use strict;
use FB3;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Cwd qw(cwd abs_path);
use utf8;
my ($Help, $Force, $In, $Out, $CutChars, $XsdPath, $ImagesPath, $ImageFileName, $WorkType);
my $r = GetOptions(
'help|h' => \$Help,
'force|f' => \$Force,
'in|i=s' => \$In,
'out|o=s' => \$Out,
'chars|c=i' => \$CutChars,
'xsd|x=s' => \$XsdPath, # optional
'imagespath|p=s' => \$ImagesPath,
'type|t=s' => \$WorkType,
help() if $Help;
unless ($In and $Out) {
print "\nrequired params 'in'/'out' not defined\n";
if ($ImagesPath) {
die "Path $ImagesPath not found\n" unless -d $ImagesPath;
$ImagesPath = $ImagesPath.'/' if $ImagesPath !~ /\/$/;
my $InTrial; #мы внутри триалки
if ( not $WorkType ) {
$WorkType = 'trial';
} elsif ( $WorkType !~ /^(trial|output)$/ ) {
print "\nparams 'type' must be trial|output\n";
use constant {
my $Blocks = qr/^(p|subtitle|ol|ul|pre|table|poem|blockquote|div|subscription)$/;
use constant {
our $Validator = FB3::Validator->new( $XsdPath );
my $Finish;
my $CharsProcessed = 0;
my %ImageHash;
my %HrefHash;
my %IdHash;
my %NoteHash;
my %NoteIdHash;
my $TmpDir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $FB3TmpDir = $TmpDir.'/unzipped_'.File::Basename::basename($In);
my $UnzipMessage = `/usr/bin/unzip -o -d $FB3TmpDir $In 2>&1`;
die "Unzipping fb3 error: $UnzipMessage" if $?;
my $FB3Package = FB3->new( from_dir => $FB3TmpDir );
my $FB3Body = $FB3Package->Body;
my $BodyXML = $FB3Body->Content;
my $Parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $BodyDoc = $Parser->load_xml( string => $BodyXML, huge => 1 );
my $RootNode = $BodyDoc->getDocumentElement();
my $XPC = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($RootNode);
$XPC->registerNs('fb', &NS_FB3_BODY);
$XPC->registerNs('fbd', &NS_FB3_DESCRIPTION);
my $CharsFull;
if ($WorkType eq 'trial') {
$CharsFull = length($RootNode->textContent);
foreach my $TrialOnlyNode ($XPC->findnodes('/fb:fb3-body/fb:section[@output="trial-only"]',$RootNode)) {
$CharsFull -= (length($TrialOnlyNode->textContent) || 0);
$CutChars ||= DEFAULT_TRIAL_PERCENT * 0.01 * $CharsFull;
} elsif ($WorkType eq 'output') {
$BodyDoc->toFile($FB3Body->PhysicalName, 0);
if ($WorkType eq 'trial') {
my $CharsTrial = length($RootNode->textContent);
my $FB3Descr = $FB3Package->Meta;
my $DescrXML = $FB3Descr->Content;
my $DescrDoc = $Parser->load_xml( string => $DescrXML, huge => 1 );
my $DescrNode = $DescrDoc->getDocumentElement();
if ( my $FragNode = $XPC->findnodes("/fbd:fb3-description/fbd:fb3-fragment", $DescrDoc)->[0] ) {
my $FB3FragmentNode = $DescrDoc->createElement('fb3-fragment');
$FB3FragmentNode->setAttribute('full_length', $CharsFull);
$FB3FragmentNode->setAttribute('fragment_length', $CharsTrial);
$DescrDoc->toFile($FB3Descr->PhysicalName, 0);
die "Empty body in result file" unless scalar @{$XPC->findnodes("/fb:fb3-body/fb:section", $RootNode)};
ZipFolder("$FB3TmpDir/", $Out);
if ( my $ValidationError = $Validator->Validate($Out) ) {
unless ($Force) {
unlink $Out;
die "Validation error: $ValidationError";
sub CollectElementStat {
my $Node = shift || return;
#быстрее, чем //xpath
for my $ChildNode ($Node->childNodes) {
next if $ChildNode->nodeName eq '#text';
$ImageHash{$ChildNode->getAttribute('src')} = 1 if $ChildNode->nodeName eq 'img';
$NoteHash{$ChildNode->getAttribute('href')} = 1 if $ChildNode->nodeName eq 'note';
if (my $Id = $ChildNode->getAttribute('id')) {
if ($ChildNode->nodeName eq 'notebody') {
