Revision history for Perl extension Acme::Roman.
$Id: Changes 560 2006-07-17 16:52:16Z me $ Jun 06 2008
no code changes
has a POD coverage test (skipped, but has one)
you know, gotta please CPANTS Jul 20 2007
search.cpan and Module::Build are not ready yet
for artistic2 (even though CPAN is) - back to
Perl licenses
Damn! 5.9.5 keeps warning about "v-string in use/require non-portable"
because Roman 1.20 uses "use 5.6.0" Jul 20 2007
"license => 'mit'" slipped instead of "license => 'artistic2'" Jul 20 2007
make sure only uppercase (I, II, X) is accepted
and no lowercase Roman numerals: ii, x, vi
the example (eg/ was broken into three
license update to Artistic 2.0
added 'configure_requires' to META.yml
0.0.2 Jun 29 2007
I + 'II' is alright
def_prototypes gets twice as fast using set_prototype
(from Scalar::Util) rather than eval STRING
example at eg/
0.0.1 Jun 28 2007
First unreleased version.
+ Acme::Roman::AUTOLOAD - declares Acme::Roman::XX, etc.
+ imported AUTOLOAD - exports XX, etc.
+ document in "begin private"
+ pass "t/98_pod-coverage.t"
+ POD in example files