# $Id: Metabrik.pm,v 3592d9fef98d 2017/02/04 16:28:28 gomor $
package Metabrik;
use strict;
# Breaking.Feature.Fix
our $VERSION = '1.26';
our $FIX = '0';
our @AS = qw(
sub brik_version {
my $self = shift;
my $revision = $self->brik_properties->{revision};
$revision =~ s/^.*\s([a-f0-9]+)\s.*$/$1/;
return $VERSION.'.'.$FIX.'-'.$revision;
sub brik_author {
my $self = shift;
my $author = $self->brik_properties->{author};
# Default to GomoR
return $author || 'GomoR <GomoR[at]metabrik.org>';
sub brik_license {
my $self = shift;
my $license = $self->brik_properties->{license};
# Default to BSD 3-Clause
sub brik_properties {
return {
revision => '$Revision: 3592d9fef98d $',
author => 'GomoR <GomoR[at]metabrik.org>',
tags => [ ],
attributes => {
debug => [ qw(0|1) ],
init_done => [ qw(0|1) ],
context => [ qw(core::context) ],
global => [ qw(core::global) ],
log => [ qw(core::log) ],
shell => [ qw(core::shell) ],
attributes_default => {
debug => 0,
init_done => 0,
commands => {
brik_version => [ ],
brik_author => [ ],
brik_license => [ ],
brik_help_set => [ qw(Attribute) ],
brik_help_run => [ qw(Command) ],
brik_class => [ ],
brik_classes => [ ],
brik_name => [ ],
brik_repository => [ ],
brik_category => [ ],
brik_tags => [ ],
brik_has_tag => [ qw(Tag) ],
brik_commands => [ ], # Return full list of Commands
brik_base_commands => [ ], # Return only base class Commands
brik_inherited_commands => [ ], # Return only inherited Commands
brik_own_commands => [ ], # Return only own Commands
brik_has_command => [ qw(Command) ],
brik_attributes => [ ], # Return full list of Attributes
brik_base_attributes => [ ], # Return only base class Attributes
brik_inherited_attributes => [ ], # Return only inherited Attributes
brik_own_attributes => [ ], # Return only own Attributes
brik_has_attribute => [ qw(Attribute) ],
brik_preinit => [ qw(Arguments) ],
brik_preinit_no_checks => [ qw(Arguments) ],
brik_init => [ qw(Arguments) ],
brik_init_no_checks => [ qw(Arguments) ],
brik_self => [ ],
brik_fini => [ qw(Arguments) ],
brik_create_attributes => [ ],
brik_set_default_attributes => [ ],
brik_check_require_modules => [ ],
brik_check_require_binaries => [ ],
brik_check_properties => [ ],
brik_check_use_properties => [ ],
brik_checks => [ ],
brik_has_binary => [ qw(binary) ],
brik_has_module => [ qw(module) ],
brik_help_run_undef_arg => [ qw(Command Arg) ],
brik_help_set_undef_arg => [ qw(Command Arg) ],
brik_help_run_invalid_arg => [ qw(Command Arg valid_list) ],
brik_help_run_empty_array_arg => [ qw(Command Arg) ],
brik_help_run_file_not_found => [ qw(Command Arg) ],
brik_help_run_directory_not_found => [ qw(Command Arg) ],
brik_help_run_must_be_root => [ qw(Command) ],
require_modules => { },
optional_modules => { },
require_binaries => { },
optional_binaries => { },
need_packages => { },
need_services => { },
sub brik_use_properties {
return { };
sub brik_help_set {
my $self = shift;
my ($attribute) = @_;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
if (! defined($attribute)) {
return $self->_log_info("run $name brik_help_set <attribute>");
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (reverse @$classes) {
my $attributes = $class->brik_attributes;
if (exists($attributes->{$attribute})) {
my $help = sprintf("%s ", $attribute);
for (@{$attributes->{$attribute}}) {
$help .= "<$_> ";
return $help;
sub brik_help_run {
my $self = shift;
my ($command) = @_;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
if (! defined($command)) {
return $self->_log_info("run $name brik_help_run <command>");
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (reverse @$classes) {
