#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This is an example of a working aim client, however, the
# client lacks many of the features which most users will
# be interested in (such as buddy list, etc).
# Usage: ./aim.pl <screen name> <password>
use strict;
use Error qw( :try );
my $screenname = $ARGV[0];
my $password = $ARGV[1];
my $aim;
try {
$aim = Net::AIM::TOC->new;
print "Connected\n";
$aim->sign_on( $screenname, $password );
print "Signed on\n";
catch Net::AIM::TOC::Error with {
my $err = shift;
print $err->text, "\n";
my $read_set = new IO::Select(); # create handle set for reading
$read_set->add( \*STDIN );
$read_set->add( $aim->{_conn}->{_sock} );
my $timeout = 2;
my $buddy = $screenname;
try {
while (1) {
my @ready = $read_set->can_read( $timeout );
foreach my $rh( @ready ) {
if( $rh == $aim->{_conn}->{_sock} ) {
try {
my( $msgObj ) = $aim->recv_from_aol;
my $msg = $msgObj->getMsg;
print $msg, "\n";
catch Net::AIM::TOC::Error with {
my $err = shift;
print $err->stringify, "\n";
else {
my $line = <$rh>;
chomp( $line );
# Sending an IM
if( $line =~ /^\/msg (\w*) (.*)$/ ) {
$buddy = $1;
$aim->send_im_to_aol( $1, $2 );
# Sending a toc command
elsif( $line =~ /^\/command (toc_.*)$/ ) {
$aim->send_to_aol( $1 );
# quit
elsif( $line =~ /^\/quit/ ) {
print "Quitting\n";
exit( 0 );
# Do nothing
elsif( $line eq '' ) {
print '';
# Keep chatting...
elsif( $line =~ /^(.*)$/ ) {
$aim->send_im_to_aol( $buddy, $1 );
else {
print "Unrecognised command: $line\n";
catch Net::AIM::TOC::Error with {
my $err = shift;
print $err->stringify, "\n";
exit( 1 );