# This class contains common logic to extract files matching given
# pattern in a set of archive files
# Pre-requisite: unrar, 7za should be in PATH
# Get free unrar from: http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm
# Get free 7za from: http://www.7-zip.org
# Author: JustinZhang <fgz@cpan.org>
# Creation Date: 2013-05-06
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile devnull path);
our $VERSION = "0.81";
my %_CMD_LOC_FOR = ();
=head1 NAME
Archive::Probe - A generic library to search file within archive
use Archive::Probe;
my $tmpdir = '<temp_dir>';
my $base_dir = '<directory_of_archive_files>';
my $probe = Archive::Probe->new();
sub {
my ($pattern, $file_ref) = @_;
# do something with result files
$probe->search($base_dir, 1);
Archive::Probe is a generic library to search file within archive.
It allows you to test the existence of a particular file, which can be
described in regular expression, and optionally to extract that file and
inspect the file content in custom code. It supports common archive types
such as .tar, .tgz, .bz2, .rar, .zip, .7z. One archive file can contain
archive file of same or other type. And level of nesting is unlimited.
This module depends on unrar, 7za and tar which should be in PATH.
The 7za is part of open source software 7zip. You can get it from:
www.7-zip.org. The unrar is freeware which can be downloaded from:
=head1 METHODS
=head2 constructor new()
Creates a new C<Archive::Probe> object.
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
return bless {}, $class;
=head2 add_pattern(regex, coderef)
Register a file pattern to search with in the archive file(s) and the
callback code to handle the matched files. The callback will be passed
two arguments:
=over 4
=item $pattern
This is the pattern of the matched files.
=item $file_ref
This is the array reference to the files matched the pattern. The files
are extracted, hence exist, only if the second argument of the
C<search()> method evaluates to true.
sub add_pattern {
my ($self, $pattern, $callback) = @_;
# validate pattern and callback
confess("Pattern is mandatory\n") unless $pattern;
confess("Code reference is expected\n") unless ref($callback) eq 'CODE';
my $pattern_map = $self->_search_pattern();
if (!$pattern_map) {
$pattern_map = {};
$pattern_map->{$pattern} = [$callback];
=head2 search(base_dir, extract_matched)
Search registered files under 'base_dir' and invoke the callback.
It requires two arguments:
=over 4
=item $base_dir
This is the directory containing the archive file(s).
=item $extract_matched
Extract or copy the matched files to the working directory
if this parameter evaluates to true. This is useful when you need search
files based on their content not just by name.
sub search {
my ($self, $base_dir, $do_extract) = @_;
my $dirs_ref = [$base_dir];
$self->_walk_tree($dirs_ref, sub {
my ($file) = @_;
my $ctx = '';
# Test if the file matches regestered pattern
$self->_match($do_extract, $base_dir, $ctx, $file);
if ($self->_is_archive_file($file)) {
my $ctx = $file . '__';
$ctx = $self->_strip_dir($base_dir, $ctx);
$self->_search_in_archive($do_extract, $base_dir, $ctx, $file);
# check search result & invoke callback
=head2 reset_matches()
Reset the matched files list.
sub reset_matches {
my ($self) = @_;
my $patterns = $self->_search_pattern();
foreach my $pat (keys(%$patterns)) {
=head2 working_dir([directory])
Set or get the working directory where the temporary files will be created.
sub working_dir {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value) {
my $oldval = $self->{working_dir};
$self->{working_dir} = $value;
return $oldval;
return $self->{working_dir};
=head2 show_extracting_output[BOOL])
Enable or disable the output of command line archive tool.
