#!perl -T
use 5.006;
use strict;
my $sep = "\t";
my $seqFile = $ENV{'seq_file'};
my $expectedFile = $ENV{'expected_file'};
BAIL_OUT("environment variables NOT found")
unless($expectedFile and $seqFile);
my $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
my $caiFile = "$dir/cai.out";
my $taiFile = "$dir/tai.out";
my $module;
plan tests => 7;
$module = 'Bio::CUA::CUB::Calculator';
use_ok( $module ) or
BAIL_OUT("Can not load $module");
ok($caiFile,"CAI file");
ok($taiFile,"tAI file");
#diag( "Testing Bio::CUA $Bio::CUA::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
my $expectedData = _read_data($module);
my $calc = $module->new(
-codon_table => 1,
-CAI_values => $caiFile,
-tAI_values => $taiFile
my $io = Bio::CUA::SeqIO->new(-file => $seqFile);
my %seqCAIs;
my %seqtAIs;
my %seqENCs;
my %seqENC_rs;
while(my $seq = $io->next_seq)
$seqCAIs{$seq->id} = $calc->cai($seq);
$seqtAIs{$seq->id} = $calc->tai($seq);
$seqENCs{$seq->id} = $calc->enc($seq,5);
$seqENC_rs{$seq->id} = $calc->enc_r($seq,5);
# is_deeply can not solve the issue:
# two numbers may differ at a very late position after the decimal
# point, which is just a format difference
ok(_cmp_hash(\%seqCAIs,$expectedData->{'seq_cai'}),"seqs' CAI");
ok(_cmp_hash(\%seqtAIs,$expectedData->{'seq_tai'}),"seqs' tAI");
ok(_cmp_hash(\%seqENCs,$expectedData->{'seq_enc'}),"seqs' ENC");
ok(_cmp_hash(\%seqENC_rs,$expectedData->{'seq_enc_r'}),"seqs' ENC_r");
exit 0;
sub _cmp_hash
my ($h1,$h2) = @_;
return 0 unless(keys(%$h1) == keys(%$h2));
my $cutoff = 1e-8;
while(my ($k1, $v1) = each %$h1)
return 0 if($v1 - $h2->{$k1} > $cutoff);
return 1;
sub _read_data
my $section = shift;
open(E,"< $expectedFile")
or BAIL_OUT("Can not read expected data from $expectedFile");
my %hash;
next unless /^>>\Q$section\E$/;# find the starting point
my $subsect;
last if /^<<\Q$section\E/; # end of the section
next if /^\s*#/ or /^#/;
($subsect) = /^>>>(\S+)/
or BAIL_OUT("Match subsection failed");
my ($key, $val, $codons) = split $sep;
if($codons) # there are more values
$hash{$subsect}{$key}{$val} = [split ',', $codons];
$hash{$subsect}{$key} = $val;
close E;
return \%hash;