#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use File::Temp ();
use File::Temp qw/ :seekable /;
use Hijk;
my $fh = File::Temp->new();
my $fd = do {
local $/ = undef;
my $data = "4\r\nWiki\r\n5\r\npedia\r\ne\r\n in\r\n\r\nchunks.\r\n0\r\n";
my $msg = join(
'HTTP/1.1 200 OK',
'Last-Modified: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:41:47 GMT',
'ETag: "4b9d0211dd8a2819866bccff777af225"',
'Content-Type: text/html',
'Server: Example',
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked',
'Trailer: Date',
'non-sence: ' . 'a' x 20000,
'Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:10:28 GMT',
print $fh $msg;
$fh->seek(0, 0);
my (undef, $proto, $status, $head, $body) = Hijk::_read_http_message($fd, 10240, undef, 1, 1);
is $status, 200;
is $body, "Wikipedia in\r\n\r\nchunks.";
is_deeply $head, [
"Last-Modified" => "Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:41:47 GMT",
"ETag" => '"4b9d0211dd8a2819866bccff777af225"',
"Content-Type" => "text/html",
"Server" => "Example",
"Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked",
'Trailer' => 'Date',
'non-sence' => 'a' x 20000,
# fetch again without seeking back
# this will force select() to return because there are actually
# 0 bytes to read - so we can simulate connection closed
# from the other end of the socket (like expired keep-alive)
(undef, $proto, $status, $head, $body, my $error, my $error_message) = Hijk::_read_http_message($fd, 10240);
is $error, Hijk::Error::RESPONSE_BAD_READ_VALUE;
like $error_message, qr/0 byte/;