#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
=head1 NAME
acceptance-issue-certificates.t - Launch acceptance-issue-certificates.php
C<acceptance-issue-certificates.php> generates certificates using a
JSON-RPC call, and print them to the standard output, just like
C<../acceptance-issue-certificates.t> does in Perl. This Perl script
checks that the PHP code actually works.
use App::CamelPKI::Test qw(create_camel_pki_conf_php run_php_script);
my $webserver = App::CamelPKI->model("WebServer")->apache;
if ($webserver->is_installed_and_has_perl_support && $webserver->is_operational
&& App::CamelPKI::Test->is_php_cli_present) {
plan tests => 2;
} else {
plan skip_all => "Apache (and/or mod_perl) or php-cli is not insalled or Key Ceremnoy has not been done !";
$webserver->start(); END { $webserver->stop(); }
my $hello = run_php_script("acceptance-issue-certificates.php");
unlike($hello, qr/require_once/,
"not interested in the PHP source code :-)");
like($hello, qr/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/, "got a certificate in the answer !")
or diag $webserver->tail_error_logfile;