use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
sub _check_siret {
my ($class, $siret) = @_;
$siret =~ s#\s+##g;
my $nb_max = ref($class) =~ /T$/ ? 14 : 9;
return '' if ($siret !~ /^\d{$nb_max}$/);
return $siret;
sub new {
my ($class, $siret) = @_;
my $self = bless \$siret, $class;
$siret ||= '';
$siret = $self->_check_siret($siret);
sub siren {
my $self = shift;
my $siret = shift;
return $self->siret($siret);
sub siret {
my $self = shift;
my $siret = shift;
$$self = $self->_check_siret($siret) if ($siret);
return $$self;
sub is_valid {
my $self = shift;
my $siret = shift;
$$self = $self->_check_siret($siret) if ($siret);
return Algorithm::LUHN::is_valid($self->siret);
=head1 NAME
Business::FR::SIRET - Verify French Companies SIRET
use Business::FR::SIRET;
$c = Business::FR::SIRET->new('00011122233344');
print $c->siret()." looks good\n" if $c->is_valid();
$c = Business::FR::SIRET->new();
print "looks good\n" if $c->is_valid();
print "looks good\n" if $c->is_valid('00011122233344');
This module verifies SIRETs, which are french companies identification.
This module cannot tell if a SIRET references a real company, but it
can tell you if the given SIRET is properly formatted.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new([$siret])
The new constructor optionally takes a SIRET number.
=item siret([$siret])
if no argument is given, it returns the current SIRET number.
if an argument is provided, it will set the SIRET number and return it.
=item is_valid([$siret])
Returns true if the SIRET number is valid.
Please report any requests, suggestions or bugs via the RT bug-tracking system
at or email to bug-Business-FR-SIRET\ is the RT queue for Business::FR::SIRET.
Please check to see if your bug has already been reported.
Copyright 2004
Fabien Potencier,
This software may be freely copied and distributed under the same
terms and conditions as Perl.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Algorithm::LUHN.