=begin comment
PeakForest REST API
API specification to support \"PeakForest - REST API\" operations
The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.3.4
Contact: contact@peakforest.org
=end comment
# NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
# Do not edit the class manually.
require 5.6.0;
use strict;
use utf8;
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);
use Log::Any qw($log);
use base ("Class::Accessor", "Class::Data::Inheritable");
# NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). Do not edit the class manually.
=begin comment
PeakForest REST API
API specification to support \"PeakForest - REST API\" operations
The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.3.4
Contact: contact@peakforest.org
=end comment
# NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
# Do not edit the class manually.
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('attribute_map' => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('openapi_types' => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('method_documentation' => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('class_documentation' => {});
# new plain object
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
# initialize the object
sub init
my ($self, %args) = @_;
foreach my $attribute (keys %{$self->attribute_map}) {
my $args_key = $self->attribute_map->{$attribute};
$self->$attribute( $args{ $args_key } );
# return perl hash
sub to_hash {
my $self = shift;
my $_hash = decode_json(JSON->new->convert_blessed->encode($self));
return $_hash;
# used by JSON for serialization
sub TO_JSON {
my $self = shift;
my $_data = {};
foreach my $_key (keys %{$self->attribute_map}) {
if (defined $self->{$_key}) {
my $_json_attribute = $self->attribute_map->{$_key};
my $_type = $self->openapi_types->{$_key};
my $_value = $self->{$_key};
if ($_type =~ /^array\[(.+)\]$/i) { # array
my $_subclass = $1;
$_data->{$_json_attribute} = [ map { $self->_to_json_primitives($_subclass, $_) } @$_value ];
} elsif ($_type =~ /^hash\[string,(.+)\]$/i) { # hash
my $_subclass = $1;
my %_hash = ();
while (my($_key, $_element) = each %{$_value}) {
$_hash{$_key} = $self->_to_json_primitives($_subclass, $_element);
$_data->{$_json_attribute} = \%_hash;
} elsif ( grep( /^$_type$/, ('int', 'double', 'string', 'boolean', 'DATE', 'DATE_TIME'))) {
$_data->{$_json_attribute} = $self->_to_json_primitives($_type, $_value);
} else {
$_data->{$_json_attribute} = $_value;
return $_data;
# to_json non-array data
sub _to_json_primitives {
my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
if ( grep( /^$type$/, ('int', 'double'))) {
# numify it, ensuring it will be dumped as a number
return undef unless defined $data;
return $data + 0;
} elsif ($type eq 'string') {
# stringified
return undef unless defined $data;
return $data . q();
} elsif ($type eq 'boolean') {
# https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON#JSON::true,-JSON::false,-JSON::null
return $data ? \1 : \0;
} elsif ($type eq 'DATE') {
return undef unless defined $data;
if (ref($data) eq 'DateTime') {
# https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime#$dt-%3Eymd($optional_separator),-$dt-%3Emdy(...),-$dt-%3Edmy(...)
return $data->ymd;
return $data .q();
} elsif ($type eq 'DATE_TIME') {
return undef unless defined $data;
# the date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6, for example, 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z
if (ref($data) eq 'DateTime') {
return $data->rfc3339;
return $data .q();
} else { # hash (model), In this case, the TO_JSON of the $data object is executed
return $data;
# from Perl hashref
sub from_hash {
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
# loop through attributes and use openapi_types to deserialize the data
while ( my ($_key, $_type) = each %{$self->openapi_types} ) {
my $_json_attribute = $self->attribute_map->{$_key};
if ($_type =~ /^array\[(.+)\]$/i) { # array
my $_subclass = $1;
my @_array = ();
foreach my $_element (@{$hash->{$_json_attribute}}) {
push @_array, $self->_deserialize($_subclass, $_element);
$self->{$_key} = \@_array;
} elsif ($_type =~ /^hash\[string,(.+)\]$/i) { # hash
my $_subclass = $1;
my %_hash = ();
while (my($_key, $_element) = each %{$hash->{$_json_attribute}}) {
$_hash{$_key} = $self->_deserialize($_subclass, $_element);
$self->{$_key} = \%_hash;
} elsif (exists $hash->{$_json_attribute}) { #hash(model), primitive, datetime
$self->{$_key} = $self->_deserialize($_type, $hash->{$_json_attribute});
} else {
$log->debugf("Warning: %s (%s) does not exist in input hash\n", $_key, $_json_attribute);
return $self;
# deserialize non-array data
sub _deserialize {
my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
$log->debugf("deserializing %s with %s",Dumper($data), $type);
if (grep( /^$type$/ , ('DATE_TIME', 'DATE'))) {
return DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time($data));
} elsif ( grep( /^$type$/, ('int', 'double'))) {
return undef unless defined $data;
return $data + 0;
} elsif ($type eq 'string') {
return undef unless defined $data;
return $data . q();
} elsif ($type eq 'boolean') {
return !!$data;
} else { # hash(model)
my $_instance = eval "PeakForest::REST_Client::Object::$type->new()";
return $_instance->from_hash($data);
__PACKAGE__->class_documentation({description => '',
class => 'NewChromatographyMetadata',
required => [], # TODO
} );
'method' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'method',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_constructor' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'column_constructor',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_constructor_other' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'column_constructor_other',
description => 'the column constructor, if not available in \"column_constructor\" field list (free value)',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_name' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'column_name',
description => 'the column name',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_length' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'column_length',
description => 'mm',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_diameter' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'column_diameter',
description => 'mm',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'particule_size' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'particule_size',
description => 'the column's particule size, in µm',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'column_temperature' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'column_temperature',
description => 'the column's temparature, in °C',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'mode' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'mode',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'separation_flow_rate' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'separation_flow_rate',
description => 'µL/min',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'solvent_a' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'solvent_a',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'solvent_a_ph' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'solvent_a_ph',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'solvent_b' => {
datatype => 'string',
base_name => 'solvent_b',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'solvent_b_ph' => {
datatype => 'double',
base_name => 'solvent_b_ph',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
'separation_flow_gradient' => {
datatype => 'NewChromatographyMetadataSeparationFlowGradient',
base_name => 'separation_flow_gradient',
description => '',
format => '',
read_only => '',
__PACKAGE__->openapi_types( {
'method' => 'string',
'column_constructor' => 'string',
'column_constructor_other' => 'string',
'column_name' => 'string',
'column_length' => 'double',
'column_diameter' => 'double',
'particule_size' => 'double',
'column_temperature' => 'double',
'mode' => 'string',
'separation_flow_rate' => 'double',
'solvent_a' => 'string',
'solvent_a_ph' => 'double',
'solvent_b' => 'string',
'solvent_b_ph' => 'double',
'separation_flow_gradient' => 'NewChromatographyMetadataSeparationFlowGradient'
} );
__PACKAGE__->attribute_map( {
'method' => 'method',
'column_constructor' => 'column_constructor',
'column_constructor_other' => 'column_constructor_other',
'column_name' => 'column_name',
'column_length' => 'column_length',
'column_diameter' => 'column_diameter',
'particule_size' => 'particule_size',
'column_temperature' => 'column_temperature',
'mode' => 'mode',
'separation_flow_rate' => 'separation_flow_rate',
'solvent_a' => 'solvent_a',
'solvent_a_ph' => 'solvent_a_ph',
'solvent_b' => 'solvent_b',
'solvent_b_ph' => 'solvent_b_ph',
'separation_flow_gradient' => 'separation_flow_gradient'
} );
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(keys %{__PACKAGE__->attribute_map});