# $Id: Shell.pm,v e86617fa210d 2016/02/14 17:56:59 gomor $
# core::shell Brik
use strict;
# Breaking.Feature.Fix
our $VERSION = '1.21';
our $FIX = '1';
use base qw(Term::Shell Metabrik);
use IO::All;
sub brik_properties {
return {
revision => '$Revision: e86617fa210d $',
tags => [ qw(main core) ],
attributes => {
echo => [ qw(0|1) ],
help_show_base_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
help_show_base_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
help_show_base_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands
help_show_inherited_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
help_show_inherited_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
help_show_inherited_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands
help_show_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands for base and inherited
comp_show_base_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
comp_show_base_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
comp_show_base_all => [ qw(0|1) ],
comp_show_inherited_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
comp_show_inherited_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
comp_show_inherited_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands
comp_show_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands for base and inherited
show_base_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_base_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_base_all => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_inherited_attributes => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_inherited_commands => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_inherited_all => [ qw(0|1) ],
show_all => [ qw(0|1) ], # Both Attributes and Commands for base and inherited
aliases_completion => [ qw(0|1) ], # Complete aliases to show original Command
ps1 => [ qw(prompt) ],
# These are used by Term::Shell
#path_home => [ qw(directory) ],
#path_cwd => [ qw(directory) ],
#prompt => [ qw(string) ],
#_aliases => [ qw(INTERNAL) ],
#_executables => [ qw(INTERNAL) ],
attributes_default => {
echo => 1,
help_show_base_attributes => 0,
help_show_base_commands => 0,
help_show_base_all => 0,
help_show_inherited_attributes => 0,
help_show_inherited_commands => 0,
help_show_inherited_all => 0,
help_show_all => 0,
comp_show_base_attributes => 0,
comp_show_base_commands => 0,
comp_show_base_all => 0,
comp_show_inherited_attributes => 0,
comp_show_inherited_commands => 0,
comp_show_inherited_all => 0,
comp_show_all => 0,
show_base_attributes => 0,
show_base_commands => 0,
show_base_all => 0,
show_inherited_attributes => 0,
show_inherited_commands => 0,
show_inherited_all => 0,
show_all => 0,
aliases_completion => 0,
commands => {
splash => [ ],
pwd => [ ],
get_available_help => [ ],
get_help_attributes => [ qw(Brik) ],
get_help_commands => [ qw(Brik) ],
get_comp_attributes => [ qw(Brik) ],
get_comp_commands => [ qw(Brik) ],
# Term::Shell stuff
cmd => [ qw(Cmd) ],
cmdloop => [ ],
run_use => [ qw(Brik) ],
run_help => [ qw(Brik) ],
run_set => [ qw(Brik Attribute Value) ],
run_get => [ qw(Brik) ],
run_run => [ qw(Brik Command) ],
run_alias => [ qw(alias Cmd) ],
run_cd => [ qw(directory) ],
run_code => [ qw(Code) ],
run_exit => [ ],
require_modules => {
'Data::Dump' => [ qw(dump) ],
'File::HomeDir' => [ ],
'Cwd' => [ ],
'PPI' => [ ],
sub new {
# Call Term::Shell new()
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Call Metabrik new()
# We have to set of default_attributes again normally called by Brik::new():
# Otherwise default attributes are not set properly because of Perl inheritance scheme
# Now write Term::Shell default values we gave, like context, global, log, ...
my %h = @_;
for my $k (keys %h) {
$self->{$k} = $h{$k};
return $self;
sub brik_init {
my $self = shift;
# Allow user to break out of multiline mode or run Commands
# Note: Gnu readline() is blocking SIGs, we have to hit enter so
# Ctrl+C is executed.
$SIG{INT} = sub {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("SIGINT: captured for pid[$$] ".
