#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# t/03core.t
# Tests core functionality
# $Id: 03core.t 8620 2009-08-18 04:36:27Z FREQUENCY@cpan.org $
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::NoWarnings; # 1 test
# Normal operation
my $codec = Video::FourCC::Info->new('DIV3');
isa_ok($codec, 'Video::FourCC::Info');
is($codec->code, 'DIV3', 'FourCC code is DIV3');
is($codec->description, 'DivX 3 Low-Motion', 'DivX 3 Low Motion Codec');
is($codec->owner, 'DivX');
# Static usage of module
my $fourcc = Video::FourCC::Info->describe('DIV3');
is($fourcc, 'DivX 3 Low-Motion', 'Use of class method describe');
$fourcc = Video::FourCC::Info->describe('div3');
is($fourcc, 'DivX 3 Low-Motion', 'Lowercase use of describe');
# Check that the date parsed is appropriate
my $codec = Video::FourCC::Info->new('CC12');
eval { require DateTime };
# If there is no DateTime, then the registered date will be a simple
# string; otherwise, we have to stringify DateTime
is($@ ? $codec->registered : $codec->registered->ymd('-'), '1996-06-12',
'Intel YUV12 codec register date');
# Test that nothing bad happens when there is missing info
# If nothing happens, then we're successful; otherwise it's likely there
# will be a warning, which is caught by Test::NoWarnings
Video::FourCC::Info->new('ACTL'); # No date or owner known