# Build.PL
# Script to build and install this distribution
# $Id: Build.PL 5759 2009-03-25 21:33:58Z FREQUENCY@cpan.org $
# This package and its contents are released by the author into the
# Public Domain, to the full extent permissible by law. For additional
# information, please see the included `LICENSE' file.
use strict;
my $builder = Module::Build->new(
module_name => 'IO::Journal',
license => 'unrestricted',
dist_author => 'Jonathan Yu <frequency@cpan.org>',
dist_version_from => 'lib/IO/Journal.pm',
dynamic_config => 0,
create_readme => 1,
recursive_test_files => 1,
sign => 1,
create_packlist => 1,
# Maintain compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker installations
create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
requires => {
'perl' => 5.006,
# Pragmatic and special modules
'Carp' => 1.04,
'version' => 0.76,
'warnings' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
# The tests are based on Test::More
'Test::More' => 0.62,
build_requires => {
# User tests for good functionality
#'Test::NoWarnings' => 0.084,
recommends => {
# Author tests
#'Test::Perl::Critic' => 1.01,
#'Perl::Critic' => 1.096,
#'Test::YAML::Meta' => 0.11,
#'Test::Kwalitee' => 1.01,
#'Test::Signature' => 1.10,
#'Test::Pod' => 1.14,
#'Test::Pod::Coverage' => 1.04,
#'Test::Portability::Files' => 0.05,
#'Test::MinimumVersion' => 0.008,
#'Test::LeakTrace' => 0.07,
#'Test::Without::Module' => 0.17,
#'Test::DistManifest' => 1.001002,
conflicts => {
add_to_cleanup => [ 'IO-Journal-*' ],
script_files => [],
meta_merge => {
resources => {
# Custom resources (must begin with an uppercase letter)
# Official keys (homepage, license, bugtracker)