($$ == $self->global->pid ? '(main process)' : '')
if ($self->global->exit_on_sigint) {
return 1;
# Gather executable files from PATH
my @path = split(':', ($ENV{PATH} || ''));
my %executables = ();
for my $path (@path) {
my @files = ();
eval {
@files = io($path)->all_files;
if ($@) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("brik_init: $path: all_files: $@");
for my $file (@files) {
if ($file->is_executable) {
my $filename = $file->filename;
# Without a handler, we would not be able to autoload the run Command
$self->{_executables} = \%executables;
return $self->SUPER::brik_init(@_);
sub splash {
my $self = shift;
my $con = $self->context;
my $version = $con->run('core::global', 'brik_version');
my $available_count = keys %{$con->available};
my $used_count = keys %{$con->used};
███▄ ▄███▓▓█████▄▄▄█████▓ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ██▀███ ██▓ ██ ▄█▀
▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓█ ▀▓ ██▒ ▓▒▒████▄ ▓█████▄ ▓██ ▒ ██▒▓██▒ ██▄█▒
▓██ ▓██░▒███ ▒ ▓██░ ▒░▒██ ▀█▄ ▒██▒ ▄██▓██ ░▄█ ▒▒██▒▓███▄░
▒██ ▒██ ▒▓█ ▄░ ▓██▓ ░ ░██▄▄▄▄██ ▒██░█▀ ▒██▀▀█▄ ░██░▓██ █▄
▒██▒ ░██▒░▒████▒ ▒██▒ ░ ▓█ ▓██▒░▓█ ▀█▓░██▓ ▒██▒░██░▒██▒ █▄
░ ▒░ ░ ░░░ ▒░ ░ ▒ ░░ ▒▒ ▓▒█░░▒▓███▀▒░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░░▓ ▒ ▒▒ ▓▒
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒▒ ░▒░▒ ░ ░▒ ░ ▒░ ▒ ░░ ░▒ ▒░
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ▒ ░░ ░░ ░
░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░
--[ Welcome to Metabrik - Knowledge is in your head, Detail is in the code ]--
--[ Briks available: $available_count ]--
--[ Briks used: $used_count ]--
--[ Version $version ]--
There is a Brik for that.
return 1;
sub pwd {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{path_cwd};
sub get_available_help {
my $self = shift;
my @used = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$self->context->used};
my @aliases = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$self->{_aliases}};
my @commands = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$self->brik_commands};
# Skip class functions
@commands = grep (!/^brik_/, @commands);
# Remove leading run_ string
for (@aliases, @commands) {
return { briks => \@used, aliases => \@aliases, commands => \@commands };
# Term::Shell stuff
my $self = shift;
my (@args) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("autoload[$AUTOLOAD]");
if ($AUTOLOAD !~ /^Metabrik::Core::Shell::run_/) {
return 1;
(my $command = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^Metabrik::Core::Shell:://;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("AUTOLOAD: command[$command] args[@args]");
#my $aliases = $self->_aliases;
my $aliases = $self->{_aliases};
if (exists($aliases->{$command})) {
my $cmd = $aliases->{$command};
return $self->cmd(join(' ', $cmd, @args));
my $context = $self->context;
if ($context->is_used('shell::command')) {
(my $exec = $command) =~ s/^run_//;
my $executables = $self->{_executables};
if (exists($executables->{$exec})) {
my $cmd = "run shell::command system $exec";
return $self->cmd(join(' ', $cmd, @args));
else {
$self->log->verbose("AUTOLOAD: Brik [shell::command] not loaded, skipping");
return 1;
sub _word_may_be_brik {
my $self = shift;
my ($word) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
my $used = $context->used;
for (keys %$used) {
return $used if /^$word/;
return 0;
# We overwrite inherited Term::Shell rl_complete() sub to have control
sub rl_complete {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
my @comp = ();
