SEGYHDRMOD - replace the text header on a SEGY file
segyhdrmod text=file data=file
Required parameters:
text= name of file containing new 3200 byte text header
data= name of file containing SEGY data set
This program simply does a replacement of the content of the first
3200 bytes of the SEGY file with the contents of the file specified
by the text= parameter. If the text header in the SEGY standard
ebcdic format, the user will need to supply an ebcdic format file
as the text= as input file. A text file may be converted from
ascii to ebcdic via:
dd if=ascii_filename of=ebcdic_filename conv=ebcdic ibs=3200 count=1
or from ebcdic to ascii via:
dd if=ebcdic_filename of=ascii_filename ibs=3200 conv=ascii count=1
sgyhdrmod - replace the text header on a SEGY data file in place
This program only reads and writes 3200 bytes
Reginald H. Beardsley