#!perl -w
use strict;
=head1 NAME
CRL.t - test the CRL in a various way.
my $webserver = App::CamelPKI->model("WebServer")->apache;
if ($webserver->is_installed_and_has_perl_support && $webserver->is_operational) {
plan tests => 2;
} else {
plan skip_all => "Apache is not insalled or Key Ceremnoy has not been done !";
$webserver->start(); END { $webserver->stop(); }
my $port = $webserver->https_port();
my ($CAcert, $CAkey) = App::CamelPKI->model("CA")->make_admin_credentials;
test "CRL in plain text" => sub {
my $response = call_remote
-certificate => $CAcert, -key => $CAkey);
like($response, qr/-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----/);
like($response, qr/-----END X509 CRL-----/);
skip "Not implemented", 1 if 1;
test "CRL in DER Format" => sub {
#TODO : code the test