# If it's a command, complete 'run_'.
# For that, command must not be blank and not start with '/'.
if (($start == 0 || substr($line, 0, $start) =~ /^\s*$/)
&& ($word !~ m{/})) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("rl_complete: word[$word] start[$start] line[$line]");
@comp = $self->complete('', $word, $line, $start);
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("rl_complete: comp[@comp]");
# XXX: broken feature since Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.27
# If we found something and it's an alias, we complete with the original command
#if (defined($comp[0]) && $self->comp_aliases && exists($self->{_aliases}{"run_".$comp[0]})) {
#$self->debug && $self->log->debug("rl_complete: original[".$self->{_aliases}{"run_$comp[0]"}."]");
#my @words = split(/\s+/, $self->{_aliases}{"run_$comp[0]"});
#if (exists($self->{_aliases}{"run_$words[0]"})) {
#@comp = $self->{_aliases}{"run_".$words[0]};
#else {
#@comp = $self->{_aliases}{"run_$comp[0]"};
## Or maybe it's a Brik, and we want to prefix it automagically with 'run' Command
#elsif (my $available = $self->_word_may_be_brik($word)) {
#for (keys %$available) {
#push @comp, "run $_" if /^$word/;
# If it's a subcommand, send it to any custom completion function for the
# function:
else {
my $command = ($self->line_parsed($line))[0];
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("rl_complete: send to custom completion");
@comp = $self->complete($command, $word, $line, $start);
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("rl_complete: return comp[@comp] count[".scalar(@comp)."]");
return @comp;
# Converts Windows path
sub _convert_path {
my ($path) = @_;
$path =~ s/\\/\//g;
return $path;
# Term::Shell::main stuff
use Cwd;
sub _update_path_home {
my $self = shift;
$self->{path_home} = _convert_path(File::HomeDir->my_home || '/tmp');
return 1;
sub _update_path_cwd {
my $self = shift;
my $cwd = _convert_path(Cwd::getcwd() || '/tmp');
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("cwd [$cwd]");
#my $home = $self->path_home;
my $home = $self->{path_home} || '/tmp';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("home [$home]");
$cwd =~ s/^$home/~/;
$self->{path_cwd} = $cwd;
return 1;
sub _update_prompt {
my $self = shift;
my ($prompt) = @_;
if (defined($prompt)) {
$self->{prompt} = $prompt;
else {
my $ps1 = $self->ps1;
#my $cwd = $self->path_cwd;
my $cwd = $self->{path_cwd};
my $prompt = defined($ps1) ? "$ps1:$cwd> " : "Meta:$cwd> ";
if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {
$prompt =~ s/> /\$ /;
elsif ($< == 0) {
$prompt =~ s/> /# /;
$self->{prompt} = $prompt;
return 1;
sub init {
my $self = shift;
# Default: 'us,ue,md,me', see `man 5 termcap' and Term::Cap
# See also Term::ReadLine LoadTermCap() and ornaments() subs.
# Force Commands to be entered entirely to avoid ambiguity.
# Example: type 'my' will result in excuting Perl code, and not 'mymeta-cpanfile'.
$self->{API}{match_uniq} = 0;
return $self;
sub prompt_str {
my $self = shift;
#return $self->prompt;
return $self->{prompt};
sub cmd_is_complete {
my $self = shift;
my ($lines) = @_;
my $string = join("\n", @$lines);
my $document = PPI::Document->new(\$string);
if (! $document) {
return $self->log->error("cmd_is_complete: cannot parse Perl string");
# Courtesy of Perl::Shell complete() function
my $r = $document->find_any(sub {
$_[1]->isa('PPI::Structure') and ! $_[1]->finish
return $r ? 0 : 1;
sub cmd_to_code {
my $self = shift;
my ($line) = @_;
# Example: a run Command converted to Perl Code:
# 'run shell::command system "echo $_"';
# $SHE->cmd("run shell::command system \"echo $_\"");
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("cmd_to_code: before: [$line]");
if ($line =~ /^\s*'\s*((?:use|set|get|run)\s.*?)\s*'\s*;?\s*$/) {
# We have to escape " chars
(my $new = $1) =~ s{"}{\\"}g;
# We have to escape $ variables too so they are completed
$new =~ s{\$}{\\\$}g;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("cmd_to_code: new: [$new]");
$line = '$SHE->cmd("'.$new.'");';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("cmd_to_code: after: [$line]");
return $line;
sub process_line {
my $self = shift;
my ($line, $lines) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("process_line: [$line]");
# Skip comments
if ($line =~ /^\s*#/) {
return 0;
# Skip blank lines
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
return 0;
push @$lines, $line;
# If a closure is open, we are in multiline mode
if (! $self->cmd_is_complete($lines)) {
# If it looks like a Metabrik command, we rewrite it to a Perl code string
# This is to support 'run <Brik> <Command> <Args>' within multiline.
$lines->[-1] = $self->cmd_to_code($line);
$self->_update_prompt('.. ');
return 1;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("process_line: lines[@$lines]");
$self->cmd(join('', @$lines));
return 0;
sub cmdloop {
my $self = shift;
my ($lines) = @_;
my @lines = ();
# User provided lines to execute (script)
if (defined($lines)) {
for my $line (@$lines) {
if ($self->process_line($line, \@lines)) {
next; # We are in multiline mode
else {
@lines = (); # Command is complete, we ran it and now reset line buffer.
last if $self->{stop};
# Or we are in interactive mode (shell)
else {
$self->{stop} = 0;
while (defined(my $line = $self->readline($self->prompt_str))) {
if ($self->process_line($line, \@lines)) {
next; # We are in multiline mode
else {
@lines = (); # Command is complete, we ran it and now reset line buffer.
