use strict;
# Store the default STDOUT and STDERR IO layers for later testing.
# This must happen before we load anything else.
use PerlIO ();
my %Layers;
sub get_layers {
my $fh = shift;
return { map {$_ => 1} PerlIO::get_layers($fh) };
$Layers{STDERR} = get_layers(*STDERR);
$Layers{STDOUT} = get_layers(*STDOUT);
use Test2::API qw(test2_stack);
note "pragma"; {
ok(utf8::is_utf8("癸"), "utf8 pragma is on");
note "io_layers"; {
is get_layers(*STDOUT), $Layers{STDOUT}, "STDOUT encoding is untouched";
is get_layers(*STDERR), $Layers{STDERR}, "STDERR encoding is untouched";
note "format_handles"; {
my $format = test2_stack()->top->format;
my $handles = $format->handles or last;
for my $hn (0 .. @$handles) {
my $h = $handles->[$hn] || next;
my $layers = get_layers($h);
ok($layers->{utf8}, "utf8 is on for formatter handle $hn");