#!perl -T
use 5.006;
use strict;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'Net::SNTP::Client', qw( getSNTPTime ) ) || print "Bail out!\n"; }
diag( "Testing Net::SNTP::Client $Net::SNTP::Client::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
my %hashInputModuleHostnameTest = ( -hostname => undef );
my %hashInputModuleTest = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 123 );
my %hashInputModuleTestExtraKeysInserted = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 123,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1,
-extraKey => "Test" );
my %hashInputModuleTestNoHostName = ( -port => 123,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestNegativePortNumber = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => -123,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestNegativeTimeOutNumber = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 123,
-timeOut => -15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestOutOfRangePortNumber = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 65537,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestFloatingPortNumber = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 1.23,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestNotCorrectNtpPortNumber = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 12345,
-timeOut => 15,
-RFC4330 => 1,
-clearScreen => 1 );
my %hashInputModuleTestFaultyRFC4330Input = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 123,
-RFC4330 => "Faulty Input Test");
my %hashInputModuleTestFaultyClearScreenInput = ( -hostname => "0.europe.pool.ntp.org",
-port => 123,
-clearScreen => "Faulty Input Test");
my @hashInputModuleTestOriginalKeys = ( "-hostname" , "-port", "-timeOut", "-RFC4330", "-clearScreen" );
my $hashRefExpected = {
'RFC4330' => {
'Round Trip Delay' => ignore(),
'Clock Offset' => ignore(),
'0.europe.pool.ntp.org' => {
'Transmit Timestamp' => ignore(),
'Precision' => ignore(),
'Receive Timestamp' => ignore(),
'VN' => ignore(),
'Reference Identifier' => ignore(),
'Originate Timestamp' => ignore(),
'Mode' => ignore(),
'Reference Timestamp' => ignore(),
'Stratum' => ignore(),
'Poll' => ignore(),
'Root Dispersion' => ignore(),
'LI' => 0,
'Root Delay' => ignore(),
't/00-load.t' => {
'Root Delay' => ignore(),
'LI' => ignore(),
'Root Dispersion' => ignore(),
'Stratum' => ignore(),
'Poll' => ignore(),
'Reference Timestamp' => '0.0',
'Mode' => ignore(),
'Originate Timestamp' => '0.0',
'Reference Identifier' => ignore(),
'Transmit Timestamp' => ignore(),
'Receive Timestamp' => ignore(),
'VN' => 4,
'Precision' => ignore(),
ok( getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTest ), 'Module Hash Input Works' );
ok( my ( $errorForUndefHostname , $hashRefOutputForUndefHaustname ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleHostnameTest ),
'Faulty undef Hostname' );
ok( $errorForUndefHostname eq 'Not defined Hostname/IP', 'Correct Output For Undef Hostname' );
ok( defined( $hashInputModuleTest{-port} ) && $hashInputModuleTest{-port} =~ /\A (\d+) \z/xms , 'Port Has to be Defined and Integer' );
ok( my ( $error , $hashRefOutput ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTest ),
'Got Hash Output' );
my @expectedHashKeys = (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{ $hashRefExpected });
my @gotHashRefKeys = (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{ $hashRefOutput });
skip 'No Internet Connection...', 2, if $error;
is_deeply( [sort @gotHashRefKeys], [sort @expectedHashKeys], 'Module Hash Keys are Identical' );
cmp_deeply( $hashRefOutput, $hashRefExpected, 'Exptected Output From the Module Received' );
ok( my ( $errorForExtraHashKey , $hashRefOutputForExtraHashKey ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestExtraKeysInserted ),
'Faulty Test Extra Key' );
ok( $errorForExtraHashKey eq 'Not defined key(s)', 'Correct Output Error Extra Hash Key' );
ok( my ( $errorNoHostname , $hashRefOutputNoHostName ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestNoHostName ),
'Faulty Test no Hostname' );
ok( $errorNoHostname eq 'Not defined Hostname/IP', 'Correct Output Error No Hostname' );
ok( my ( $errorNegativePortNumber , $hashRefOutputNegativePortNumber ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestNegativePortNumber ),
'Faulty Test Negative Port Number' );
ok( $errorNegativePortNumber eq 'Not correct port number', 'Correct Output Error for Negative Port Number' );
ok( my ( $errorNegativeTimeOutInputNumber , $hashRefOutpoutNegativeTimeOutInputNumber ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestNegativeTimeOutNumber ),
'Faulty Test Negative TimeOutInput Number' );
ok( $errorNegativeTimeOutInputNumber eq 'Not correct timeOut input', 'Correct Output Error for Negative TimeOutInput Number' );
ok( my ( $errorOutOfRangePortNumber , $hashRefOutputOutOfRangePortNumber ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestOutOfRangePortNumber ),
'Faulty Test Out of Range Port Number' );
ok( $errorOutOfRangePortNumber eq 'Not correct port number', 'Correct Output Error Out of Range Port Number' );
ok( my ( $errorFloatingPortNumber , $hashRefOutputFloatingPortNumber ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestFloatingPortNumber ),
'Faulty Test Floating Port Number' );
ok( $errorFloatingPortNumber eq 'Not correct port number', 'Correct Output Error Out of Floating Port Number' );
ok( my ( $errorFaultyRFC4330Input , $hashRefOutputFaultyRFC4330Input ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestFaultyRFC4330Input ),
'Faulty Test wrong input string at RFC4330' );
ok( $errorFaultyRFC4330Input eq 'Not correct RFC4330 input', 'Correct Output Error RFC4330 Faulty Input' );
ok( my ( $errorFaultyClearScreenInput , $hashRefOutputFaultyClearScreenInput ) =
getSNTPTime( %hashInputModuleTestFaultyClearScreenInput ),
'Faulty Test wrong input string at RFC4330' );
ok( $errorFaultyClearScreenInput eq 'Not correct clearScreen input', 'Correct Output Error clearScreen Faulty Input' );
plan tests => 24;