last if $self->{stop};
return $self->postloop;
return 1;
# Term::Shell::run stuff
sub run_exit {
my $self = shift;
my $context = $self->context;
if ($context->is_used('shell::history')) {
$context->run('shell::history', 'write');
# Global clean-up
return $self->stoploop;
sub comp_exit {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_exit: true");
return ();
sub run_alias {
my $self = shift;
my ($alias, @cmd) = @_;
#my $aliases = $self->_aliases;
my $aliases = $self->{_aliases};
if (! defined($alias)) {
for my $this (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$aliases) {
($alias = $this) =~ s/^run_//;
printf("alias %-10s \"%s\"\n", $alias, $aliases->{$this});
return 1;
elsif (length($alias) && @cmd == 0) {
$alias =~ s/^run_//;
printf("alias %-10s \"%s\"\n", $alias, $aliases->{"run_$alias"});
return 1;
$aliases->{"run_$alias"} = join(' ', @cmd);
$self->{_aliases} = $aliases;
return 1;
sub comp_alias {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_alias: true");
return ();
sub run_cd {
my $self = shift;
my ($dir, @args) = @_;
if (defined($dir)) {
if ($dir =~ m{^~}) {
#$dir = $self->path_home;
$dir =~ s{^~}{$self->{path_home}};
if (! -d $dir) {
return $self->log->error("cd: directory [$dir] does not exist");
or return $self->log->error("cd: chdir failed for directory [$dir]: $!");
else {
or return $self->log->error("cd: chdir failed for directory [$dir]: $!");
return 1;
sub comp_cd {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_cd: true");
return $self->catch_comp_sub($word, $start, $line);
sub run_code {
my $self = shift;
my $context = $self->context;
my $line = $self->line;
$line =~ s/^code\s+//;
if (! length($line)) {
return $self->log->info('code <code>');
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("run_code: code[$line]");
my $r;
eval {
# So we can interrupt the do($line) execution
local $SIG{INT} = sub {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("run_code: SIG received");
if ($self->global->exit_on_sigint) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("run_code: exiting");
die("interrupted by user\n");
$r = $context->do($line);
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->log->error("run_code: unable to execute Code [$line]");
if ($self->echo) {
return $r;
sub comp_code {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_code: true");
return $self->catch_comp_sub($word, $start, $line);
sub run_use {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik, @args) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->log->info('use <brik>');
my $r;
# If Brik starts with a minuscule, we want to use Brik in Metabrik sens.
# Otherwise, it is a use command in the Perl sens.
if ($brik =~ /^[a-z]/ && $brik =~ /::/) {
$r = $context->use($brik) or return;
if ($r) {
$self->log->verbose("use: Brik [$brik] success");
else {
return $self->run_code($brik, @args);
return $r;
sub comp_use {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_use: true");
my $context = $self->context;
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] count[$count]");
my @comp = ();
# We want to find available Briks by using completion
if (($count == 1)
|| ($count == 2 && length($word) > 0)) {
my $available = $context->available;
if ($self->debug && ! defined($available)) {
$self->log->debug("\ncomp_use: can't fetch available Briks");
return ();
for my $a (keys %$available) {
push @comp, $a if $a =~ /^$word/;
return @comp;
sub get_help_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->log->error($self->brik_help_run('get_help_attributes'));
my $context = $self->context;
if (! $context->is_used($brik)) {
return {};
my $used = $context->used;
my $attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_own_attributes;
my $base_attributes = {};
if ($self->help_show_base_attributes || $self->help_show_base_all
|| $self->show_base_attributes || $self->show_base_all
|| $self->help_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$base_attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_base_attributes;
my $inherited_attributes = {};
if ($self->help_show_inherited_attributes || $self->help_show_inherited_all
|| $self->show_inherited_attributes || $self->show_inherited_all
|| $self->help_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$inherited_attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_inherited_attributes;
for my $attribute (keys %$base_attributes) {
$attributes->{$attribute} = $base_attributes->{$attribute};
for my $attribute (keys %$inherited_attributes) {
$attributes->{$attribute} = $inherited_attributes->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
sub get_help_commands {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->log->error($self->brik_help_run('get_help_commands'));
my $context = $self->context;
if (! $context->is_used($brik)) {
return {};
my $used = $context->used;
my $commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_own_commands;
my $base_commands = {};
if ($self->help_show_base_commands || $self->help_show_base_all
|| $self->show_base_commands || $self->show_base_all
|| $self->help_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$base_commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_base_commands;
my $inherited_commands = {};
if ($self->help_show_inherited_commands || $self->help_show_inherited_all
