# Copyright (c) 2021 Gavin Hayes and others, see LICENSE in the root of the project
use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v0.2.1");
use strict;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
sub parse_directory {
my ($directory) = @_;
my $inuse = unpack('C', $directory);
my $datasize = unpack('V', substr($directory, 0x4, 0x4));
my $linkindex = unpack('v', substr($directory, 0x8));
my $codestr = unpack('Z*', substr($directory, 0xA));
my @toxor = unpack('C127', $directory);
my $storedxor = unpack('C', substr($directory, 0x7F));
#my @blocktypes = ('INUSE', 'SRTLINK', 'MIDLINK', 'ENDLINK', 'EMPTY', 'UNUSABLE', 'UNKNOWN');
my $blockcount = int($datasize / 0x2000);
my $calcxor = 0;
foreach my $char (@toxor) {
$calcxor ^= $char;
return {
'inuse' => $inuse,
'datasize' => $datasize,
'linkindex' => $linkindex,
'codename' => $codestr,
'xor' => $storedxor,
'calcxor' => $calcxor,
'calcblocks' => $blockcount
sub parse_file_header {
my ($file) = @_;
my $id = unpack('a2', $file);
my $displayflag = unpack('C', substr($file, 0x2));
my $blocknum = unpack('C', substr($file, 0x3));
my $shiftjisbuf = unpack('a64', substr($file, 0x4, 0x40));
my @clut = unpack('v16', substr($file, 0x60, 0x20));
my $iconfnt = 0;
if(($displayflag >= 0x11)|| ($displayflag <= 0x13)) {
$iconfnt = $displayflag - 0x10;
my $firstnul = index($shiftjisbuf, "\0");
if($firstnul != -1) {
$shiftjisbuf = substr($shiftjisbuf, 0, $firstnul);
my $shiftjis = decode('shiftjis', $shiftjisbuf);
return {
'id' => $id,
'displayflag' => $displayflag,
'blocknum' => $blocknum,
'titlebuf' => $shiftjisbuf,
'clut' => \@clut,
'title' => $shiftjis,
'framecnt' => $iconfnt
sub is_mcd {
my ($res) = @_;
(substr($res, 0, 2) eq 'MC') or return 0;
# A PSX memory card is 1 Mebibyte/ 128 kibibyte/ 131072 bytes
# 1 header block of 8192 and 15 data blocks of 8192.
return (length($res) == 131072);
sub is_mcs {
my ($res) = @_;
# A PSX mcs save is 1 directory frame and X data frames
my $datasize = length($res) - 0x80;
return (($datasize % 0x2000) == 0);
sub xordirectory {
my ($directory) = @_;
my @toxor = unpack('C127', $directory);
my $xor = 0;
foreach my $char (@toxor) {
$xor ^= $char;
return $xor;
sub load {
my ($class, $filename, $overridefilename) = @_;
my $fh;
if($filename ne '-') {
open($fh, '<', $filename) or die("failed to open: $filename");
else {
$fh = *STDIN;
$filename = 'STDIN';
my %self = ('filename' => $filename, 'contents' => '');
my $res = read($fh, $self{'contents'}, 131073);
# a mcd file (full memory card dump) should be the largest file
(($res) && ($res <= 131072)) or return undef;
if(is_mcd($self{'contents'})) {
$self{'type'} = 'mcd';
elsif(is_mcs($self{'contents'})) {
$self{'type'} = 'mcs';
elsif(($res <= (15*0x2000)) && ($res >= 0x2000) && (($res % 0x2000) == 0)) {
$self{'type'} = 'rawsave';
my $filecodename = ($filename ne 'STDIN') ? basename($filename) : undef;
$self{'codename'} = $overridefilename ? $overridefilename : $filecodename;
elsif(substr($res, 0, 2) eq 'MC') {
warn("File starts with MC, but filesize is $res. Assuming type is mcd");
$self{'type'} = 'mcd';
else {
return undef;
if(($self{'type'} eq 'mcd') || ($self{'type'} eq 'mcs')) {
$self{'hasdir'} = 1;
bless \%self, $class;
return \%self;
# loop through the directory entries of a MCD file, calling callback for each one
# if it's a startblock read in the save as pass it to the callback
sub foreachDirEntry {
my ($self, $callback) = @_;
($self->{'type'} eq 'mcd') or die("Unhandled filetype");
my $startindex = 1;
my $dataoffset = 0x2000;
my $maxcount = 15;
for(my $i = $startindex; $i < ($startindex+$maxcount); $i++) {
my $entrydata = substr($self->{'contents'}, ($i * 0x80), 0x80);
my $entry = parse_directory($entrydata);
my $save;
if($entry->{'inuse'} == 0x51) {
$save = {
'filename' => $entry->{'codename'},
'data' => substr($self->{'contents'}, $dataoffset, $entry->{'datasize'}),
$callback->($entry, $save, $entrydata);
$dataoffset += 0x2000;
sub _readMCSSave {
my ($self) = @_;
my $entrydata = substr($self->{'contents'}, 0, 0x80);
my $entry = parse_directory($entrydata);
