#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
=head1 NAME
01-apprentissage-JSONRPC.t - Test to execute invocations of remote
procedure calls on Camel-PKI with PHP and JSON.
All the code is in the .php file which has nearly the same name
in the same directory. The current file is only here to automate tests.
use App::CamelPKI::Test qw(create_camel_pki_conf_php run_php_script);
my $webserver = App::CamelPKI->model("WebServer")->apache;
if ($webserver->is_installed_and_has_perl_support && $webserver->is_operational
&& App::CamelPKI::Test->is_php_cli_present) {
plan tests => 1;
} else {
plan skip_all => "Apache (and/or mod_perl) or php-cli is not insalled or Key Ceremony has not been done !";
$webserver->start(); END { $webserver->stop(); }
my $hello = run_php_script("01-apprentissage-JSONRPC.php");
like($hello, qr/Hello, Jeremie Klein !/, "Wanted answer found !")
or warn $webserver->tail_error_logfile;