#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
our $serial_module;
our @serial_methods = (qw/new baudrate databits stopbits handshake parity/);
our $num_tests = 2 + scalar(@serial_methods);
plan tests => $num_tests;
if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
if (! use_ok( 'Win32::SerialPort' ))
BAIL_OUT("This module requires Win32::SerialPort which appears not to be installed\n");
$serial_module = "Win32::SerialPort";
# Assuming UNIX at this point
# which might not really matter in this
# module in fact exists
if (! use_ok( 'Device::SerialPort' ) )
BAIL_OUT("This module requires Device::SerialPort which appears not to be installed\n");
$serial_module = "Device::SerialPort";
foreach my $meth (@serial_methods) {
can_ok($serial_module, $meth) or diag("This module needs \"$serial_module\" to have the \"$meth\" method");
eval { require Hardware::PortScanner };
if ($@) {
ok(0, "Compilation of Hardware::PortScanner");
diag("Reason: $@");
BAIL_OUT("Compilation of Hardware::PortScanner failed!");
ok(1, "Compilation of Hardware::PortScanner");