my $commands = $class->brik_commands;
if (exists($commands->{$command})) {
my $help = sprintf("%s ", $command);
for (@{$commands->{$command}}) {
if (m{\|OPTIONAL}) {
$help .= "[ <$_> ] ";
else {
$help .= "<$_> ";
return $help;
sub _msg {
my $self = shift;
my ($class, $msg) = @_;
$msg ||= 'undef';
$class = lc($class);
$class =~ s/^metabrik:://i;
return lc($class).": $msg";
sub _log_info {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
else {
print("[+] $msg\n");
return 1;
sub _log_error {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
return $self->log->error($msg, $class);
else {
my $str = $self->_msg($class, $msg);
print "[-] $str\n";
sub _log_fatal {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
return $self->log->fatal($msg, $class);
else {
my $str = $self->_msg($class, $msg);
die("[F] $str\n");
sub _log_warning {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
return $self->log->warning($msg, $class);
else {
my $str = $self->_msg($class, $msg);
print("[!] $str\n");
return 1;
sub _log_verbose {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
return $self->log->verbose($msg, $class);
else {
my $str = $self->_msg($class, $msg);
print("[*] $str\n");
return 1;
sub _log_debug {
my $self = shift;
my ($msg) = @_;
if (! $self->debug) {
return 1;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if (ref($self) && defined($self->{log})) {
return $self->log->debug($msg, $class);
else {
my $str = $self->_msg($class, $msg);
print("[D] $str\n");
return 1;
sub brik_check_properties {
my $self = shift;
my ($properties) = @_;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
if (! $self->can('brik_properties')) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_check_properties: Brik [$name] has no brik_properties");
$properties ||= $self->brik_properties;
my $error = 0;
# Check all mandatory keys are present
my @mandatory_keys = qw(
for my $key (@mandatory_keys) {
if (! exists($properties->{$key})) {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: Brik [$name]: brik_properties lacks mandatory key [$key]\n");
# Check all keys are valid
my %valid_keys = (
revision => 1,
author => 1,
license => 1,
tags => 1,
attributes => 1,
attributes_default => 1,
commands => 1,
require_modules => 1,
optional_modules => 1,
require_binaries => 1,
optional_binaries => 1,
need_packages => 1,
need_services => 1,
for my $key (keys %$properties) {
if (! exists($valid_keys{$key})) {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: brik_properties has invalid key [$key]\n");
elsif ($key eq 'tags' && ref($properties->{$key}) ne 'ARRAY') {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: brik_properties with key [$key] is not an ARRAYREF\n");
elsif ($key ne 'revision' && $key ne 'author' && $key ne 'license' && $key ne 'tags' && ref($properties->{$key}) ne 'HASH') {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: brik_properties with key [$key] is not a HASHREF\n");
# Check HASHREFs contains pointers to ARRAYREFs
for my $key (keys %$properties) {
next if ($key eq 'revision' || $key eq 'author' || $key eq 'license' || $key eq 'tags' || $key eq 'attributes_default');
for my $subkey (keys %{$properties->{$key}}) {
if (ref($properties->{$key}->{$subkey}) ne 'ARRAY') {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: brik_properties with key [$key] and subkey [$subkey] is not an ARRAYREF\n");
if ($error) {
print("[-] brik_check_properties: Brik [$name] has invalid properties ($error error(s) found)\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub brik_check_use_properties {
my $self = shift;
my ($use_properties) = @_;