|| $self->show_inherited_commands || $self->show_inherited_all
|| $self->help_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$inherited_commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_inherited_commands;
for my $command (keys %$base_commands) {
$commands->{$command} = $base_commands->{$command};
for my $command (keys %$inherited_commands) {
$commands->{$command} = $inherited_commands->{$command};
return $commands;
sub get_comp_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->log->error($self->brik_help_run('get_comp_attributes'));
my $context = $self->context;
if (! $context->is_used($brik)) {
return {};
my $used = $context->used;
my $attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_own_attributes;
my $base_attributes = {};
if ($self->comp_show_base_attributes || $self->comp_show_base_all
|| $self->show_base_attributes || $self->show_base_all
|| $self->comp_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$base_attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_base_attributes;
my $inherited_attributes = {};
if ($self->comp_show_inherited_attributes || $self->comp_show_inherited_all
|| $self->show_inherited_attributes || $self->show_inherited_all
|| $self->comp_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$inherited_attributes = $used->{$brik}->brik_inherited_attributes;
for my $attribute (keys %$base_attributes) {
$attributes->{$attribute} = $base_attributes->{$attribute};
for my $attribute (keys %$inherited_attributes) {
$attributes->{$attribute} = $inherited_attributes->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
sub get_comp_commands {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->log->error($self->brik_help_run('get_comp_commands'));
my $context = $self->context;
if (! $context->is_used($brik)) {
return {};
my $used = $context->used;
my $commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_own_commands;
my $base_commands = {};
if ($self->comp_show_base_commands || $self->comp_show_base_all
|| $self->show_base_commands || $self->show_base_all
|| $self->comp_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$base_commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_base_commands;
my $inherited_commands = {};
if ($self->comp_show_inherited_commands || $self->comp_show_inherited_all
|| $self->show_inherited_commands || $self->show_inherited_all
|| $self->comp_show_all || $self->show_all) {
$inherited_commands = $used->{$brik}->brik_inherited_commands;
for my $command (keys %$base_commands) {
$commands->{$command} = $base_commands->{$command};
for my $command (keys %$inherited_commands) {
$commands->{$command} = $inherited_commands->{$command};
return $commands;
sub run_help {
my $self = shift;
my ($arg1, $arg2) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
my $help = $self->get_available_help;
my %aliases = map { $_ => 1 } @{$help->{aliases}};
my %briks = map { $_ => 1 } @{$help->{briks}};
my %commands = map { $_ => 1 } @{$help->{commands}};
# Print the list of available Briks, Aliases, Commands
if (! defined($arg1)) {
$self->log->info("For more help, print help <Command>:");
$self->log->info(" ");
for my $this (sort { $a cmp $b } @{$help->{briks}}) {
$self->log->info(" $this - Brik");
for my $this (sort { $a cmp $b } @{$help->{aliases}}) {
$self->log->info(" $this - Alias");
for my $this (sort { $a cmp $b } @{$help->{commands}}) {
$self->log->info(" $this - Command");
return 1;
elsif (! defined($arg2)) {
# Help for a Brik
if ($context->is_used($arg1)) {
my $used_brik = $context->used->{$arg1};
my $attributes = $self->get_help_attributes($arg1);
my $commands = $self->get_help_commands($arg1);
for my $attribute (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$attributes) {
my $help = "set $arg1 ".$used_brik->brik_help_set($attribute);
$self->log->info($help) if defined($help);
for my $command (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$commands) {
my $help = "run $arg1 ".$used_brik->brik_help_run($command);
$self->log->info($help) if defined($help);
# Help for a Command
elsif (exists($commands{$arg1})) {
for my $this (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %commands) {
return $self->log->info("$arg1 - core::shell Command, see 'help core::shell $arg1'");
# Help for an Alias
elsif (exists($aliases{$arg1})) {
return $self->log->info("$arg1 - no help for Aliases");
else {
return $self->log->info("Command [$arg1] not found");
# Both arg1 and arg2 are defined
else {
if (exists($briks{$arg1})) {
my $used_brik = $context->used->{$arg1};
my $attributes = $used_brik->brik_attributes;
my $commands = $used_brik->brik_commands;
my $base_attributes = $used_brik->brik_base_attributes;
my $base_commands = $used_brik->brik_base_commands;
my $help;
if (exists($attributes->{$arg2}) || exists($base_attributes->{$arg2})) {
$help = $used_brik->brik_help_set($arg2);
elsif (exists($commands->{$arg2}) || exists($base_commands->{$arg2})) {
$help = $used_brik->brik_help_run($arg2);
else {
$help = "Attribute or Command [$arg2] not found for Brik [$arg1]";
return $self->log->info($help);
else {
return $self->log->info("Command [$arg1] not found");
return 1;
sub comp_help {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_help: true");
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] count[$count]");
my @comp = ();