return {
'filename' => $entry->{'codename'},
'data' => substr($self->{'contents'}, 0x80, $entry->{'datasize'})
sub _readRawSave {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'codename'} or die("cannot read raw save without a filename");
return {
'filename' => $self->{'codename'},
'data' => $self->{'contents'}
sub readSave {
my ($self) = @_;
if($self->{'type'} eq 'mcs') {
return _readMCSSave($self);
elsif($self->{'type'} eq 'rawsave') {
return _readRawSave($self);
else {
die("unimplemented type");
sub FormatSaveFirstDirEntry {
my ($save, $dirindex) = @_;
my $savelen = length($save->{'data'});
my $blockcount = length($save->{'data'}) / 0x2000;
(($blockcount % 1) == 0) or die("not integer blocksize");
($blockcount >= 1) or die("must have at least one block");
my $blockptr = ($blockcount == 1) ? 0xFFFF : $dirindex;
my $directory = pack('VVvZ21x96', 0x51, $savelen, $blockptr, $save->{'filename'});
$directory .= pack('C', xordirectory($directory));
return ($directory, $blockcount);
sub FormatSaveAsMCD {
my ($dirstart, $save) = @_;
my $dirindex = ($dirstart / 0x80);
my ($directory, $blockcount) = FormatSaveFirstDirEntry($save, $dirindex);
# format the possible mid and end link directories
if($blockcount > 1) {
while ($blockcount > 2) {
my $newdir = pack('VVvx117', 0x52, 0x0, $dirindex);
$newdir .= pack('C', xordirectory($newdir));
$directory .= $newdir;
my $newdir = pack('VVvx117', 0x53, 0x0, 0xFFFF);
$newdir .= pack('C', xordirectory($newdir));
$directory .= $newdir;
return {
'dirdata' => $directory,
'savedata' => $save->{'data'}
sub FormatSaveAsMCS {
my ($save) = @_;
my ($directory, $blockcount) = FormatSaveFirstDirEntry($save, 1);
return $directory .= $save->{'data'};
sub SaveNameAndTitleMatch {
my ($save, $string) = @_;
$save->{'header'} //= PlayStation::MemoryCard::parse_file_header($save->{'data'});
my $title = $save->{'header'}{'title'};
my $asciititle = $title;
$asciititle =~ tr/\x{3000}\x{FF01}-\x{FF5E}/ -~/; # fullwidth to half-width if possible
#warn("title: $title");
#warn("searchfname: $string");
#warn("asciititle: $asciititle");
return (!$string ||
($save->{'filename'} eq $string) || ($title eq $string) || ($asciititle eq $string) ||
($save->{'filename'} =~ /\Q$string\E/i) || ($title =~ /\Q$string\E/i) || ($asciititle =~ /\Q$string\E/i));
sub BlankMCD {
my $cardbuf = pack('x131072');
# header frame
substr($cardbuf, 0, 2, 'MC');
substr($cardbuf, 0x7F, 1, pack('C', 0x0E));
# directory frames
for(my $i = 1; $i < 16; $i++) {
my $frameoffset = $i*0x80;
substr($cardbuf, $frameoffset, 1, pack('C', 0xA0));
substr($cardbuf, $frameoffset+0x8, 2, pack('v', 0xFFFF));
substr($cardbuf, $frameoffset+0x7F, 1, pack('C', 0xA0));
# broken sector list
for(my $i = 16; $i < 36; $i++) {
my $frameoffset = $i*0x80;
substr($cardbuf, $frameoffset, 4, pack('V', 0xFFFFFFFF));
substr($cardbuf, $frameoffset+0x8, 2, pack('v', 0xFFFF));
# broken sector replacement data 36-55
# unused frames 56-62
# write test frame 63
# file blocks
return $cardbuf;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
PlayStation::MemoryCard - Utilities for working with PlayStation memory
card and save files
mkmcd BESLEM-99999TONYHAX tonyhax.mcs card1.mcd > out.mcd # Make a new memory card file from a raw save, mcs save, and memory card file
lsmc card.mcd thps2-us.mcs BESLEM-99999TONYHAX # Print info of saves and card file
raw2mcs RAWSAVE > out.mcs # Convert a raw save into a mcs save
mcs2raw in.mcs # Convert a mcs save into a raw save
mcsaveextract card.mcd [savesubstring] > thps2-us.mcs # Extract a save file from a card file
mciconextract thps2-us.mcs > thps2-us.tim # Extract a save icon as TIM
mciconextract thps2-us.mcs --gif > thps2-us.tim # Extract a save icon as GIF
=head1 AUTHOR
Gavin Hayes, C<< <gahayes at cpan.org> >>
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc PlayStation::MemoryCard
Additional documentation, support, and bug reports can be found at the
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Gavin Hayes.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.