# Do it once.
return 1 if $self->check_use_properties_done;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
if (! $self->can('brik_use_properties')) {
return 1;
$use_properties ||= $self->brik_use_properties;
my $error = 0;
# Check all mandatory keys are present
my @mandatory_keys = qw(
for my $key (@mandatory_keys) {
if (! exists($use_properties->{$key})) {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: Brik [$name]: brik_use_properties lacks mandatory key [$key]\n");
# Check all keys are valid
my %valid_keys = (
revision => 1,
author => 1,
license => 1,
tags => 1,
attributes => 1,
attributes_default => 1,
commands => 1,
require_modules => 1,
optional_modules => 1,
require_binaries => 1,
optional_binaries => 1,
need_packages => 1,
need_services => 1,
for my $key (keys %$use_properties) {
if (! exists($valid_keys{$key})) {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: brik_use_properties has invalid key [$key]\n");
elsif ($key eq 'tags' && ref($use_properties->{$key}) ne 'ARRAY') {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: brik_use_properties with key [$key] is not an ARRAYREF\n");
elsif ($key ne 'revision' && $key ne 'author' && $key ne 'license' && $key ne 'tags' && ref($use_properties->{$key}) ne 'HASH') {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: brik_use_properties with key [$key] is not a HASHREF\n");
# Check HASHREFs contains pointers to ARRAYREFs
for my $key (keys %$use_properties) {
next if ($key eq 'revision' || $key ne 'author' && $key ne 'license' || $key eq 'tags' || $key eq 'attributes_default');
for my $subkey (keys %{$use_properties->{$key}}) {
if (ref($use_properties->{$key}->{$subkey}) ne 'ARRAY') {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: brik_use_properties with key [$key] and subkey [$subkey] is not an ARRAYREF\n");
if ($error) {
print("[-] brik_check_use_properties: Brik [$name] has invalid properties ($error error(s) found)\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub brik_checks {
my $self = shift;
$self->brik_check_properties or return;
$self->brik_check_use_properties or return;
$self->brik_check_require_modules or return;
$self->brik_check_require_binaries or return;
return $self;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(
my $r = $self->brik_create_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("new: brik_create_attributes failed");
return $self->brik_preinit;
sub new_no_checks {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(
my $r = $self->brik_create_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_no_checks: brik_create_attributes failed");
return $self->brik_preinit_no_checks;
sub new_from_brik {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik: you must give a Brik object as argument");
my $log = $brik->log;
my $glo = $brik->global;
my $con = $brik->context;
my $she = $brik->shell;
if (! defined($log)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik: log Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($glo)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik: glo Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($con)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik: con Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($she)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik: she Attribute is undef");
return $self->new(
log => $log,
global => $glo,
context => $con,
shell => $she,
sub new_from_brik_no_checks {
my $self = shift;
my ($brik) = @_;
if (! defined($brik)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_no_checks: you must give a Brik object as argument");
my $log = $brik->log;
my $glo = $brik->global;
my $con = $brik->context;
my $she = $brik->shell;
if (! defined($log)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_no_checks: log Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($glo)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_no_checks: glo Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($con)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_no_checks: con Attribute is undef");
if (! defined($she)) {
return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_no_checks: she Attribute is undef");
return $self->new_no_checks(
log => $log,
global => $glo,
context => $con,
shell => $she,
sub new_from_brik_init {
my $self = shift;
my $brik = $self->new_from_brik(@_)
or return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_init: new_from_brik failed");
or return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_init: brik_init failed");
return $brik;
sub new_from_brik_init_no_checks {
my $self = shift;
my $brik = $self->new_from_brik_no_checks(@_)
or return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_init_no_checks: new_from_brik_no_checks failed");
or return $self->_log_error("new_from_brik_init_no_checks: brik_init_no_checks failed");
return $brik;
# Build Attributes, Class::Gomor style
sub brik_create_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (@$classes) {
my $attributes = $class->brik_properties->{attributes};
my @as = ( keys %$attributes );
if (@as > 0) {
no strict 'refs';
my %current = map { $_ => 1 } @{$class.'::AS'};
my @new = ();
for my $this (@as) {
if (! exists($current{$this})) {
push @new, $this;
push @{$class.'::AS'}, @new;
for my $this (@new) {
if (! $class->can($this)) {
$class->cgBuildAccessorsScalar([ $this ]);
return 1;
# Set default values for Attributes
sub brik_set_default_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
# Set default Attributes from brik_properties hierarchy
for my $class (@$classes) {
# brik_properties() is the general value to use for the default_attributes
if (exists($class->brik_properties->{attributes_default})) {
for my $attribute (keys %{$class->brik_properties->{attributes_default}}) {
#next unless defined($self->$attribute); # Do not overwrite if set on new
# Special case: automatic setting of some defaults (datadir)
# No inheritance here, it is just for currently instanciated Brik.
my $global = $self->global;
if (defined($global)
&& exists($self->brik_properties->{attributes})
&& exists($self->brik_properties->{attributes}->{datadir})) {
my $datadir = $self->datadir;
my $dir;
# If datadir is set by user, we use it blindly.
# Usually, only core::global will have it set.
if (defined($datadir)) {
$dir = $datadir;
# Else, we build it.
else {
my $global_datadir = $self->global->datadir;
$dir = $global_datadir;
(my $subdir = $self->brik_name) =~ s/::/-/g;
if (length($subdir)) {
$dir .= '/'.$subdir;
if (! -d $dir) {
or return $self->_log_error("brik_set_default_attributes: mkdir [$dir] failed: $!");
return 1;
sub brik_set_use_default_attributes {
my $self = shift;
# Set default Attributes from brik_use_properties, no hierarchy, just inheritance
my $class = $self->brik_class;
if ($self->can('brik_use_properties') && exists($self->brik_use_properties->{attributes_default})) {
for my $attribute (keys %{$self->brik_use_properties->{attributes_default}}) {
#next unless defined($self->$attribute); # Do not overwrite if set on new
# Do not overwrite if Attribute is set by brik_properties
next if exists($class->brik_properties->{attributes_default}->{$attribute});
return 1;
# Module check
sub brik_check_require_modules {
my $self = shift;
my ($require_modules) = @_;
my @require_modules_list = ();
if (defined($require_modules)) {
push @require_modules_list, $require_modules;
else {
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (@$classes) {
push @require_modules_list, $class->brik_properties->{require_modules};
my $error = 0;
for my $require_modules (@require_modules_list) {
for my $module (keys %$require_modules) {
eval("require $module;");
if ($@) {
$self->_log_error("brik_check_require_modules: you have to install ".
"module [$module]");
$self->_log_debug("brik_check_require_modules: $@");
my @imports = @{$require_modules->{$module}};
if (@imports > 0) {
if ($@) {
$self->_log_error("brik_check_require_modules: unable to import ".
"functions [@imports] from module [$module]");
$self->_log_debug("brik_check_require_modules: $@");
return $error ? 0 : 1;
sub brik_check_require_binaries {
my $self = shift;
my ($require_binaries) = @_;
my @require_binaries_list = ();
if (defined($require_binaries)) {
push @require_binaries_list, $require_binaries;
else {
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (@$classes) {
push @require_binaries_list, $class->brik_properties->{require_binaries};
my %binaries_found = ();
for my $require_binaries (@require_binaries_list) {
for my $binary (keys %$require_binaries) {
$binaries_found{$binary} = 0;
my @path = split(':', $ENV{PATH});
for my $path (@path) {
if (-f "$path/$binary") {
$binaries_found{$binary} = 1;
my $error = 0;
for my $binary (keys %binaries_found) {
if (! $binaries_found{$binary}) {
$self->_log_error("brik_check_require_binaries: binary [$binary] not found in PATH");
return $error ? 0 : 1;
sub brik_repository {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
my @toks = split('::', $name);
# No repository defined
if (@toks == 2) {
return 'main';
elsif (@toks > 2) {
my ($repository) = $name =~ /^(.*?)::.*/;
return $repository;
# Error, repository not found
return $self->_log_fatal("brik_repository: no Repository found for Brik [$name] (invalid format?)");
sub brik_category {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->brik_name;
my @toks = split('::', $name);
# No repository defined
if (@toks == 2) {
my ($category) = $name =~ /^(.*?)::.*/;
return $category;
elsif (@toks > 2) {
my ($category) = $name =~ /^.*?::(.*?)::.*/;
return $category;
# Error, category not found
return $self->_log_fatal("brik_category: no Category found for Brik [$name] (invalid format?)");
sub brik_name {
my $self = shift;
my $module = lc($self->brik_class);
$module =~ s/^metabrik:://;
return $module;
sub brik_class {
my $self = shift;
return ref($self) || $self;
sub brik_classes {
my $self = shift;
my $class = $self->brik_class;
my $ary = [ $class ];
my @classes = ();
for my $class (@$ary) {
# We may have Metabrik subclasses from other stuff than Metabrik
next if ($class !~ /^Metabrik/);
push @classes, $class;
return [ reverse @classes ];
sub brik_tags {
my $self = shift;
my $tags = $self->brik_properties->{tags};
my $brik_name = $self->brik_name;
my @auto_tags = split(/::/, $brik_name);
my %uniq = map { $_ => 1 } (@auto_tags, @$tags);
return [ sort { $a cmp $b } keys %uniq ];
sub brik_has_tag {
my $self = shift;
my ($tag) = @_;
if (! defined($tag)) {
return $self->_log_error($self->brik_help_run('brik_has_tag'));
my %h = map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->brik_tags};
if (exists($h{$tag})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Will return all Commands, base, inherited, and own ones.
sub brik_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $commands = { };
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (@$classes) {
#$self->_log_info("brik_commands: class[$class]");
if (exists($class->brik_properties->{commands})) {
for my $command (keys %{$class->brik_properties->{commands}}) {
next unless $command =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Commands always begin with a minuscule
next if $command =~ /^cg[A-Z]/; # Class::Gomor stuff
next if $command =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
next if $command =~ /^(?:a|b|import|new|SUPER::|BEGIN|isa|can|EXPORT|AA|AS|ISA|DESTROY|__ANON__)$/; # Perl stuff
$commands->{$command} = $class->brik_properties->{commands}->{$command};
return $commands;
# Will return only base Commands
sub brik_base_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $commands = { };
for my $command (keys %{Metabrik->brik_properties->{commands}}) {
next unless $command =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Commands always begin with a minuscule
next if $command =~ /^cg[A-Z]/; # Class::Gomor stuff
next if $command =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
next if $command =~ /^(?:a|b|import|new|SUPER::|BEGIN|isa|can|EXPORT|AA|AS|ISA|DESTROY|__ANON__)$/; # Perl stuff
$commands->{$command} = Metabrik->brik_properties->{commands}->{$command};
return $commands;
# Will return only inherited Commands
sub brik_inherited_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $commands = { };
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
my $own_class = ref($self);
for my $class (@$classes) {
next if $class eq 'Metabrik'; # Skip base class Commands
next if $class eq $own_class; # Skip own class Commands
if (exists($class->brik_properties->{commands})) {
for my $command (keys %{$class->brik_properties->{commands}}) {
next unless $command =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Commands always begin with a minuscule
next if $command =~ /^cg[A-Z]/; # Class::Gomor stuff
next if $command =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
next if $command =~ /^(?:a|b|import|new|SUPER::|BEGIN|isa|can|EXPORT|AA|AS|ISA|DESTROY|__ANON__)$/; # Perl stuff
$commands->{$command} = $class->brik_properties->{commands}->{$command};
return $commands;
# Will return only own Commands
sub brik_own_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $commands = { };
if (exists($self->brik_properties->{commands})) {
for my $command (keys %{$self->brik_properties->{commands}}) {
next unless $command =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Commands always begin with a minuscule
next if $command =~ /^cg[A-Z]/; # Class::Gomor stuff
next if $command =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
next if $command =~ /^(?:a|b|import|new|SUPER::|BEGIN|isa|can|EXPORT|AA|AS|ISA|DESTROY|__ANON__)$/; # Perl stuff
$commands->{$command} = $self->brik_properties->{commands}->{$command};
return $commands;
sub brik_has_command {
my $self = shift;
my ($command) = @_;
if (! defined($command)) {
return $self->_log_error($self->brik_help_run('brik_has_command'));
if (exists($self->brik_commands->{$command})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Will return all Attributes, base, inherited, and own ones.
sub brik_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $attributes = { };
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
for my $class (@$classes) {
#$self->_log_info("brik_attributes: class[$class]");
if (exists($class->brik_properties->{attributes})) {
for my $attribute (keys %{$class->brik_properties->{attributes}}) {
next unless $attribute =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Attributes always begin with a minuscule
next if $attribute =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
$attributes->{$attribute} = $class->brik_properties->{attributes}->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
# Will return only base Attributes
sub brik_base_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $attributes = { };
for my $attribute (keys %{Metabrik->brik_properties->{attributes}}) {
next unless $attribute =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Attributes always begin with a minuscule
next if $attribute =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
$attributes->{$attribute} = Metabrik->brik_properties->{attributes}->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
# Will return only inherited Attributes
sub brik_inherited_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $attributes = { };
my $classes = $self->brik_classes;
my $own_class = ref($self);
for my $class (@$classes) {
next if $class eq 'Metabrik'; # Skip base class Attributes
next if $class eq $own_class; # Skip own class Attributes
if (exists($class->brik_properties->{attributes})) {
for my $attribute (keys %{$class->brik_properties->{attributes}}) {
next unless $attribute =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Attributes always begin with a minuscule
next if $attribute =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
$attributes->{$attribute} = $class->brik_properties->{attributes}->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
# Will return only own Attributes
sub brik_own_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $attributes = { };
if (exists($self->brik_properties->{attributes})) {
for my $attribute (keys %{$self->brik_properties->{attributes}}) {
next unless $attribute =~ /^[a-z]/; # Brik Attributes always begin with a minuscule
next if $attribute =~ /^_/; # Internal stuff
$attributes->{$attribute} = $self->brik_properties->{attributes}->{$attribute};
return $attributes;
sub brik_has_attribute {
my $self = shift;
my ($attribute) = @_;
if (! defined($attribute)) {
return $self->_log_error($self->brik_help_run('brik_has_attribute'));
if (exists($self->brik_attributes->{$attribute})) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub brik_has_module {
my $self = shift;
my ($module) = @_;
if (! defined($module)) {
return $self->_log_error($self->brik_help_run('brik_has_module'));
eval("require $module;");
if ($@) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub brik_has_binary {
my $self = shift;
my ($binary) = @_;
if (! defined($binary)) {
return $self->_log_error($self->brik_help_run('brik_has_binary'));
my @path = split(':', $ENV{PATH});
for my $path (@path) {
if (-f "$path/$binary") {
return 1;
return 0;
# brik_preinit() directly runs after new() is run. new() is called on use().
sub brik_preinit {
my $self = shift;
# Do it once.
return $self if $self->preinit_done;
my $r = $self->brik_set_default_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_preinit: brik_set_default_attributes failed");
# We have to put it here, cause brik_use_properties method is called, and
# we want some default attributes to be set defore that (datadir special case)
# brik_preinit method is called by new(), so no problem, it will be checked.
$r = $self->brik_checks;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_preinit: brik_checks failed");
# Now, we can set default Attributes from brik_use_properties, all brik_properties
# Attributes should be inited with defaults.
$r = $self->brik_set_use_default_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_preinit: brik_set_use_default_attributes failed");
return $self;
sub brik_preinit_no_checks {
my $self = shift;
# Do it once.
return $self if $self->preinit_done;
my $r = $self->brik_set_default_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_preinit: brik_set_default_attributes failed");
# Now, we can set default Attributes from brik_use_properties, all brik_properties
# Attributes should be inited with defaults.
$r = $self->brik_set_use_default_attributes;
if (! defined($r)) {
return $self->_log_error("brik_preinit: brik_set_use_default_attributes failed");
return $self;
sub brik_init {
my $self = shift;
return $self->init_done(1);
sub brik_init_no_checks {
my $self = shift;
return $self->init_done(1);
sub brik_self {
my $self = shift;
return $self;
# brik_fini Command is run when core::shell run_exit Command is called
# It itselves call core::context brik_fini Command which loops over all used Briks
sub brik_fini {
my $self = shift;
return $self;
sub brik_help_run_undef_arg {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if (! defined($argument)) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: ".$self->brik_help_run($command));
return 1;
sub brik_help_set_undef_arg {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if (! defined($argument)) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: ".$self->brik_help_set($command));
return 1;
sub brik_help_run_invalid_arg {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument, @values) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
my $ref = ref($argument) || 'SCALAR';
my $values = { map { $_ => 1 } @values };
if (! exists($values->{$ref})) {
my $ok = join(', ', @values);
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: invalid Argument [$argument], must be from [$ok]");
return $ref;
sub brik_help_run_empty_array_arg {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if (ref($argument) ne 'ARRAY') {
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: Argument [$argument] is not an ARRAY");
if (@$argument <= 0) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: ARRAY Argument [$argument] is empty");
return 1;
sub brik_help_run_file_not_found {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if (! -f $argument) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: file Argument [$argument] not found");
return 1;
sub brik_help_run_directory_not_found {
my $self = shift;
my ($command, $argument) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if (! -d $argument) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: directory Argument [$argument] not found");
return 1;
sub brik_help_run_must_be_root {
my $self = shift;
my ($command) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller();
my $brik = lc($package);
$brik =~ s/^metabrik:://;
if ($< != 0) {
return $self->log->error("$brik: $command: must be root to run Command [$command]");
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Metabrik - There is Brik for that.
use base qw(Metabrik);
This is the B<Metabrik> Superclass. Every Brik derives from this one at the very least.
At B<The Metabrik Shell>, just type:
L<get core::global>
At B<The Metabrik Shell>, just type:
L<help core::global>
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item B<brik_properties>
=item B<brik_use_properties>
=item B<new>
=item B<new_from_brik>
=item B<new_from_brik_init>
=item B<new_no_checks>
=item B<new_from_brik_no_checks>
=item B<new_from_brik_init_no_checks>
=item B<brik_self>
=item B<brik_preinit>
=item B<brik_init>
=item B<brik_attributes>
=item B<brik_author>
=item B<brik_category>
=item B<brik_class>
=item B<brik_classes>
=item B<brik_commands>
=item B<brik_license>
=item B<brik_name>
=item B<brik_tags>
=item B<brik_version>
=item B<brik_base_attributes>
=item B<brik_base_commands>
=item B<brik_check_properties>
=item B<brik_check_require_binaries>
=item B<brik_check_require_modules>
=item B<brik_check_use_properties>
=item B<brik_checks>
=item B<brik_create_attributes>
=item B<brik_has_attribute>
=item B<brik_has_binary>
=item B<brik_has_command>
=item B<brik_has_module>
=item B<brik_has_tag>
=item B<brik_help_run>
=item B<brik_help_run_directory_not_found>
=item B<brik_help_run_empty_array_arg>
=item B<brik_help_run_file_not_found>
=item B<brik_help_run_must_be_root>
=item B<brik_help_run_invalid_arg>
=item B<brik_help_run_undef_arg>
=item B<brik_help_set_undef_arg>
=item B<brik_help_set>
=item B<brik_inherited_attributes>
=item B<brik_inherited_commands>
=item B<brik_own_attributes>
=item B<brik_own_commands>
=item B<brik_repository>
=item B<brik_set_default_attributes>
=item B<brik_set_use_default_attributes>
=item B<brik_fini>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of The BSD 3-Clause License.
See LICENSE file in the source distribution archive.
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret