1. Ubuntu
# apt-get install liblexical-persistence-perl liblocal-lib-perl \
libterm-readline-gnu-perl libnet-ssh2-perl libnet-pcap-perl \
libnet-libdnet-perl libnet-libdnet6-perl libppi-perl
2. Mac OS X
2.1. Install Xcode/MacPorts
2.2. Install required packages with MacPorts
# port install readline p5-net-pcap p5-app-cpanminus libdnet mercurial
2.3. Install required Perl modules
# cpanm local::lib Data::Dump PPI Exporter::Tiny Class::Gomor \
Term::ReadLine::Gnu File::HomeDir IO::All Term::Shell \
File::Find Term::ANSIColor Net::Libdnet Lexical::Persistence \
2.4. Set environnement variables
2.4.1. For bash shell
Replace 5.16.3 with your Perl version.
$ export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level
3. FreeBSD (Tested on 10.1-RELEASE)
XXX: to complete
4. Metabrik
4.1. Clone Mercurial repositories
$ mkdir ~/metabrik
4.2. Place environnement variables
4.2.1. For bash shell
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/metabrik/core/bin
$ export PERL_RL=Gnu
4.3. Run and enjoy
$ metabrik