# Copyright (c) 2021 Gavin Hayes and others, see LICENSE in the root of the project
use strict; use warnings;
use Encode qw(decode);
binmode(STDERR, "encoding(UTF-8)");
(@ARGV >= 1) or die("No mcd provided");
# load the memory card
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $mcfile = PlayStation::MemoryCard->load($file);
if(!$mcfile) {
die("Failed to open $file");
elsif($mcfile->{'type'} ne 'mcd') {
die("Unsupported input format");
my $searchfname;
$searchfname = decode('utf8', $ARGV[1]) if (@ARGV >= 2);
$mcfile->foreachDirEntry(sub {
my ($entry, $newsave, $entrydata) = @_;
return if(! $newsave);
# find the save
if(PlayStation::MemoryCard::SaveNameAndTitleMatch($newsave, $searchfname)) {
my $mcs = PlayStation::MemoryCard::FormatSaveAsMCS($newsave);
print $mcs;
exit 0;
warn "Failed to extract save";
exit 1;