package Acme::Boolean;
our $VERSION = '0.2';
# ABSTRACT: There is more then one way to be true.
use strict;
use boolean ':all';
use base 'Exporter';
no strict 'refs';
my @true = map {
*{"$_"} = \&true;
} qw(verifiable trusty accurate actual appropriate authentic authoritative correct dependable direct exact factual fitting genuine honest indubitable kosher lawful legal legitimate natural normal perfect precise proper pure regular right rightful sincere straight trustworthy truthful typical undeniable undesigning undoubted unerring unfaked unfeigned unquestionable veracious veridical veritable wash);
my @false = map {
*{$_} = \&false;
} qw(untrue wrong incorrect errorneous fallacious untruthful nah apocryphal beguiling bogus casuistic concocted counterfactual deceitful deceiving delusive dishonest distorted erroneous ersatz fake fanciful faulty fictitious fishy fraudulent illusive imaginary improper inaccurate inexact invalid lying mendacious misleading misrepresentative mistaken phony sham sophistical specious spurious unfounded unreal unsound);
my @ad = map {
*{$_} = sub($) { shift; };
} qw(so totally very definitely);
our @EXPORT = (qw(true false), @ad, @true, @false);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(isTrue isFalse isBoolean);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
default => [@EXPORT],
all => [@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]
=head1 NAME
Acme::Boolean - There is more then one way to be true.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.2
To be more literalistic:
use Acme::Boolean;
$decision = correct if verifiable;
sub do_me_a_favor {
This module provides a lot of words for you to express from the very
trustful to the toally errorneous;
=head2 TRUE
These words can be used to refer to a true value:
verifiable trusty accurate actual appropriate authentic authoritative
correct dependable direct exact factual fitting genuine honest
indubitable kosher lawful legal legitimate natural normal perfect
precise proper pure regular right rightful sincere straight trustworthy
truthful typical undeniable undesigning undoubted unerring unfaked
unfeigned unquestionable veracious veridical veritable wash
=head2 FALSE
And these words are false values:
untrue wrong incorrect errorneous fallacious untruthful nah apocryphal
beguiling bogus casuistic concocted counterfactual deceitful deceiving
delusive dishonest distorted erroneous ersatz fake fanciful faulty
fictitious fishy fraudulent illusive imaginary improper inaccurate
inexact invalid lying mendacious misleading misrepresentative
mistaken phony sham sophistical specious spurious unfounded unreal
=head2 Adjectives
Optionally it's possible to say it more nicely:
$that = so correct;
(I wish I could alias "is" to "=" in that statement.)
Or you can:
return very wrong;
In your lovely sub.
At this moment you can use these adjectives in front of any of those
true/false vocabularies: so totally very definitely.
=head2 SEE ALSO
L<boolean>, the plain version of this module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kang-min Liu <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Kang-min Liu.
This is free software, licensed under:
The MIT (X11) License