$NoteIdHash{$Id} = 1;
} else {
$IdHash{$Id} = 1;
if ($ChildNode->nodeName eq 'a') {
my $Href = $ChildNode->getAttribute('xlink:href');
$HrefHash{$Href} = 1 if ($Href and $Href =~ s/^#//);
sub ProceedNodeOut {
my $Node = shift || return;
#актуален только первый уровень section
for my $ChildNode ($Node->childNodes) {
next unless $ChildNode->nodeName eq 'section';
my $Output = $ChildNode->getAttribute('output');
$ChildNode->unbindNode() if ($Output and $Output eq 'trial-only');
sub ProceedNodeTrial {
my $Node = shift || return;
my $ImmortalBranch = shift || 0; # не убивать потомков
my $NodeName = $Node->nodeName;
if ($NodeName eq '#text') {
$CharsProcessed += length($Node->nodeValue);
$Node->unbindNode() if ($Finish && !$ImmortalBranch);
my $OuterImmortal;
if ($NodeName eq 'section') {
if ( #обрабатываем логику атрибута 'output' #только внешние section
$Node->parentNode->nodeName eq 'fb3-body'
&& defined $Node->getAttribute('output')
) {
my $SectionOutput = $Node->getAttribute('output');
if ($SectionOutput eq 'payed') { #пропускаем ноду и забываем
return $Node;
if ($SectionOutput eq 'trial' || $SectionOutput eq 'trial-only') { #всегда бессмертны
$OuterImmortal = 1;
$ImmortalBranch = 1;
$InTrial = 1 if $WorkType eq 'trial'; #работаем триалку и зашли внутрь нее
} elsif ($InTrial) { #триалка закончилась, ну и хорош
$InTrial = 0;
$Finish = 1;
$Node->setAttribute('first-char-pos', $CharsProcessed+1);
} elsif ($NodeName eq 'title' && ($Node->parentNode->nodeName eq 'section' || $Node->parentNode->nodeName eq 'notes')) { # заголовок секции, пригодится
$ImmortalBranch = 1;
} elsif ( $NodeName eq 'img' && (!$Finish || $ImmortalBranch) ) {
my $ImgSrc = $Node->getAttribute('src');
$ImageHash{$ImgSrc} = 1 if $ImgSrc;
} elsif ( $NodeName eq 'note' && (!$Finish || $ImmortalBranch) ) {
my $NoteHref = $Node->getAttribute('href');
$NoteHash{$NoteHref} = 1 if $NoteHref;
} elsif ($NodeName eq 'notebody') {
if (!$NoteHash{$Node->getAttribute('id')}) {
} else {
$ImmortalBranch = 1;
for my $ChildNode ($Node->childNodes) {
if ($ChildNode->nodeName =~ /$Blocks/) {
if ( ($CharsProcessed + length($ChildNode->textContent)) >= $CutChars ) {
$Finish = 1;
ProceedNodeTrial($ChildNode, $ImmortalBranch);
if ($NodeName eq 'section') {
my @SectionChildren = $Node->nonBlankChildNodes;
$Node->setAttribute('clipped', 'true') if $Finish && !$OuterImmortal;
if (scalar @SectionChildren == 0 || (scalar @SectionChildren == 1 && $SectionChildren[0]->nodeName eq 'title')
|| (scalar @SectionChildren == 2 && $SectionChildren[0]->nodeName eq 'title' && ($SectionChildren[1]->nodeName eq 'epigraph' || $SectionChildren[1]->nodeName eq 'annotation'))
) { # проверка, что в секции нет ничего кроме заголовка
$SectionChildren[1]->unbindNode() if ($SectionChildren[1] && ($SectionChildren[1]->nodeName eq 'epigraph' || $SectionChildren[1]->nodeName eq 'annotation'));
my $ClippedNode = XML::LibXML::Element->new('clipped');
if ($NodeName eq 'image') {
$ImageFileName = $Node->getAttribute('href');
$ImageFileName =~ s/^#//;
# Если нет, то игнорируем, потому что мы уже получили триал и теперь уже работаем с ним
if ( -f $ImagesPath.$ImageFileName ) {
my ($x, $y) = imgsize($ImagesPath.$ImageFileName);
$CharsProcessed += 200 if ($x && $y && $x >= 100 && $y >= 100);
if ( $Finish && !$ImmortalBranch && (!$Node->firstChild || Trim(InNode($Node)) eq '') ) {
$Node->unbindNode(); # если нет потомков - рубим.