# We want to find help for used Briks/Aliases/Commands by using completion
if ($count == 1 || ($count == 2 && length($word) > 0)) {
my $help = $self->get_available_help;
# No need to complete aliases, there is no help
#for my $a (@{$help->{briks}}, @{$help->{aliases}}, @{$help->{commands}}) {
for my $a (@{$help->{briks}}, @{$help->{commands}}) {
next unless length($a);
push @comp, $a if $a =~ /^$word/;
# We want to complete entered Command and Attributes
else {
push @comp, $self->comp_run(@_);
push @comp, $self->comp_set(@_);
return @comp;
return @comp;
sub run_set {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik, $attribute, $value) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
if (! defined($brik) || ! defined($attribute) || ! defined($value)) {
return $self->log->info("set <brik> <attribute> <value>");
my $r = $context->set($brik, $attribute, $value);
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->log->error("set: unable to set Attribute [$attribute] for Brik [$brik]");
return $r;
sub comp_set {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_set: true");
my $context = $self->context;
# Completion is for used Briks only
my $used = $context->used;
if (! defined($used)) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_set: can't fetch used Briks");
return ();
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] count[$count]");
my $brik = defined($words[1]) ? $words[1] : undef;
my @comp = ();
# We want completion for used Briks
if (($count == 1)
|| ($count == 2 && length($word) > 0)) {
for my $a (keys %$used) {
push @comp, $a if $a =~ /^$word/;
# We fetch Brik Attributes
elsif ($count == 2 && length($word) == 0) {
if ($self->debug) {
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
$self->log->debug("comp_set: Brik [$brik] not used");
return ();
my $attributes = $self->get_comp_attributes($brik);
for my $attribute (keys %$attributes) {
push @comp, $attribute;
# We want to complete entered Attribute
elsif ($count == 3 && length($word) > 0) {
if ($self->debug) {
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
$self->log->debug("comp_set: Brik [$brik] not used");
return ();
my $attributes = $self->get_comp_attributes($brik);
for my $attribute (keys %$attributes) {
if ($attribute =~ /^$word/) {
push @comp, $attribute;
# Else, default completion method on remaining word
else {
return $self->catch_comp_sub($word, $start, $line);
return @comp;
sub run_get {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik, $attribute) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
# get is called without args, we display everything
if (! defined($brik)) {
my $used = $context->used or return;
for my $brik (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$used) {
my $attributes = $self->get_help_attributes($brik);
for my $attribute (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$attributes) {
$self->log->info("$brik $attribute ".$context->get($brik, $attribute));
# get is called with only a Brik as an arg, we show its Attributes
elsif (defined($brik) && ! defined($attribute)) {
my $used = $context->used or return;
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
return $self->log->error("get: Brik [$brik] not used");
my $attributes = $self->get_help_attributes($brik);
for my $attribute (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$attributes) {
$self->log->info("$brik $attribute ".$context->get($brik, $attribute));
# get is called with is a Brik and an Attribute
elsif (defined($brik) && defined($attribute)) {
my $used = $context->used or return;
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
return $self->log->error("get: Brik [$brik] not used");
if (! $used->{$brik}->brik_has_attribute($attribute)) {
return $self->log->error("get: Attribute [$attribute] does not exist for Brik [$brik]");
$self->log->info("$brik $attribute ".$context->get($brik, $attribute));
return 1;
sub comp_get {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_get: true");
return $self->comp_set(@_);
sub run_run {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik, $command, @args) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
if (! defined($brik) || ! defined($command)) {
return $self->log->info("run <brik> <command> [ <arg1> <arg2> .. <argN> ]");
my $r;
local $SIG{INT} = sub {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("run_run: SIG received");
if ($self->global->exit_on_sigint) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("run_run: exiting");
die("interrupted by user\n");
if ($self->debug) {
my ($module, $file, $line) = caller();
$self->log->debug("run_run: called by module [$module] from [$file] line[$line]");
# Hack for Term::Shell: we have to convert its exec function to our execute Command
my ($module) = caller();
if ($module eq 'Term::Shell' && $command eq 'exec') {
$command = 'execute';
$r = $context->run($brik, $command, @args);
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->log->error("run: unable to execute Command [$command] for Brik [$brik]");
if ($self->echo) {
return $r;
sub comp_run {
my $self = shift;
my ($word, $line, $start) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_run: true");
my $context = $self->context;
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
my $last = $words[-1];
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("comp_run: words[@words] | word[$word] line[$line] ".
