use strict;
my $file = __FILE__;
def ok => (1, "truth");
def is => (1, 1, "1 is 1");
def is => ({}, {}, "hash is hash");
def ok => (0, 'lies');
def is => (0, 1, "1 is not 0");
def is => ({}, [], "a hash is not an array");
use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Tools::Defer';
sub capture(&) {
my $code = shift;
my ($err, $out) = ("", "");
my ($ok, $e);
local *STDOUT;
local *STDERR;
($ok, $e) = Test2::Util::try(sub {
open(STDOUT, '>', \$out) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDOUT: $!";
open(STDERR, '>', \$err) or die "Failed to open a temporary STDERR: $!";
die $e unless $ok;
return {
STDOUT => $out,
STDERR => $err,
intercept { do_def },
array {
filter_items { grep { $_->isa('Test2::Event::Ok') || $_->isa('Test2::Event::Fail') } @_ };
event Ok => sub {
call pass => 1;
call name => 'truth';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 1;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
event Ok => sub {
call pass => 1;
call name => '1 is 1';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 2;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
event Ok => sub {
call pass => 1;
call name => 'hash is hash';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 3;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
event Ok => sub {
call pass => 0;
call name => 'lies';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 5;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
event Fail => sub {
call name => '1 is not 0';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 6;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
event Fail => sub {
call name => 'a hash is not an array';
prop file => "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) " . __FILE__;
prop line => $START_LINE + 7;
prop package => __PACKAGE__;
"got expected events"
def ok => (1, "truth");
def is => (1, 1, "1 is 1");
def is => ({}, {}, "hash is hash");
# Actually run some that pass
dies { do_def() },
qr/No tests to run/,
"Fails if there are no tests"
my $line1 = __LINE__ + 1;
sub oops { die 'oops' }
my $line2 = __LINE__ + 1;
def oops => (1);
like( dies { do_def() }, <<EOT, "Exceptions in the test are propagated");
Exception: oops at $file line $line1.
package main;
# line $line2 "(eval in Test2::Tools::Defer) $file"
Tool: oops
Caller: main, $file, $line2
\$args: [
package Foo;
main::def ok => (1, "pass");
def ok => (1, "pass");
my $new_exit = 0;
my $out = capture { Test2::Tools::Defer::_verify(undef, 0, \$new_exit) };
is($new_exit, 255, "exit set to 255 due to unrun tests");
qr/not ok - deferred tests were not run/,
"Got failed STDOUT line"
qr/# 'main' has deferred tests that were never run/,
"We see that main failed"
qr/# 'Foo' has deferred tests that were never run/,
"We see that Foo failed"
local $? = 101;
def ok => (1, "pass");
my $out = capture { Test2::Tools::Defer::_verify() };
is($?, 101, "did not change exit code");
qr/not ok - deferred tests were not run/,
"Got failed STDOUT line"
qr/# 'main' has deferred tests that were never run/,
"We see that main failed"