return $Node;
sub InNode {
my $Node = shift;
join "",map {$_->toString} $Node->childNodes;
sub Trim {
my $Str = shift;
$Str =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
$Str =~ s/^\s+//g;
$Str =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $Str;
sub NReplace {
my $Node = shift;
my $Parent = $Node->parentNode();
my $Clone = $BodyDoc->createElement($Parent->nodeName());
foreach ($Parent->getAttributes) {
$Clone->setAttribute($_->nodeName => $_->value);
foreach my $PNode ($Parent->childNodes()) {
if ($PNode == $Node) {
foreach ($PNode->childNodes) {
sub CleanLinks {
my $FB3Body = shift;
foreach my $Id (keys %NoteIdHash) {
next if exists $NoteHash{$Id};
my $Ids = $XPC->findnodes('/fb:fb3-body/fb:notes/fb:notebody[@id="'.$Id.'"]');
foreach my $NodeIds (@$Ids) {
#остальные ноды
foreach my $Id (keys %IdHash) {
next if exists $HrefHash{$Id};
my $Ids = $XPC->findnodes('//*[@id="'.$Id.'"]');
foreach my $NodeIds (@$Ids) {
next if $NodeIds->nodeName() eq 'section';
next if $NodeIds->nodeName() eq 'notebody';
if ($NodeIds->nodeName eq 'span') {
} else {
delete $IdHash{$Id};
foreach my $Href (keys %HrefHash) {
next if exists $IdHash{$Href};
my $Hrefs = $XPC->findnodes('//fb:a[@xlink:href="#'.$Href.'"]');
foreach my $NodeHrefs (@$Hrefs) {
if ($NodeHrefs->getAttribute('id')) {
delete $HrefHash{$Href};
sub CleanNotes {
my $Node = $XPC->findnodes("/fb:fb3-body/fb:notes",$RootNode)->[0];
return unless $Node;
my @NotesChildren = $Node->nonBlankChildNodes;
if ( scalar @NotesChildren == 0
|| (scalar @NotesChildren == 1 && $NotesChildren[0]->nodeName eq 'title')
|| (scalar @NotesChildren == 2 && $NotesChildren[0]->nodeName eq 'title' && $NotesChildren[1]->nodeName eq 'epigraph')
) {
sub CleanImages {
my $FB3 = shift;
my $FB3Body = $FB3->Body;
my %TrialImageFiles;
my @FilePathes;
# иногда так случается, что в исходном FB3 нет обложки
my $cover = eval { $FB3->Cover->PhysicalName };
# следующая строка чтобы не удалить обложку
$TrialImageFiles{$cover} = 1 if $cover;
my @ImagesAll = $FB3Body->Relations(type => RELATION_TYPE_FB3_IMAGES);
foreach (@ImagesAll) { # эта картинка сохранилась в триалке
my $NewPart = $FB3->Part( $_->{TargetFullName} );
my $FullPath = $NewPart->PhysicalName;
push (@FilePathes, $FullPath);
if ($ImageHash{$_->{Id}}) {
$TrialImageFiles{$FullPath} = 1; # Нужный файлик, запомним.
} else {
$FB3Body->RemoveRelations( id => $_->{Id} );
foreach (@FilePathes) {
unlink $_ unless $TrialImageFiles{$_};
return 1;
sub ZipFolder {
my ($SourceFileName, $TargetFileName, @first) = @_;
open my $FH, '>', "$TargetFileName";
close $FH;
my $fn_abs = abs_path("$TargetFileName");
unlink "$TargetFileName";
my $old_dir = cwd();
chdir "$SourceFileName";
my $cmd = "zip -Xr9Dq $fn_abs " . join(' ', @first) . " *";
my $CmdResult = `$cmd`;
warn $CmdResult if $CmdResult;
chdir $old_dir if $old_dir;
sub help {
print qq{
USAGE: cutfb3.pl --in <input.file> --out <output.file> [options]
--chars|c : maximum caracters in trial fragment. default is @{[DEFAULT_TRIAL_PERCENT]}% of text.
--imagespath : /path/to/fb3/images
--type|t : type of work `trial' or `output'. default is `trial'
--help|h : print this text