use Test2::Bundle::Extended -target => 'Test2::Compare::Isa';
package Foo;
package Foo::Bar;
our @ISA = 'Foo';
package Baz;
my $isa_foo = $CLASS->new(input => 'Foo');
my $isa_foo_bar = $CLASS->new(input => 'Foo::Bar');
my $not_isa_foo_bar = $CLASS->new(input => 'Foo::Bar', negate => 1);
isa_ok($_, $CLASS, 'Test2::Compare::Base') for $isa_foo, $isa_foo_bar, $not_isa_foo_bar;
subtest name => sub {
is($isa_foo->name, 'Foo', "got expected name");
is($isa_foo_bar->name, 'Foo::Bar', "got expected name");
is($not_isa_foo_bar->name, 'Foo::Bar', "got expected name");
subtest operator => sub {
is($isa_foo->operator, 'isa', "got expected operator");
is($isa_foo_bar->operator, 'isa', "got expected operator");
is($not_isa_foo_bar->operator, '!isa', "got expected operator");
subtest verify => sub {
my $foo = bless {}, 'Foo';
my $foo_bar = bless {}, 'Foo::Bar';
my $baz = bless {}, 'Baz';
ok(!$isa_foo->verify(exists => 0, got => undef), 'does not verify against DNE');
ok(!$isa_foo->verify(exists => 1, got => undef), 'undef is not an instance of Foo');
ok(!$isa_foo->verify(exists => 1, got => 42), '42 is not an instance of Foo');
ok($isa_foo->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo), '$foo is an instance of Foo');
ok($isa_foo->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo_bar), '$foo_bar is an instance of Foo');
ok(!$isa_foo->verify(exists => 1, got => $baz), '$baz is not an instance of Foo');
ok(!$isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 0, got => undef), 'does not verify against DNE');
ok(!$isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => undef), 'undef is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok(!$isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => 42), '42 is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok(!$isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo), '$foo is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok($isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo_bar), '$foo_bar is an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok(!$isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $baz), '$baz is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok(!$not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 0, got => undef), 'does not verify against DNE');
ok($not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => undef), 'undef is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok($not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => 42), '42 is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok($not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo), '$foo is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok(!$not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $foo_bar), '$foo_bar is an instance of Foo::Bar');
ok($not_isa_foo_bar->verify(exists => 1, got => $baz), '$baz is not an instance of Foo::Bar');
dies { $CLASS->new() },
qr/input must be defined for 'Isa' check/,
"Cannot use undef as a class name"