# Copyright (C) 2004 Identity Commons. All Rights Reserved.
# See LICENSE for licensing details
# Author: Fen Labalme <fen@idcommons.net>, <fen@comedia.com>
# with a tip-of-the-cap to parse.py written by Gabe Wachob
# fix FIXME sections
# add UNICODE support
package XRI::Parse;
use Text::Balanced qw( extract_bracketed );
our @SEPARATORS = qw( / * : );
our @GCS_CHARS = qw( @ = + $ * );
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $xri = shift;
$xri =~ s/^xri://i;
# $xri = stripComments( $xri );
my $this = { token=>undef,
xri=>$xri };
bless $this, $self;
# escapes an XRI (including relative XRIs) for inclusion in an HTTP request
# FIXME: currently handles xrefs identically to sub-segments
sub escapeURI {
my $this = shift;
my $result;
while (my $seg = $this->nextSegment) {
$result = shift @$seg; # always one of qw( @ // /. /: )
foreach my $subseg ( @$seg ) {
if ($subseg =~ m|^\(|) { # xref
$result .= uri_escape($subseg, "^A-Za-z0-9\\\-\_\.\!\~\*\'");
else { # sub-segment
$result .= uri_escape($subseg, "^A-Za-z0-9\\\-\_\.\!\~\*\'");
return $result;
# if an absolute-xri, emit the array ref [ [ firstSegment ], local-path ]
# if a relative-xri, emit the local-path or relative-path as a string
sub splitAuthLocal {
my $this = shift;
my $firstRef = $this->nextSegment;
if ( defined $this->{'authority'} ) {
my @auth = ();
# lowercase the authority segments
foreach my $seg (@$firstRef) {
push @auth, lc $seg;
return [ \@auth, $this->{remainder} ];
else {
return $this->{xri};
# Emits a series of segments, each of which is a
# list of (separator, part, separator...) tuples
# Segments are separated by forward slash '/'
# Emits (gcs-char, part, separator, part...)
# for the first segment if using a gcs-char
# Separator is one of "/.", "/:", ".", or ":"
sub nextSegment {
my $this = shift;
my ( $token, @segment );
if (defined $this->{token}) {
@segment = ( $this->{token} );
undef $this->{token};
else {
if ( $token = $this->nextToken ) {
@segment = ( $token );
else {
return undef;
while (( $token = $this->nextToken ) && $token !~ m|^\/| ) {
push @segment, $token;
$this->{token} = $token if $token;
return \@segment;
sub getCrossReference {
my $this = shift;
my $xri = shift;
# FIXME: what to do if: 'xri:(!comment1).(!comment2)' -- (is this legal?)
# FIXME: raise error if unbalanced parens
while (($this->{remainder} = $xri) =~ m|^\(|) { # cross-reference
my $xref;
($xref, $xri) = extract_bracketed($xri, '()');
next if $xref =~ m|^\(\!|; # skip leading comments
$this->{remainder} = $xri;
return $xref;
return undef;
# return initial qw( @ = * // ) or undef
# created to better strip leading comments
# perhaps comment stripping should occur on object instantiation?
sub getAuthority {
my $this = shift;
my $xri = $this->{xri};
my $xref;
if ( $xref = $this->getCrossReference( $xri )) {
$this->{'authority'} = $xref;
return $xref;
if ($this->{remainder} =~ m|^\/\/(.*)$|) { # initial '//'
$this->{'authority'} = '//';
$this->{remainder} = $1;
return '//';
if ($this->{remainder} =~ m|^([\@\=\*])(.*)$|) { # gcs-char
my ($gcs, $rem) = ($1, $2);
$this->{remainder} = (($rem =~ m|^[\/\*\:]|)?'':'*') . $rem;
$this->{'authority'} = $gcs;
return $gcs;
$this->{remainder} = $xri;
# Generates a list of (separator, string) pairs
# Ignores the leading xri:
# If the first two characters (ignoring the xri:) are //, returns this *once* as the
# first token, as the // is only legal at the very beginning
# Everything within () is treated as a single token
# Yields a series of strings, one of the characters in SEPARATORS, or
# a string of characters (a sub-segment)
# FIXME: fix handling of '*'
# FIXME: add handling of '&'
# FIXME: strip comments: including multiple, before or after GCS
sub nextToken {
my $this = shift;
my $auth;
if (!defined $this->{remainder} && ($auth = $this->getAuthority)) {
return $auth;
return $xref if $xref = $this->getCrossReference( $this->{remainder} );
if ($this->{remainder} =~ m|^([\/\*\:])(.*)$|) { # initial separators
my ($sep, $rem) = ($1, $2);
if ($sep eq '/') {
if ($rem =~ m|^([\*\:])(.*)$|) {
$sep .= $1; # '/.' or '/:'
$rem = $2;
else {
$sep = '/*';
$this->{remainder} = $rem;
return $sep;
if ($this->{remainder} =~ m|^([^\/\*\:]+)(.*)$|) { # sub-segment
$this->{remainder} = $2;
return $1;
return undef;