use utf8;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 10;
BEGIN { use_ok('Test::Exception') };
BEGIN { use_ok('Unicode::Peek', qw( :all )) };
throws_ok { hexDumperOutput('Test', '這是一個測試') }
qr/Unknown encoding format 'Test'/,
'Check encoding formats hexDumperOutput';
throws_ok { hexDumperInput('Test', '這是一個測試') }
qr/Unknown encoding format 'Test'/,
'Check encoding formats hexDumperInput';
throws_ok { ascii2hexEncode('Test', '這是一個測試') }
qr/Unknown encoding format 'Test'/,
'Check encoding formats ascii2hexEncode';
throws_ok { hex2ascciiDecode('Test', '這是一個測試') }
qr/Unknown encoding format 'Test'/,
'Check encoding formats hex2ascciiDecode';
ok( ascii2hexEncode('UTF-16BE', '這是一個測試') eq
'Ascii too Hex UTF-16BE' );
ok( hex2ascciiDecode('UTF-16BE', '9019662f4e00500b6e2c8a66') eq
'Hex to Ascii UTF-16BE' );
my @hexOutput = ( '90 19 66 2f 4e 00 50 0b 6e 2c',
'8a 66' );
is_deeply( hexDumperOutput('UTF-16BE', '這是一個測試' ), \@hexOutput );
ok( hexDumperInput('UTF-16BE', \@hexOutput ) eq
'Hex to Ascii UTF-16BE hexDumperInput');