sub show_extracting_output {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value) {
my $oldval = $self->{show_extracting_output};
$self->{show_extracting_output} = $value;
return $oldval;
return $self->{show_extracting_output};
sub _extract_matched {
my ($self, $base_dir, $ctx, $file, $do_extract) = @_;
my $dest;
my $work_dir = $self->working_dir();
# extract the matched file here
if ($ctx ne '') {
# parent file location = $base_dir + substr($ctx, 0, -2)
my $parent = catfile($base_dir, substr($ctx, 0, -2));
my $extract_dir = catdir($work_dir, $ctx);
if ($do_extract) {
my $ret = $self->_extract_archive_file(
if (!$ret) {
carp("$file can not be extracted from $parent, ignored\n");
return undef;
$dest = catfile($extract_dir, $file);
else {
# matched files are unarchived
# copy to working directory as-is
# create absent local dir first
my $local_path = $self->_strip_dir($base_dir, $file);
$dest = catfile($work_dir, $local_path);
if ($do_extract) {
my $dir2 = catdir($work_dir, $self->_dir_name($local_path));
mkpath($dir2) unless -d $dir2;
my $ret = copy($file, $dest);
if (!$ret) {
carp("Can't copy file $file to $dest due to: $!\n");
return undef;
return $dest;
sub _match {
my ($self, $do_extract, $base_dir, $ctx, $file) = @_;
my $matches = 0;
my $part = $self->_strip_dir(catdir($base_dir, $ctx), $file);
my $patterns = $self->_search_pattern();
foreach my $pat (keys(%$patterns)) {
if ($part =~ /$pat/) {
$matches ++;
my $dest = $self->_extract_matched(
# do not add file to matched list if extract fails
next unless $dest;
my $pat_ref = $patterns->{$pat};
if (!defined($pat_ref->[1])) {
$pat_ref->[1] = [$dest];
else {
push @{$pat_ref->[1]}, $dest;
return $matches;
sub _callback {
my ($self) = @_;
my $patterns = $self->_search_pattern();
foreach my $pat (keys(%$patterns)) {
my $pat_ref = $patterns->{$pat};
if (ref($pat_ref->[0]) eq 'CODE' && defined($pat_ref->[1])) {
$pat_ref->[0]->($pat, $pat_ref->[1]);
sub _walk_tree {
my ($self, $dirs_ref, $file_handler) = @_;
my @dirs = ();
foreach my $dir (@$dirs_ref) {
if(-d $dir ) {
my $ret = opendir(DIR, $dir);
if (!$ret) {
carp("Can't read directory due to: $!\n");
while(my $entry = readdir(DIR)) {
next if $entry eq '.' || $entry eq '..';
my $full_path = catfile($dir, $entry);
if(-f $full_path) {
elsif(-d $full_path) {
push @dirs, $full_path;
if(@dirs) {
$self->_walk_tree(\@dirs, $file_handler);
sub _search_in_archive {
my ($self, $do_extract, $base_dir, $ctx, $file) = @_;
if ($file =~ /\.zip$/) {
if ($self->_is_cmd_avail('7za')) {
'7za l',
sub {
my ($entry, undef, undef, undef, undef, $file_pos) = @_;
my (undef, undef, $a, undef) = split(' ', $entry, 4);
return undef if $a =~ /^D/;
if ($file_pos && $file_pos < length($entry)) {
my $f = substr($entry, $file_pos);
return $f;
return undef;
else {
"unzip -l",
sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
my (undef, undef, undef, $f) = split(' ', $entry, 4);
return $f;
elsif ($file =~ /\.7z$/) {
'7za l',
sub {
my ($entry, undef, undef, undef, undef, $file_pos_7z) = @_;
my (undef, undef, $a, undef) = split(' ', $entry, 4);
return undef if $a =~ /^D/;
if ($file_pos_7z && $file_pos_7z < length($entry)) {
my $f = substr($entry, $file_pos_7z);
return $f;
return undef;
elsif ($file =~ /\.rar$/) {
"unrar vb",
sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
return $entry;
elsif ($file =~ /\.tgz$|\.tar\.gz$|\.tar\.Z$/) {
"tar -tzf",
sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
return $entry;
elsif ($file =~ /\.bz2$/) {
"tar -tjf",
sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
return $entry;
elsif ($file =~ /\.tar$/) {
"tar -tf",
sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
return $entry;
else {
carp("Archive file $file is not supported\n");
sub _peek_archive {
my ($self,
) = @_;
my $tmpdir = $self->working_dir();
my $cmd = join(" ", "$list_cmd", qq{"$file"});
my @col_indexes;
my $file_list_begin = 0;
my $ret = open(my $fh, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
if (!$ret) {
carp("Can't run $cmd due to: $!\n");
while(<$fh>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($begin_pat) {
if (! $file_list_begin) {
# determine if the start of file list and
# calculate start position of each column
my @captures = $line =~ /$begin_pat/g;
if (@captures) {
my $pos = 0;
$file_list_begin = 1;
foreach my $cap (@captures) {
push @col_indexes, index($line, $cap, $pos);
$pos += length($cap);
if ($ignore_pat) {
next if /$ignore_pat/;
if ($end_pat) {
last if /$end_pat/;
my $f = $sub->($line, @col_indexes);
# ignore empty line, usually directory
next unless $f;
$self->_match($do_extract, $base_dir, $ctx, $f);
if ($self->_is_archive_file($f)) {
my $extract_dir = catdir($tmpdir, $ctx);
my $ret = $self->_extract_archive_file($file, $f, $extract_dir);
if ($ret) {
my $new_ctx = catfile($ctx, $f . '__');