"start[$start] | last[$last]");
# Completion is for used Briks only
my $used = $context->used;
if (! defined($used)) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("comp_run: can't fetch used Briks");
return ();
my $brik = defined($words[1]) ? $words[1] : undef;
my @comp = ();
# We want completion for used Briks
if (($count == 1)
|| ($count == 2 && length($word) > 0)) {
for my $a (keys %$used) {
push @comp, $a if $a =~ /^$word/;
# We fetch Brik Commands
elsif ($count == 2 && length($word) == 0) {
if ($self->debug) {
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
$self->log->debug("comp_run: Brik [$brik] not used");
return ();
my $commands = $self->get_comp_commands($brik);
for my $command (keys %$commands) {
push @comp, $command;
# We want to complete entered Command and Attributes
elsif ($count == 3 && length($word) > 0) {
if ($self->debug) {
if (! exists($used->{$brik})) {
$self->log->debug("comp_run: Brik [$brik] not used");
return ();
my $commands = $self->get_comp_commands($brik);
for my $command (keys %$commands) {
if ($command =~ /^$word/) {
push @comp, $command;
# Else, default completion method on remaining word
else {
return $self->catch_comp_sub($word, $start, $line);
return @comp;
# Term::Shell::catch stuff
sub catch_run {
my $self = shift;
my (@args) = @_;
my $context = $self->context;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_run: args [@args]");
# If it starts with a '/', we really want to 'run shell::command system'
if ($context->is_used('shell::command')) {
if (defined($args[0]) && $args[0] =~ m{^\s*/}) {
my $cmd = "run shell::command system";
return $self->cmd(join(' ', $cmd, @args));
# Default to execute Perl commands
return $self->run_code(@args);
# Taken from file::find Brik, to make core::shell independant from it.
sub _file_find {
my $self = shift;
my ($path) = @_;
my @dirs = ();
my @files = ();
my $dirpattern = '.*';
my $filepattern = '.*';
# Handle finding of directories
my @tmp_dirs = ();
eval {
@tmp_dirs = io($path)->all_dirs;
if ($@) {
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("all: $path: dirs: $@");
return { directories => [], files => [] };
for my $this (@tmp_dirs) {
if ($this =~ /$dirpattern/) {
push @dirs, "$this/";
# Handle finding of files
my @tmp_files = ();
eval {
@tmp_files = io($path)->all_files;
if ($@) {
if ($self->debug) {
$self->log->debug("all: $path: files: $@");
return { directories => [], files => [] };
for my $this (@tmp_files) {
if ($this =~ /$filepattern/) {
push @files, "$this";
@dirs = map { s/^\.\///; $_ } @dirs; # Remove leading dot slash
@files = map { s/^\.\///; $_ } @files; # Remove leading dot slash
return {
directories => \@dirs,
files => \@files,
# 1. $word - The word the user is trying to complete.
# 2. $line - The line as typed by the user so far.
# 3. $start - The offset into $line where $word starts.
sub catch_comp_sub {
my $self = shift;
# Strange, we had to reverse order for $start and $line only for catch_comp() method.
my ($word, $start, $line) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp_sub: true");
my $context = $self->context;
my $attribs = $self->term->Attribs;
$attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1;
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
my $last = $words[-1];
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp_sub: words[@words] | word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] | last[$last]");
# Be default, we will read the current directory
if (! length($word)) {
$word = '.';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp_sub: DEFAULT: words[@words] | word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] | last[$last]");
my @comp = ();
# We don't use $word here, because the $ is stripped. We have to use $word[-1]
# We also check against $line, if we have a trailing space, the word was complete.
if ($last =~ /^\$/ && $line !~ /\s+$/) {
my $variables = $context->variables;
for my $this (@$variables) {
$this =~ s/^\$//;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("variable[$this] start[$start]");
if ($this =~ /^$word/) {
push @comp, $this;
else {
my $path = '.';
#my $home = $self->path_home;
my $home = $self->{path_home};
$word =~ s/^~/$home/;
if ($word =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/) {
$path = $1 || '/';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("path[$path]");
my $found = $self->_file_find($path);
for my $this (@{$found->{files}}, @{$found->{directories}}) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("check[$this]");
if ($this =~ /^$word/) {
push @comp, $this;
# If there are some whitespace, we put between quotes
for (@comp) {
if (m{\s+}) {
return @comp;
