#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# t/03exceptions.t
# Tests fast errors produced with obvious mistakes
# $Id: 03exceptions.t 8620 2009-08-18 04:36:27Z FREQUENCY@cpan.org $
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 11;
# Missing parameters
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->new };
ok($@, 'Nonparameterized call to new method fails');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->describe };
ok($@, 'Nonparameterized call to describe method fails');
# Nonexistent FourCC throws exception
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->new('TEST') };
ok($@, 'FourCC TEST to describe method fails');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->describe('TEST') };
ok($@, 'FourCC TEST to describe method fails');
# Incorrectly called methods
my $codec = Video::FourCC::Info->new('DIV3');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->code };
ok($@, 'Static call to code method fails');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->description };
ok($@, 'Static call to description method fails');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->owner };
ok($@, 'Static call to owner method fails');
eval { Video::FourCC::Info->registered };
ok($@, 'Static call to registered method fails');
eval { $codec->new('TEST') };
ok($@, 'Object call to new method fails');
eval { $codec->describe('TEST') };
ok($@, 'Object call to describe method fails');