use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Compare::OrderedSubset';
use lib 't/lib';
isa_ok($CLASS, 'Test2::Compare::Base');
is($CLASS->name, '<ORDERED SUBSET>', "got name");
subtest construction => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new();
isa_ok($one, $CLASS);
is($one->items, [], "created items as an array");
$one = $CLASS->new(items => [qw/a b/]);
is($one->items, [qw/a b/], "used items as specified");
$one = $CLASS->new(inref => ['a', 'b']);
is($one->items, [qw/a b/], "Generated items");
dies { $CLASS->new(inref => { 1 => 'a' }) },
qr/'inref' must be an array reference, got 'HASH\(.+\)'/,
"inref must be an array"
subtest verify => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new;
is($one->verify(exists => 0), 0, "did not get anything");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => undef), 0, "undef is not an array");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => 0), 0, "0 is not an array");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => 1), 0, "1 is not an array");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => 'string'), 0, "'string' is not an array");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => {}), 0, "a hash is not an array");
is($one->verify(exists => 1, got => []), 1, "an array is an array");
subtest add_item => sub {
my $one = $CLASS->new();
$one->add_item(1 => 'b');
$one->add_item(3 => 'd');
$one->add_item(8 => 'x');
[ 'a', 'b', 'd', 'x', 'y' ],
"Expected items"
subtest deltas => sub {
my $conv = Test2::Compare->can('strict_convert');
my %params = (exists => 1, convert => $conv, seen => {});
my $inref = ['a', 'b'];
my $one = $CLASS->new(inref => $inref);
[$one->deltas(%params, got => ['a', 'b'])],
"No delta, no diff"
[$one->deltas(%params, got => ['a'])],
dne => 'got',
id => [ARRAY => '?'],
"Got the delta for the missing value"
[$one->deltas(%params, got => ['a', 'a'])],
dne => 'got',
id => [ARRAY => '?'],
"Got the delta for the incorrect value"
[$one->deltas(%params, got => ['a', 'b', 'a', 'a'])],
"No delta, not checking ending"
package Foo::OO;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless [ @_ ] , $class;
subtest object_as_arrays => sub {
my $o1 = Foo::OO->new( 'b') ;
is ( $o1 , subset{ item 'b' }, "same" );