catfile($extract_dir, $f)
else {
carp("$f can not be extracted from $file, ignored\n");
sub _extract_archive_file {
my ($self, $parent, $file, $extract_dir) = @_;
mkpath($extract_dir) unless -d $extract_dir;
my $cmd = "";
if ($parent =~ /\.zip$/) {
if ($self->_is_cmd_avail('7za')) {
# specify dummy password to make 7za fail fast
# instead of waiting for user input password when
# the zip file is password-protected
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'7za x -y -pxxx',
else {
# specify dummy password to make unzip fail fast
# instead of waiting for user input password when
# the zip file is password-protected
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'unzip -P xxx -o',
elsif ($parent =~ /\.zip$|\.7z$/) {
# specify dummy password to make 7za fail fast
# instead of waiting for user input password when
# the zip file is password-protected
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'7za x -y -pxxx',
elsif ($parent =~ /\.rar$/) {
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'unrar x -o+',
elsif ($parent =~ /\.tgz$|\.tar\.gz$|\.tar\.Z$/) {
# The "-o" avoid to restore the owner as it could be root
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'tar -xzof',
elsif ($parent =~ /\.bz2$/) {
# The "-o" avoid to restore the owner as it could be root
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'tar -xjof',
elsif ($parent =~ /\.tar$/) {
# The "-o" avoid to restore the owner as it could be root
$cmd = $self->_build_cmd(
'tar -xof',
my $cmd_shell = sprintf("%s 2>%s 1>&2", $cmd, devnull());
$cmd_shell = "$cmd 1>&2" if $self->show_extracting_output();
my $ret = system($cmd_shell);
return $ret == 0;
sub _build_cmd {
my ($self, $extract_cmd, $dir, $parent, $file) = @_;
my $quote = q["];
my $chdir_cmd = q[cd];
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$chdir_cmd = q[cd /d];
return sprintf(
"%s %s%s%s && %s %s %s",
sub _is_cmd_avail {
my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
if (!exists $_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd}) {
my @path = path();
foreach my $p (@path) {
my $fp = catfile($p, $cmd);
if (-f $fp) {
$_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd} = $fp;
return 1;
else {
if($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# try to append .exe to the name
my $fp_win = $fp . ".exe";
if (-f $fp_win) {
$_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd} = $fp_win;
return 1;
# try to append .bat to the name
$fp_win = $fp . ".bat";
if (-f $fp_win) {
$_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd} = $fp_win;
return 1;
# executable not found, won't try again
$_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd} = "";
return $_CMD_LOC_FOR{$cmd} ? 1 : 0;
sub _strip_dir {
my ($self, $base_dir, $path) = @_;
my $dir1 = $base_dir;
my $path1 = $path;
my $path_sep = '/';
$path_sep = '\\' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
$dir1 .= $path_sep unless substr($dir1, -1, 1) eq $path_sep;
if (index($path1, $dir1) == 0) {
$path1 = substr($path1, length($dir1));
return $path1;
sub _escape {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
my $ret = $str;
if ($ret =~ /'|"|\\|\s+|&/) {
if ($ret =~ /"/) {
$ret = qq['$ret'];
else {
$ret = qq["$ret"];
return $ret;
sub _is_archive_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
return $file =~ /\.(zip|7z|rar|tgz|bz2|tar|tar\.gz|tar\.Z)$/
sub _property {
my ($self, $attr, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value) {
my $oldval = $self->{$attr};
$self->{$attr} = $value;
$self->{_properties_with_value} = {}
if(!exists $self->{_properties_with_value});
$self->{_properties_with_value}{$attr} = 1;
return $oldval;
return $self->{$attr};
sub _remove_property ($$) {
my ($self, $attr) = @_;
$self->{$attr} = undef;
sub _search_pattern {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
if(defined $value) {
my $oldval = $self->{search_pattern};
$self->{search_pattern} = $value;
return $oldval;
return $self->{search_pattern};
sub _dir_name {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $path_sep = '/';
$path_sep = '\\' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my $idx = rindex($path, $path_sep);
if ($idx > 0) {
return substr($path, 0, $idx);
else {
return '';
C<Archive::Probe> provides plumbing boiler code to search files in nested
archive files. It does the heavy lifting to extract mininal files necessary
to fulfill the inquiry.
This code is in Github
Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>schnell18@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
=head1 AUTHOR
This module is developed by Justin Zhang E<lt>fgz@cpan.orgE<gt>.
Copyright (C) 2013 by Justin Zhang
This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
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