, 1, '\&CODE', 'scalar'],
[$code, 1, 'custom', 'scalar'],
[$code, 1, 'custom', 'list'],
"Added all 4 calls"
package Foo;
package Foo::Bar;
our @ISA = 'Foo';
sub foo { 'foo' }
sub baz { 'baz' }
sub one { 1 }
sub many { return (1,2,3,4) }
sub args { shift; +{@_} }
package Fake::Fake;
sub foo { 'xxx' }
sub one { 2 }
sub args { shift; +[@_] }
subtest deltas => sub {
my $convert = Test2::Compare->can('strict_convert');
my $good = bless { a => 1 }, 'Foo::Bar';
my $bad = bless [ 'a', 1 ], 'Fake::Fake';
my $one = $CLASS->new;
$one->add_field(a => 1);
$one->add_prop(blessed => 'Foo::Bar');
$one->add_prop(isa => 'Foo');
$one->add_call(sub {
my $self = shift;
die "XXX" unless $self->isa('Foo::Bar');
}, 'live', 'maybe_throw');
$one->add_call('foo' => 'foo');
$one->add_call('baz' => 'baz');
$one->add_call('one' => 1);
$one->add_call('many' => [1,2,3,4],undef,'list');
$one->add_call('many' => {1=>2,3=>4},undef,'hash');
$one->add_call([args => 1,2] => {1=>2});
[$one->deltas(exists => 1, got => $good, convert => $convert, seen => {})],
"Nothing failed"
[$one->deltas(got => $bad, convert => $convert, seen => {})],
chk => T(),
got => 'Fake::Fake',
id => ['META' => 'blessed'],
chk => T(),
got => T(),
id => ['META' => 'isa'],
chk => T(),
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'maybe_throw'],
exception => qr/XXX/,
chk => T(),
got => 'xxx',
id => [METHOD => 'foo'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'baz'],
chk => T(),
got => 2,
id => [METHOD => 'one'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'many'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'many'],
chk => T(),
got => [1,2],
id => [METHOD => 'args'],
chk => T(),
got => [],
id => [META => 'Object Ref'],
"Everything failed"
# This is critical, there were a couple bugs only seen when wrapped in
# 'run' instead of directly calling 'deltas'
[$one->run(id => undef, got => $bad, convert => $convert, seen => {})],
verified => 1,
children => [
chk => T(),
got => 'Fake::Fake',
id => ['META' => 'blessed'],
chk => T(),
got => T(),
id => ['META' => 'isa'],
chk => T(),
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'maybe_throw'],
exception => qr/XXX/,
chk => T(),
got => 'xxx',
id => [METHOD => 'foo'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'baz'],
chk => T(),
got => 2,
id => [METHOD => 'one'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'many'],
chk => T(),
dne => 'got',
got => undef,
id => [METHOD => 'many'],
chk => T(),
got => [1,2],
id => [METHOD => 'args'],
chk => T(),
got => [],
id => [META => 'Object Ref'],
"Everything failed, check when wrapped"