# 1. $word - The word the user is trying to complete.
# 2. $line - The line as typed by the user so far.
# 3. $start - The offset into $line where $word starts.
# The true default completion method for Term::Shell when no comp_* matched.
# Ugly, we should merge with comp_catch_sub().
# Bug from Term::Shell: $start is not an offset in that case.
sub catch_comp {
my $self = shift;
# Strange, we had to reverse order for $start and $line only for catch_comp() method.
my ($word, $start, $line) = @_;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp: true");
my $context = $self->context;
my $attribs = $self->term->Attribs;
$attribs->{completion_suppress_append} = 1;
my @words = $self->line_parsed($line);
my $count = scalar(@words);
my $last = $words[-1];
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp: words[@words] | word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] | last[$last]");
# Be default, we will read the current directory
if (! length($start)) {
$start = '.';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp: DEFAULT: words[@words] | word[$word] line[$line] start[$start] | last[$last]");
my @comp = ();
# We don't use $start here, because the $ is stripped. We have to use $word[-1]
# We also check against $line, if we have a trailing space, the word was complete.
if ($last =~ /^\$/ && $line !~ /\s+$/) {
my $variables = $context->variables;
for my $this (@$variables) {
$this =~ s/^\$//;
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("variable[$this] start[$start]");
if ($this =~ /^$start/) {
push @comp, $this;
# XXX: broken feature since Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.27
# If we just finished completing an alias, we return the full command
#elsif (exists($self->{_aliases}{"run_$last"})) {
#push @comp, $self->{_aliases}{"run_$last"};
# Otherwise, we complete relative filenames
else {
my $path = '.';
#my $home = $self->path_home;
my $home = $self->{path_home};
$start =~ s/^~/$home/;
if ($start =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/) {
$path = $1 || '/';
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("path[$path]");
my $found = $self->_file_find($path);
for my $this (@{$found->{files}}, @{$found->{directories}}) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("check[$this]");
if ($this =~ /^$start/) {
push @comp, $this;
# If there are some whitespace, we put between quotes
for (@comp) {
if (m{\s+}) {
$self->debug && $self->log->debug("catch_comp: possible [@comp]");
return @comp;
=head1 NAME
Metabrik::Core::Shell - core::shell Brik
use Metabrik::Core::Shell;
my $SHE = Metabrik::Core::Shell->new;
This Brik is B<The Metabrik Shell>, where you will be able to play with B<use>, B<set>, B<get> and B<run> Commands from available Briks. You don't need to use this Brik directly. It is auto-loaded by B<core::context> Brik and is stored in its B<shell> Attribute.
At B<The Metabrik Shell>, just type:
L<get core::shell>
At B<The Metabrik Shell>, just type:
L<help core::shell>
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item B<brik_properties>
=item B<brik_init>
=item B<catch_comp>
=item B<catch_comp_sub>
=item B<catch_run>
=item B<cmd_is_complete>
=item B<cmd_to_code>
=item B<cmdloop>
=item B<comp_alias>
=item B<comp_cd>
=item B<comp_code>
=item B<comp_exit>
=item B<comp_get>
=item B<comp_help>
=item B<comp_run>
=item B<comp_set>
=item B<comp_use>
=item B<get_available_help>
=item B<get_comp_attributes>
=item B<get_comp_commands>
=item B<get_help_attributes>
=item B<get_help_commands>
=over 4
=item B<new>
=item B<init>
=item B<splash>
=item B<process_line>
=item B<pwd>
=item B<prompt_str>
=item B<rl_complete>
=item B<run_alias>
=item B<run_cd>
=item B<run_code>
=item B<run_exit>
=item B<run_get>
=item B<run_help>
=item B<run_run>
=item B<run_set>
=item B<run_use>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of The BSD 3-Clause License.
See LICENSE file in the source distribution archive.
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret