# $Id: metabrik,v 59b28ae3a2c8 2016/10/06 16:11:23 gomor $
use strict;
use FindBin;
@INC = ( "$ENV{HOME}/metabrik/repository/lib", @INC ); # Metabrik personal repository
# for Briks takes precedence
push @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; # Metabrik Perl modules
push @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../../repository/lib"; # Metabrik main repository for Briks
# Everything should be fine now, but we prefer to check anyway.
eval("use Metabrik::Core::Context;");
if ($@) {
die("[F] metabrik: you have to set PERL5LIB environment variable like:\n\n".
'shell$ export PERL5LIB=/path/to/metabrik/core/lib:PERL5LIB='.
"ERROR: $@\n"
# Default values
my %lopts = (
verbose => 2,
debug => 0,
no_splash => 0,
rc => $ENV{HOME}."/.metabrik_rc",
script_rc => $ENV{HOME}."/.metabrik_script_rc",
"script=s" => \$lopts{script},
"rc=s" => \$lopts{rc},
"script-rc=s" => \$lopts{script_rc},
"verbose=i" => \$lopts{verbose},
"debug=i" => \$lopts{debug},
"no-splash" => \$lopts{no_splash},
) or usage();
my $con = Metabrik::Core::Context->new;
or die("[F] metabrik: context init: failed\n");
$con->set('core::log', 'level', $lopts{verbose});
$con->set('core::log', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->set('core::context', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->set('core::shell', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->set('core::global', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
if (defined($lopts{script})) {
if ($con->is_available('shell::script')) {
if (-f $lopts{script_rc}) {
if ($con->is_available('shell::rc')) {
or die("[F] metabrik: use: shell::rc: failed\n");
$con->set('shell::rc', 'input', $ENV{HOME}."/.metabrik_script_rc");
$con->set('shell::rc', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->run('shell::rc', 'load_and_execute')
or die("[F] metabrik: run: shell::rc: load_and_execute: failed\n");
else {
print("[!] metabrik: script-rc: shell::rc: Brik not found, cannot use it\n");
else {
print("[!] metabrik: script-rc: shell::rc: file not found: $lopts{script_rc}\n");
or die("[F] metabrik: use: shell::script: failed\n");
$con->set('shell::script', 'input', $lopts{script});
$con->set('shell::script', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->run('shell::script', 'load_and_execute')
or die("[F] metabrik: run: shell::script: load_and_execute: failed\n");
else {
die("[F] metabrik: script: shell::script: Brik not available, cannot use it\n");
elsif ($con->is_available('shell::rc')) {
or die("[F] metabrik: use: shell::rc: failed\n");
$con->set('shell::rc', 'input', $lopts{rc});
$con->set('shell::rc', 'debug', $lopts{debug});
$con->run('shell::rc', 'load_and_execute')
or die("[F] metabrik: run: shell::rc: load_and_execute: failed\n");
else {
print("[!] metabrik: rc: shell::rc: Brik not found, cannot use it\n");
unless ($lopts{no_splash}) {
$con->run('core::shell', 'splash')
or die("[F] metabrik: run: core::shell: splash: failed\n");
$con->run('core::shell', 'cmdloop');
sub usage {
Usage: metabrik [options]
--rc <file> use specified rc file (default: ~/.metabrik_rc)
--no-splash don't print the splash screen
--verbose <0|1|2|3> verbosity level (default: 2)
--debug <0|1> enable debugging (default: 0)
--script <file> execute given script
--script-rc <file> use specified script rc file (default: ~/.metabrik_script_rc)