class RingBuffer {
constructor(type, count, subbuffercount, sharedvarssab, sab){
this._capacity = count;
this._size = count + 1;
this._sab = [];
this._buffer = [];
this._subbuffercount = subbuffercount;
this._sharedvarssab = sharedvarssab;
this._sharedvarsuint32 = new Uint32Array(this._sharedvarssab);
this._sab = sab;
for(let i = 0; i < this._subbuffercount; i++) {
this._buffer[i] = new type(this._sab[i]);
// pass in array type and number of elements to create, and how many arrays
static create(type, count, subbuffercount) {
const sharedvarssab = new SharedArrayBuffer(8);
let sab = [];
const size = count+1;
for(let i = 0; i < subbuffercount; i++) {
sab[i] = new SharedArrayBuffer(type.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * (size));
return new RingBuffer(type, count, subbuffercount, sharedvarssab, sab);
to() {
return {
'_capacity' : this._capacity,
'_subbuffercount' : this._subbuffercount,
'_sharedvarssab' : this._sharedvarssab,
'_sab' : this._sab
_writeindex() {
return Atomics.load(this._sharedvarsuint32, 0);
_readindex() {
return Atomics.load(this._sharedvarsuint32, 1);
// returns the count of slots in use
getcount() {
const wi = this._writeindex();
const ri = this._readindex();
return wi >= ri ? wi-ri : (this._size - (ri - wi));
// (writeindex - readindex) % size
//return (this._writeindex() - this._readindex()) % this._size;
// returns the number of free slots
getspace() {
return this._capacity - this.getcount();
_AssertSameArrayCount(param) {
if(param.length === this._subbuffercount) return;
throw("Different Array Counts! param " + param + " subbuffercount " + this._subbuffercount);
class RingBufferReader {
constructor(rb) {
this._rb = rb;
getcount() {
return this._rb.getcount();
getspace() {
return this._rb.getspace();
_setreadindex(newval) {, 1, newval);
read(destarrs, max, destoffset) {
destoffset = destoffset || 0;
const destmax = destarrs[0].length - destoffset;
max = max || destmax;
const tocopy = Math.min(destmax, this._rb.getcount(), max);
if(tocopy === 0) return 0;
let readindex = this._rb._readindex();
const nextReadIndex = readindex + tocopy;
if(nextReadIndex < this._rb._buffer[0].length) {
for(let i = 0; i < destarrs.length; i++) {
destarrs[i].set(this._rb._buffer[i].subarray(readindex, nextReadIndex), destoffset);
readindex += tocopy;
else {
const overflow = nextReadIndex - this._rb._buffer[0].length;
let newreadindex;
for(let i = 0; i < destarrs.length; i++) {
const firstHalf = this._rb._buffer[i].subarray(readindex);
const secondHalf = this._rb._buffer[i].subarray(0, overflow);
destarrs[i].set(firstHalf, destoffset);
destarrs[i].set(secondHalf, firstHalf.length+destoffset);
newreadindex = secondHalf.length;
readindex = newreadindex;
// commit that more data is available to write
return tocopy;
class RingBufferWriter {
constructor(rb) {
this._rb = rb;
getcount() {
return this._rb.getcount();
getspace() {
return this._rb.getspace();
_setwriteindex(newval) {, 0, newval);
write(arrs, max) {
max = max || arrs[0].length;
const count = Math.min(max, arrs[0].length);
const space = this._rb.getspace();
if(count > space) {
throw("Tried to write too much data, count " + count + " space " + space);
let writeindex = this._rb._writeindex();
if((writeindex+count) < this._rb._size) {
// copy the data for each array
for(let i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) {
this._rb._buffer[i].set(arrs[i].subarray(0, count), writeindex);
writeindex += count;
else {
const splitIndex = this._rb._size - writeindex;
let newwriteindex;
for(let i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) {
const firstHalf = arrs[i].subarray(0, splitIndex);
const secondHalf = arrs[i].subarray(splitIndex, count);
this._rb._buffer[i].set(firstHalf, writeindex);
newwriteindex = secondHalf.length;
writeindex = newwriteindex;
// commit that more data is available to read
write_from_rb_reader(srcrb, count) {
const srccount = srcrb.getcount();
if(srccount <= count) throw("Not enough data to read");
const destcount = this._getcount();
if(destcount <= count) throw("not enough room to write");
if(this._rb._subbuffercount !== src._rb._subbuffercount) throw("different subbuffer count between dest and src");
// copy the first half
let destwi = this._rb._writeindex();
const writeleft = this._rb._size - destwi;
const canwrite = Math.min(count, writeleft);, canwrite, destwi);
count -= canwrite;
destwi = (destwi+canwrite) % this._rb._size;
// copy the second half if needed
if(count > 0) {
destwi = 0;, count, destwi);
destwi += count;
// commit that more data is available to read
class Float32AudioRingBuffer {
constructor(rb, samplerate, messagerb){
this._rb = rb;
this._samplerate = samplerate;
this._messages = messagerb;
this._MSG = {
'SKIP' : 1
getcount() {
return this._rb.getcount();
gettime() {
const count = this.getcount();
return count / this._samplerate;
getspace() {
return this._rb.getspace();
static createpreq(framecount, numberofchannels) {
return {
'rb' : RingBuffer.create(Float32Array, framecount, numberofchannels),
'messages' : RingBuffer.create(Uint32Array, 4095, 2)
class Float32AudioRingBufferReader extends Float32AudioRingBuffer {
constructor(rb, samplerate, messages){
super(rb, samplerate, messages);
this._msgreader = new RingBufferReader(messages);
this._reader = new RingBufferReader(rb);
this._inmessage = [new Uint32Array(1), new Uint32Array(1)];
static create(framecount, numberofchannels, samplerate) {
const prereq = super.createpreq(framecount, numberofchannels);
return new Float32AudioRingBufferReader(prereq.rb, samplerate, prereq.messages);
static from(obj) {
const rb = new RingBuffer(Float32Array, obj._rb._capacity, obj._rb._subbuffercount, obj._rb._sharedvarssab, obj._rb._sab);
const messages = new RingBuffer(Uint32Array, obj._messages._capacity, obj._messages._subbuffercount, obj._messages._sharedvarssab, obj._messages._sab);
return new Float32AudioRingBufferReader(rb, obj._samplerate, messages);
// (READER ONLY) reduces the amount of data to read. never move it farther than writehead
_setreadhead(index) {
read(destarrs, max, destoffset) {
return, max, destoffset);
// (READER ONLY) on the reader process messages from the writer
processmessages() {
while(, 1) > 0) {
if(this._inmessage[0][0] === this._MSG.SKIP) {
class Float32AudioRingBufferWriter extends Float32AudioRingBuffer{
constructor(rb, samplerate, messages){
super(rb, samplerate, messages);
this._msgwriter = new RingBufferWriter(messages);
this._writer = new RingBufferWriter(rb);
this._outmessage = [new Uint32Array(1), new Uint32Array(1)];
static create(framecount, numberofchannels, samplerate) {
const prereq = super.createpreq(framecount, numberofchannels);
return new Float32AudioRingBufferWriter(prereq.rb, samplerate, prereq.messages);
to() {
return {
'_rb' :,
'_messages' :,
'_samplerate' : this._samplerate
write(arrs, max) {
return this._writer.write(arrs, max);
// (WRITER) ONLY)send message from the writer
sendmessage(msgid, data) {
this._outmessage[0][0] = msgid;
this._outmessage[1][0] = data;
// (WRITER ONLY) empty the read buffer
reset() {
this.sendmessage(this._MSG.SKIP, this._rb._writeindex());
export {RingBuffer, Float32AudioRingBufferReader, Float32AudioRingBufferWriter};